raimac123 Member


  • Yes that is very possible! Like I said, if you are concerned about eating to little, try adding in a snack. Preferably something you enjoy so it'll feel like more of a treat than a forced meal. You may feel satisfied with what you're eating now, but there's no way you will thwart your weight loss efforts by meeting 1200…
  • I chose not to read all the comments so not sure if someone said this yet lol but Victoria Secret has no show thongs which I love. They're like spandexy or something, they kinda feel like workout pants. Also, if u don't want thongs Victoria Secret also has mini cheekster style undies which are basically thongs plus a…
  • I feel like everyone has a right to workout in the space. If you establish a space to work, as long as you are not blocking machines or weights, you should be fine. My gym buddy and I have established what we call a p90x corner which is just a section of the gym void of equipment that we use for plyos or interval training…
  • Also. Good luck! The world needs more women that lift :)
  • I would argue that women can benefit from a different training program than men. Simply because MOST women have different goals in terms of areas we want to be lean and areas we want to build. A beginner could benefit from any of the above programs (I started with 5*5 and would suggest trying as long as you start by…
  • THIS. I would say you can lose about 6-10 pounds in this time. That's only if you are coming off of eating not so well and very little exercise. In other words, if you have not been working our or eating very well and you start now there will probably a sort of whoosh of weight loss, mostly water. This could be anywhere…
  • You will not enter starvation mode at around 1200 calories. But under that could be detrimental in the long term. I would try adding in a high calorie snack (protein bar, rice cake with nut butter, fruit etc). OR just add a little more to your meals. Sometimes it might feel a little forced but it shouldn't get to the point…