Roll with me Henry by Laverne Baker. Just discovered this blues artist becasue of a podcase about cultural appropriation.
Hey! 47 here. Been athletic my whole life, and got derailed by a back Injury last spring. Went from daily exercise (boxing, Jiu Jitsu, Weight training, hiking, running) to barely being able to bend over. 24 monthes later I am weak, 30 pounds heavier (I was used to being able to eat whatever I want because of my activity…
Pt is a Caucasian, middle aged male. Naked people don't even make me blink.
Looks like a guy I work with.
Shorts over spats is what most BJJ guys wear. They prevent chafing when grappling. I have no idea why someone who is not doing contact sports would wear that to the gym. I'd say wear something comfortable and functional? Avoid the "diaper pant" and string tanks circa 1992 that some older body builders seem to favour…
She died while sky diving, strapped tandem and naked to Ryan Reynolds while eating chocolate
Totally fine.
There was one who used to be on here monthes ago, he took down his account and we now communicate outside of this site. Alas, he lives very far away, but we have a cool friendship regardless.
I get Zoey Dechanel and Katie Perry pretty much Daily.
well today was a good day. Mentally stopped myself from being snappy and critical x2.
there is a thread for that...where do you think those women hang out??
more like a bad reality show haha.
There is core group of viscious "mean housewives" on the boards. I'm trying to learn to not have knee jerk reactions to their posts. They're probably unhappy, and I see what I fear in that, and lash back, which is the least productive thing to do ever, and really don't make me feel better anyway. Need to master the art of…
Yeah it does. I feel like that often as well. Exercise helps. I injured my back at work and I've had to Curtail a lot of my training in the last week. It's getting better and I'm thankful for that, but when I can't exercise like I want it messes with my head and I find myself getting more negative. Nobody is sunshine and…
Well it's not that I'm going to start being lovey dovey, it's more restraining myself from rudeness and judgement. Mostly because when I'm more likely to be that way it's because I'm feeling bad about myself. People with high self-esteem don't go around crapping on others.
I think it helps to just remeber that everyone has a story. Doesn't mean you have to befriend her, or like how she is, but the perspective makes it easier to let go. Besides, nobody is perfect
Well I do care. Not about everything or everyone but I try to be a good human being and that means having a modicum of respect for my fellow human beings. But I agree
Yes. I'm trying too consciously have that honest conversation with myself. I find myself often belittling people who dont stick to workout plans, because deep down I fear my own failure as such.
because you need to lift weights in order to change your body composition. You're getting "skinnyfat" if all you're doing is dieting and cardio.
For many people, myself included daily exercise is considered basic maintenance and self-care. Similar to taking a shower or brushing your teeth. When you miss a day you don't feel right. Exercise is not something I do as an extra thing when I have time. It is a part of my daily routine and I don't like to miss it.
you first
Get over here...
best lip gloss :)
1993 ;)
More atheletes suffer permenant damage from hockey and football and soccer, yet we allow our kids to play those sports. Oh, and not an opinion thread.
46 here. Im not trying to lose weight but I've been into fitness for years and I'm happy to help.