heavy weightlifting is the way to go. do a mix of powerlifting, olympic weight lifting and bodybuilding exercises. for example, here is one of my squat and shoulder day program: - snatch high pull doubles (6x1, ascending weight every other set) - superset bb back pause squat (to 1rm, 3 sec hold) with front rack iso hold…
heavy weight lifting. a mix of powerlifting, olympic weightlifting and bodybuilding is what i recommend (because it's what i do).
squats and deadlifts should make about 80% of your booty work. they are so so important because they are compound exercises. going very heavy during your squats and deadlifts are ideal. i also recommend doing some accessory work for your lower body to help with your heavier lifts. some example are glute ham raises, db…
triceps - tricep pushdown, tricep dips, overhead db tricep extension, skull crushers etc., biceps - db hammercurls, bb bicep curls etc., shoulders - db shoulder press, bb upright row, reverse pec deck, front and lateral raises etc., about 3-4 sets and 8-12 rep range. if you want anymore types of weight lifting exercises…
heavy weightlifting while eating in a caloric surplus will help you get stronger, build muscle and grow your booty back. i do a mix of powerlifting, olympic weightlifting and bodybuilding, so i definitely recommend doing a combination of those as well. if you would like to know what my programming is just shoot me an email.
having 5 squat racks with deadlifting platforms, 4 bench press stations and all the db in the world. plus it's barely busy.
corsets and waist trainers are a waste of time and money. they are not long term solutions. a healthy diet with heavy weight lifting are the way to go. if you want that hourglass shape, build up your lats and glutes (it will give the illusion of a small waist) by doing lat pulldowns, db rows, squats and deadlifts (plus…
voodoo flossing, foam rolling and stretching.
top 3: 1. cellucor c4 2. pescience high volume 3. creatine i like to mix them sometimes to make a little cocktail, but i don't use them everyday because i don't want my body to depend on pre-workouts. only on days when i feel like a zombie.
if you want to do it at home i recommend dbs and olympic bb with bumper plates and collars. squat racks and deadlift platforms. also a bench press too but it will be quite expensive.
i have no idea. i love my oly lifts.
i started with 115lbs and eventually have now worked up to 250lbs for deadlifts. for squats i started at 115lbs too and now do 180lbs. make sure you get you form down before adding weight.
heavy squats and deadlifts with some leg accessory work (like bb hip thrust, cable kickbacks, db split squat etc) should help build up those glutes and hammies.
i definitely recommend doing a mix of powerlifting, olympic lifting and bodybuilding. combining all three into a program can really help build up your muscles. but remember, in order to get stronger and build muscle you must be eating in a caloric surplus.
barbell apparel make jeans specifically for problems like that. they are pricey but save up for it because they are definitely worth it.
540 minutes a week. only heavy weight lifting. i combine powerlifting, olympic lifting and bodybuilding to make a well rounded program. weight lifting for females is the best possible thing you can do to build up your metabolism and cut fat down.