Butt Exercises. Are they necessary?



  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Squats and deadlifts will indeed help your butt grow if you're just looking for general improvement (provided your eating at a calorie surplus; if in a deficit, it will help you maintain what you have).

    If you're trying to REALLY target them and feel like you're lacking, then yes, I'd do work that targets the glutes with a higher activation. As another poster mentioned, squats and deadlifts do activate the glutes, but there are other exercises that hit the glutes harder. Do both.
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    squats and deadlifts are by far my favorite but I throw in a lot of extra moves for my booty and its bubblier and firmer than its been in 8 years! once every other week I devote a day to bodyweight lower body moves (I call it my cardio hehe) and do tons of squat variations (plie, sumo, pulsing, jump.squats, etc) walking lunges and walking squats around my extra large yard, box jumps, burpees, ect. also on leg day I do dumbell split squats, calf raises (if you want to work on grip strength, add your calf raises to your last rep of deadlift each set!) kettelbell swings, hip thrusts, and farmers walk. I do other random moves but those are.the main ones I use for leg day 2x week :-)
  • LolaKarwowski
    LolaKarwowski Posts: 217 Member
    terar21 wrote: »
    Squats and deadlifts will indeed help your butt grow if you're just looking for general improvement (provided your eating at a calorie surplus; if in a deficit, it will help you maintain what you have).

    If you're trying to REALLY target them and feel like you're lacking, then yes, I'd do work that targets the glutes with a higher activation. As another poster mentioned, squats and deadlifts do activate the glutes, but there are other exercises that hit the glutes harder. Do both.

    And this is what I will do. Thanks y'all!! :)

  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    terar21 wrote: »
    Squats and deadlifts will indeed help your butt grow if you're just looking for general improvement (provided your eating at a calorie surplus; if in a deficit, it will help you maintain what you have).

    If you're trying to REALLY target them and feel like you're lacking, then yes, I'd do work that targets the glutes with a higher activation. As another poster mentioned, squats and deadlifts do activate the glutes, but there are other exercises that hit the glutes harder. Do both.

    And this is what I will do. Thanks y'all!! :)

    I started doing these for a different reason, but doing DB step-ups with a box that has your thigh parallel to the ground actually gets a considerable amount of glute activation through hip extension, not to mention most people will find that if you vary them in the different planes of motion you'll improve your general movement as well.
  • _sambamm
    _sambamm Posts: 16 Member
    squats and deadlifts should make about 80% of your booty work. they are so so important because they are compound exercises. going very heavy during your squats and deadlifts are ideal. i also recommend doing some accessory work for your lower body to help with your heavier lifts. some example are glute ham raises, db split squat, walking lunges, leg press, bb hip thrusts etc.,