klbidder Member


  • I wear a full face of make up to work etc. so wear it quite a lot. I wouldn't bother if I was going to the gym in the morning, I'd go.. then have a swim.. after the shower I'll apply my face. It's so bad for your skin and clogs it up especially if you're sweating.. That said if I was to workout on an evening I'd probably…
  • It's so good knowing so many people go through and feel the same, definitely makes you feel better.. I'm glad you know you can do it! That's the motivation I need to give myself!
  • The past week I had been eating breakfast every day, the past two I didn't have chance so that most likely hasn't helped. My parents have been away the week giving me chance to use the kitchen to try and prepare good food but I'm just picking them up from the station now and my mum's text me saying they're getting Mrs…
  • Sorry to be inappropriate but I'm due on today/tomorrow.. I'm thinking that might be why? Does anyone else get this?
  • I started using this app just over a week ago, I had been doing so well with my eating up until two days ago! If I can't even hack a week can I do this as a lifestyle change?? Definitely losing motivation at the moment!
  • If this is true I should be okay. I went 7 hours without one yesterday because I was too busy at work. I want to quit and save money doing so but on the other hand I enjoy it too much.. Well done for quitting! Still going strong or do you still get cravings? how strange though with the weight gain, I've never heard of…
    in Smoking Comment by klbidder August 2015
  • Bristol here :smile:
    in UK Comment by klbidder August 2015
  • A couple from midlands! I'm finding most people on here are from America! I'd like to find a more local buddy to get me in gear!
    in UK Comment by klbidder August 2015
  • Amazing! Maybe that explains things for me haha I've heard the "dad-bod" is in fashion and hot !! This is very sound advice. Thank you
  • I was suprised to wake up to these responses this morning, everyone's support has already motivated me today!
  • Yes! I think I'm doing this more for increasing my moods rather than the weight loss per say. You can do this to!
  • Yeah it's crazy! I'm used to having big portions from when I used to do a lot of exercise but I don't do any now and still have big plates so obviously have started piling it on