Who has MyFitnessPal premium? Is it worth paying for?
Anyone here from good ol' Britain?
Arm toning
The main area I'd like to tone up is my upper arms (a problem area for many apparently) What exercises can I do to achieve this? I'd love them to be tighter! P.s looking for mfp buddies you're welcome to add!
looking for a fitness buddy!
I'm 21 and work full time on a Rota basis. I'm looking for someone with similar goals and lifestyle as me to help push each other along the way. I'm trying to ease myself into good eating habits before joining the gym or working out from home and getting into exercise every day. I have a 2000 calories a day goal. Anyone on…
Seriously demotivated right now
I started using this app just over a week ago and its really been helping.. I'd been doing so well up until two days ago! Now I'm starting to doubt myself. If I can't hack over a week how can I make this a lifestyle change?!
Okay so I'm sure I'm not the only one but whenever boredom strikes I will reach to the fridge to find something to munch on even if I'm not hungry or I'll roll and smoke a cigarette even though I don't fancy one. I'm trying to cut down/quit smoking but I'm worried it means I'll reach to the fridge more if I get bored…
I work different shifts all the time. Since starting to eat healthy and watch my diet I've been on late shifts. Today I was on my first early and I got straight out of bed and went to work without breakfast.. I've been craving food all day and now I'm finally home I'm binging!! Am I allowed one cheat day a week or will…
Avoiding reality a bit here..
I used to be really fit and active, and I mean really fit and active. I did gymnastics, went to cadets so did a lot of strength and cardio, studied physical subjects and school etc etc but this was a good two years ago. Now I'm putting off getting back into exercise in fear of seeing how much my ability has declined. I…
Breaking past the first wall.
I'm pretty sure this is a feeling or a story you can all emphasise with.. You're noticing a decline in fitness which correlates with a decline in mood, confidence and how you feel about yourself. You keep making promises to get active, start a diet and do those 100 crunches the second you get out of bed. But let's be…