mrsgreen5686 Member


  • I can't relax I go to disney world in less than 3 weeks the food there is immense. I never over indulge on non fast days I always eat between 1200 and 1709 my TDEE is 2200 so it's defo nit that. Don't know what else to try other than a 3rd fast. Since this post I lost 0.7lb so that's a result for me. Let's hope it keeps…
  • Thank you I feel like I have plateuxed and need to up my game a bit. Thinking about doing 3 fast days a week until I go. See how I get on with that. I can't exercise anymore I already practically live in the gym
  • Yes yes it does I don't even feel like I'm particularly trying hard either. If I'm hungry I eat if I'm not I won't. It's great I love it :)
  • I started out with 3 meals a day after my first couple of weeks I now have lunch and dinner. No breakfast. I find breakfast seems to come and go so quickly so like yesterday I wasn't feeling particularly hungry at lunch time either so just had some ham to tide me through toll I got back from the gym. Then I had chicken and…
  • Yes is the short answer super weird. I have been the same today super super Hungry all day can't wait for tea tomorrow beef curry with onion bhaji and poppadoms. Can't wait!! Well done for not giving in xxx
  • Thanks I already did Monday as a fast day and just completed today's fast day with probably having 550 calories but I've been to the gym and burnt off a few hundred so not sweating over the extra 50 calories eaten xx
  • I also find myself struggling to eat on non fast days breakfast I either throw a slim fast shake down my neck or a banana something quick and easy. But some days I just don't bother at all like flumi_f said just leave the calories until later on. Although having breakfast does start off your metabolism quicker and sets it…
  • I got straight back om track the day after with a fast day. And I had a drink this weekend too but didn't go over my calories. Yeah I suppose the 5:2 is about not feeling guilty about eating fatty foods. I'm still new to this and can't imagine not ever feeling guilty about over eating. I did really enjoy the night so yeah…
  • [/quote] That is amazing, Mrs. G! :) I've only lost 6 lbs. in a little over 4 weeks, but since I could only GAIN before that, I'm pretty happy with that. I want to lose at least 10 more pounds. Usually, the start of school means the end of any progress, but I'm optimistic that I can make this plan work in spite of a crazy…
  • Hey I started 5:2 3 weeks 5 days ago and up to date I've gone from 151lb to 143lb my goal is to be around 130-132. Absolutely love this plan it's amazing
  • Thanks I was thrilled. Just have to keep telling myself when that week comes that it's not the end of the world keep trying and it will pay off. I also love the 5:2 hoping for a lb loss this week then it will be half a stone in 4 weeks :)
  • It was my TOM last week and I was so discouraged I thought with me doing so well the scales might have still gone Down. I still did my fast days but ate a little more around 630 and I did 3 days to compensate for the weekend before when I went away. And still nothing. In fact I gained one lb. Low and behold soon as I…
  • Oh no. Keep at it I'm sure you will get it back off. Is it not time of the month? I always gain when mine is due
  • I hear ya on that one x
  • I weigh almost everyday just coz I like to know if I am doing things right or not. But I measure every week.
  • Well I've lost 5lb so far still have around 14lb to go. I am pretty active walk everywhere well over 10,000 steps a day and then I work in a gym so do at least an hours exercise most days when working. But my body will be used to this by now so need to kick it up a bit. I never eat the calories back. I couldn't eat that…
  • I know how weird is it. Find it really helpful that my friend is doing it too. Although we don't fast on the same days we really help each other. Have had a fast day today but ended up with y30 calories which is really annoying but still not bad. And thank you for that hopefully I will lose a lb a week. Saying that though…
  • I eat around 1200 to 1400 calories on non fast days. Is this too little? I feel full all the time from it..
  • I still need to lose 14lb to 18lb. I'm 10.6 now and want to be max 9.6 when I go away. I intend to burn a lot of calories in gym as well so that will help. I actually really enjoy fast days too
  • That's brill news. Slow and steady wins the race :) thanks so much and we'll done to you.
  • I have done 3 days last week and intend to do 3 days this week to as I have had a really bad weekend!! I did Monday Tuesday and Friday last week. I entend to do Tuesday Thursday and Sunday this week. However I found when I did consecutive days last week I had to use a little more calories on the first day so I had 650…
  • Thank you so much. I am away this weekend with my hubby for a long needed night away on our own. I have decided to have a drink of alcohol but can't help worry about weight gain in the morning. However I know I can restart all over again next week. I only want to lose another 18lb I find the maintaining stage the hardest.…
  • Ok thank you. Just another quick one. Does it matter if you eat less? If I feel full up? Will I not just lose weight quicker the less calories I eat? Or does it not work like that? Sorry to be a pest
  • I'm a newbie also been doing this 11 days and already lost 5lb. I don't have massive amounts to lose but find having people to talk to will help. Please feel free to add me x
  • Thank you I'm not sure what TDEE is? X
  • Can someone help me? I am new to this 5:2 and very jubius of hiw many calories I should be eating on non fast days. I have been eating between 1200 and 150 but no idea what I should be having? Any help please x