melanieh541 Member


  • I completely understand I have to eat enough bit that's what made me think cos the app is telling me I'm eating spot on but I just don't feel like I'm getting a lot. And yeah the weight has dropped off but I'm not one for a quick fix ( I spent 2 and a half years losing 7 st and 6lbs) and know they don't work. I suppose…
  • Great thanks everyone
  • This looks really good thank you
  • Yeah I think it's the snack I am having that most make me feel limited. I'll be honest I have a draw at work which has things like quavers and ryvita thins in for me to snack on instead of the other bits that are brought into the office. These still add up though I suppose. If it was up to me I wouldn't eat meat at all. I…
  • I'll look this up
  • Fantastic just the kind of thing I'm looking for!!! Thank you
  • I suppose it just making the change. I keep thinking it's really hard but I managed to lose 7 pounds in my first week and it was my friends birthday weekend and I'd been out for dinner so when I think about it.....always good to know some tricks to bulk things out and stop me going off track
  • Thanks for your reply it's really helpful ☺ that's the thing though I want to be able to have 2 proper meals cos I'm finding I'm getting really hungry. Wanna find something low so I can pick at that instead of other time x ,
  • Thank you very much ☺ I started doing that myself but couldn't fit it in with my new job which means I'm a lot less active. I need to make time for it really. Thank you for your advice