Week 2 is hard!!!
I'm finding this week a right mental struggle. My first week went so well (lost 7) that I'm so worried this week that I'm going to slip up and not realise or just think "it's alright you lost 7 pounds last week eat what you wsnt" need to keep myself motivated and stop worrying I think cos that will defeat my hard work…
Just fitting it in!?
Hi everyone!!! I always think it's good to have some quick workouts up your sleeve that you can do pretty much anywhere to help include some movement in your routine. Problem is I always seem to end up doing the same routine of squats lunges and other basic movements. Does anyone know of any good workouts that don't need a…
Low calorie fillers
Hi everyone I keep ending up having one proper meal and then having to snack on low calorie stuff the rest of the day to stay within my calories. Does anyone know any low calorie meal bulkers that's aren't boring so I can bring the calories down in the meal or know of any low calorie meal ideas so I can fit everything…
On the home stretch
Hiya Looking to get as much support as possible!! Started out at 17st and over the last 5 years I have managed to get down to 11st 12lbs! I just want to get this last stone and a half off but I'm really struggling with body image and find my disformed view of myself is really holding my back. Does anyone else get insecure…