Is that a mirrior in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants
Mine: How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice... My Husbands: How would you like to gain 180lbs for about 10 minutes (classy eh?)
Brittney Spears perfume...Fantasy probably
SW Ontario, Tornados horrible snow storms and horrendous fog that caused an 87 car pileup back in 1999... But you know, I get my feelings checked for free. Thank You OHIP
I'm more flirty in forums and less abrupt. In real life I'm more abrupt and to the point and don't flirt intentionally.
I confess that sometimes I feel like I'm never enough and have bad over achiever complex. Its caused a lot of issues for me.
I assumed it was carrot juice to...but now I'm not sure.
Thigh is for sure a 10
My dog choosing me over his breakfast this morning for a cuddle.
If we do, it goes against society R E B E L
night out on the town in my "goal" outfit.
When you hold the door open for someone and the don't acknowledge your presence.
decaf coffee
I think I'd dip my toe in the pond again, so yeah why not? I lucked out the first time around.
I'm impressed with their dedication. We have several people with handicaps that work out at my gym and it really puts things into perspective when you're trying to reach your own goals, do one more rep etc.
yes, taking a walk on the wild side :D
An apple
She didn't like all the nudity
Working myself to death (its a thing) and people saying how I was a good employee at my funeral. I don't want to just be known as a good employee.
One night stand?
He wouldn't smile... like ever
He didn't show me his
Yeah I could
I'm going to ruin the trend and say date
He wears stripes, I like polka dots