
  • What about grocery stores? I dont understand some ppl saying as long as your calorie intake is fine then its okay to eat fast food. You guys do realize this is a weight loss platform.
  • Idk if i wrote in here but im vegan! All fellow vegans feel free to add me :) i eat mostly raw till dinner and have been vegan for about 3-4 years
  • Make sure the bananas are browned before storing them in the freezer. Ive noticed it makes a big difference
  • Vegan here for a few years! Lots of raw veggies and have severe allergies to 50 + including beans, rice, corn, oats, avocados so its deff a challenge haha.
  • Theres all sort of factors that go into determining your protein intake but I think the levels here are crazy! For me as a 130lb 27 yr old i should be getting about 40-60 grams of protein, not 100 like it recommends. The western diet focuses so much on protein when in reality we are getting way too much and is unnecessary.…
  • Raw buckwheat groats! They are gluten free and high in protein (and cheap if bought in bulk). I like to cut up apple and frozen blueberries and add almond milk
  • Meat, dairy, eggs and anything related. I couldn't imagine contributing to the cruelty of animals as well as cruelty to my health. I havent felt so amazing in my life and I use to be so sick in the hospital once a month. Good riddance!
  • It was quite easy and simple for me as well as a lot of people i know! Dont let people telling you its difficult discourage you. Its only as hard as you make it out to be. Im allergic to over 50 foods and still eat vegan with no issues, so if I can do it, anyone can
  • Theres tons of vegan chocolate, most chocolate is suppose to be vegan-they add milk as a filler. Dark chocolate (the real kind, not that herseys crap) is typically vegan. Theres also "No whey" vegan chocolate you can find online. Cacao itself has no dairy
  • Im a vegan! Hard to find them here, which sort of scares me haha
    in Vegans? Comment by EXNING August 2015
  • Sauteed kale with onions, fresh lemon, pepper, and coconut aminos. Yum! Or use collard greens instead
  • Woah, ive never heard of needing that much protein to live, that sounds absurd! Unless your body building, i know nothing about that so dont mind me. I just know an average lady like myself needs 40-50 grams. I think our western diet makes protein seem to be this ridiculous standard to get us to eat more meat and dairy but…
  • The term "nice cream" is very popular in the vegan and raw food community actually!
  • Lots of leafy greens. A vegan diet is also very beneficial. Ive had a lot of success with less inflammation with it :)
  • Yay!
  • Mushrooms are a great alternative! Jackfruit is also a great alternative and can be made just like pulled pork, the recipes online are fairly easy. As long as you eat them sparingly, meat alternatives like Tofurky sausages and tempeh bacon are also very tasty