I'd love to join this challenge. How do I join?
Been offline for a few days, ran out of data... We've had the shower under repair since Thursday. I am dying for a shower. It will be Wednesday until it's usable. Ugh.
I'm 48 and have lost 10 pounds on mfp. I'm at 240. In January I was 265, so by the time I'm done, it'll be 100 pounds.
Congratulations big Aug 100 lbs is wonderful. I like your celebration. I went to a party a party today where everyone complained they were fat but me and an elderly woman. Funny, all of us ate cake. I bet they devoured your doughnuts too.
I have lived all over the place. Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, new Jersey, Iowa... We went where the work was. My dad is a mechanical engineer. I lived in places that make this look big to greater New York. The only place I didn't love was Florida and I wasn't there long enough to love it. Home is where…
I started dieting because my husband changed meds and gained 25 lbs in 2 month, which he's lost, and I decided to support him. We are still following his diet. I once gained and lost 60 lbs due to meds. It's not fun.
I know how painful fibro is. I have it too. I have the motorized wheelchair to remind me. I was 295 and could not walk down the driveway. I walked 1.9 miles yesterday and am now 240. You can do it. Work with your Rhumatalogoist. If you don't have one, get one. Go on disability and Medicaid will help pay your expenses.…
I will NEVER EVER be mistaken for petite. I'm 5'8" with shoulders wider than my brother's high school linebacker. However, I don't have to be 300 lbs of fat stuck in a chair. At 160 you could count my ribs, and I wore a DDDD. I wished for flatter boobies.
Joy! For the first time in about 6 weeks the scale moved. I've lost 5 lbs. Totaling 10 since I started working at it. 20 since January, (flu.)
I live in rural Iowa. Where we drive 15 for a gas station pizza, that's the best to be had. Not even the mail is delivered to the house. We have cluster boxes and gravel roads and cows. And, believe it or not, I live in "town." I really am a sister and my husband is a pastor. Obviously, not Roman Catholic. I am permanently…
Don't know how I did that. For me... I have always been large, but not fat. Then I got sick. The combination of forced inactivity and medication caused me to go from 170 to 295. I've been at 245-265 since I quit the chair 8 years ago. I'm at 245 again. I want to be 170.
I noticed nothing until my pants fell off. LOL! :)
An increase in my antidepressant caused me to gain 60lbs in less than 2 months. I was also taking Lyrica at the time. Dropped the Lyrica and dialed back the Cymbalta and I lost the weight again within 6 months. It could be a combination of meds. Something I for which have to be careful.
Congrats Robins Egg! Compassionate care givers are a gift from God to their people. Also remember insults although directed at you, may have nothing to do with you or the quality of your care. I am always in the country. When then said population 60, I think they counted the dogs too.
I haven't lost a pound in about 6 weeks now. I think I'm doing OK because my pants fell off while I was on my walk. That's my measure of success.
Iowa, U.S.A.
Iowa answering. :)
I have RA, fibro, asthma, sjorgruns, etc. I've been logging food for in here for about a month. Found the community on Saturday. It's great. I pulled myself out of a wheelchair and can walk over a mile now. I say pray the pain away. Of course there are couch days, but they have been fewer since I started walking. I've…
I live in farm country. Farmers markets aren't cheap, just fresh. We eat beans and rice. A turkey sandwich with 2oz of turkey is cheap and only 200 caloies. Add an apple and you've got lunch or dinner. Even at $3 a dozen an egg is 70 cal of good and cheap nutrition. Apples keep a long time and are in season now. Plain…
But I like it uh hun uh hun.
Hi, I am new. Truth? I worked out twice today so my husband would. This morning a happy 1.5 miles for me. Then, .55 miles with him at twilight. First walk he's had in a month and he calls me fatass. I do weigh more, but he's fatter.
My hubby is from Gilford, and was on the music scene in New Haven before being called to the ministry.
What I was trying to say I take Topamax for cronic migraines. My favorite treatment is to drink a coke curl up in bed with the room as dark and quiet as possible. The coke settles my stomach and the caffeine helps the migraine. This has worked for 30yrs.
Also keep in mind, some days all you can do is sit on the couch and hope to feel better tomorrow.
For my 30th birthday, God gave me sudden onset sever rhumatoid arthritis. I also have fibro, asthma, and several other major heath issues that won't kill, but will stick me in a home. I'm 48 now. I take fists full of meds just to move. Anything less than total dedication puts me back in that stupid wheelchair at 295. Not…