Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    jtconst wrote: »
    Thats right babies. I have officially passed the hundred pound hump. Yay for me :):) Ty for all the support you wonderful people have given me. Now its off to work for the day.
    Congratulations on bypassing the 100 pound mark
  • Hello! Today has been pretty good. I got to sleep in, which was nice. But, I haven't any exercise today, and I ate mostly junk food. Have a good night!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @jtconst - WOOT! Happy day for you!
    @Morgori - I am a firm believer in psychotherapy. I am convinced I would not be here today without it. There has been some majr trauma in my life and therapy has helped me become who I am today.
    @mnwalkingqueen - I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish there were words that could help.
    @mountmary84 - Glad to see you logging again. Even if you go over you are working toward your goals.
    Hello to all the newbies. Welcome. I have been here for over a year now and this group really has a great feel to it. Post often so we get to know you. Ask questions and you will get replies.

    AFM: I am here is Omaha with Ellen. She is a wonderful hostess and we had a great afternoon. Omaha has a lot to offer. We are going to the zoo tomorrow. If you can swing it I recommend a visit.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Yep- That's right, @CBlue -Lori is here with me. She is too kind - our afternoon turned out to be a chase from one CLOSED at 5pm location to another. I thought our Main Attractions would be open til 6 or 7pm on Saturday but, I was wrong. We did walk around our Old Market area and I showed her our ONE skyscraper that has a Run up the Stairs challenge every year in February - I had saved an article on it - and Lori wants to come back and do it as she has run more stairs than in this challenge. Way to go Lori! :)
    Lori brought her bike, so I showed her the beautiful neighborhood around me where she can ride in the morning - and let me sleep in!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to our newbies and returnies! So happy to see you again!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Happy Ancestor Appreciation Day!
    Many of us are completely unaware of our ancestors and the lives they lived, yet they almost certainly went a long way towards shaping our habits, traditions and values today. Fortunately, the annually-celebrated Ancestor Appreciation Day gives people a reminder to learn more about those who came before us.
    The internet can be a wonderful tool when it comes to researching genealogy and various online resources will help you to find records of your family’s history, learn about your ancestors and their way of life and even create a detailed family tree.
    Building a more complete picture of your relatives and their history can help to promote a greater appreciation for life and form a better understanding of the individual journey your family has been on.
    If nothing else, why not spend the day with your living relatives? Ask a few questions, let them tell stories and find out about previous generations that way.

    ” Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.” ~Margaret Young


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Robin and @Lori Have a wonderful time. I love spending time with friends.
    @Robin Please convey my love and concern to Holly. Words can't even come close!

    Thought I'd say a word about BeachBody. I am not following the program very closely. My daughter is a coach and has been giving me suggestions about how I can use the food exchanges as a guide. I don't limit myself to the lists of foods. I just use them as a guide to help me decide which category a food might fit into. I use it as an exchange diet and try to get the recommended servings in each category daily. I still don't get enough veggies, but I'm at least conscious of what I'm eating and it really helps me curb the grazing.

    Last week was a busy one for dr. visits. I went to the dentist to have my partial checked. It fits good, doesn't make my mouth sore, but I've got to do a lot practicing to get used to chewing with it. DH started physical therapy for his legs. I sure hope that helps. He will have an appointment on Thursday with the orthopedic dr. to be sure there wasn't any damage to his artificial knee as it is giving him some problems now. I had my annual checkup with the orthopedic dr. and my knees look good. Still deal with chronic pain, but I'm learning to ignore it most of the time.

    Yesterday was the FitOne 10k with my family. We had so much fun! Nicole ran the 10k, and did it with an average over all of 8 min. miles, definitely a personal best. Cathy and her family, and Amy walked the 10k with me. Amy and I had to stop for a potty break so Cathy and her family made it in a bit ahead of us. Amy really pushed me at the end to step it up just a bit. We crossed the finish line at 1hour 53 minutes. That wouldn't be my official time, but their system is messed up and I haven't been able to get my official time. It should be a bit less because it would be measured from when I actually went through the starting gate. Anyway, it is a personal best. My time in February was 1 hour 58 minutes. It was a beautiful day. We sat at a picnic table in the park and ate our complimentary breakfast, then did some grocery shopping before heading home. Can I just say that I love my family and am so appreciative of the support they give me. Oldest son was with DH so I didn't have to worry about him, either.

    I'm off to finish up prep for my primary lesson and get ready for church. Have a wonderful day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye

  • Caketina
    Caketina Posts: 82 Member
    Hi I've been a member of MFP for quite awhile but haven't taken it very seriously. I still have over 200Lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. I've been pretty stagnant. I look at the amount of weight I have to lose and feel overwhelmed. I know I shouldn't focus on the huge number I have to lose but it's difficult. I have trouble with motivating myself to exercise. I haven't been to my gym in over two weeks. I also eat so terribly. I binge everyday as I am an emotional eater. I keep telling myself I will start "tomorrow". I've never posted on this message board before so I thought maybe having the support of others with similar struggles would be helpful. I have several friends who are overweight but I am the only super morbidly obese person. Any support or encouragement would be helpful. Sorry for the long rant. Thanks
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @kah68 that's gorgeous! I DO NOT take good pictures lol. So I stand in awe.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @Caketina =--welcome to the thread. Exercise is hard at first, but if you keep at it and try different forms of exercise, I'm confident you will find something you enjoy. I know one of the things I hated about exercising when I first started was the ridiculous amount of sweating I did. Being all gross and sweaty with my face all red and feeling like I was huffing and puffing just made me feel even fatter and unfit. Then I read a post that said, "Sweat is your fat crying." I LOVE that quote and used it to motivate me to continue to work out. Four years down the road and I'm a runner and a gym rat. Now, I hate it when I exerciser and DON'T work up a good sweat--it feels like a waste to me.

    I saw a couple other newlings--welcome!!!

    @kaye-- congrats on completing another 10k and meeting a PB to boot!

    @tom-- what a great quote!

    @lori & ellen-- have fun visiting! I can't wait to meet you both in April. :)

    @barb-- welcome back! I just went through a phase where I was neglecting to log--so glad to be back at it. Like you, I'm not always meeting my goal, but at least we're trying.

    @terri-- Wow, I would kill for 14 hours of sleep. This congestion and cough I've been dealing with wakes me up most nights, so my rest has been poor. I wish I could find someplace to get Gunner washed for $15--however, he's quite the diva and goes to a fancy doggy salon. LOL ;)

    @angelika-- I'm right there with you being sick of being sick. I've tried sudafed and benadryl--both help some, but I'm ready for this cold, bronchitis, allergies--whatever it is--to be gone for good!

    AFM-- Made good progress on the grading this weekend. I would have gotten even more done but had an impromptu lunch with a friend in from out of town. She was my best friend from 3rd grade into HS. We drifted apart during junior and senior year, but never had any sort of falling out. Lost touch completely after college then found each other on facebook 6 or 7 years ago. She now lives in AZ, but her family is still in the area. I met up with her once a few years ago when she was in town. Then, Friday night I saw her post that she was in town and just 20 minutes or so from where I live. I messaged her, and we were able to get together yesterday.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 59/59 F451 Tests DONE
    2. x/15 Speech tests
    3. 30/40 AP journals
    4. 41/41 AP essays DONE

  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Terri70 catching up on lost sleep is always a good choice over snacking!
    @nicolenailah NEEDing to loose weight trumps WANTing to eat every time. I find taking a multivitamin every morning with a glass of water or milk really cuts my snack craves way down.
    @caketina yep this is a good place to get advice/support/fellow travelers on the long road to success.
    @skinnyjeanzbound If you find a cure please post!
    AFM we were up early to have breakfast with a dear friend of my husband, who tells us he is planning to move back to town next year. I am so glad. We really love this retiring military man. I was so pooped when we got home I fell asleep and woke up four hours later, guess I am taking a leaf out of Terri70's book, lol.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I'm lucky to get 5 hours during the week. Last night I only got 4.5! I wish I could get more, but LIFE! You know?

    @AngelikaLumiere Nice nap!

    @Caketina I know how you feel. I don't have as much as you but I still have at least 90 to lose. The scale has NOT been my friend recently. BUT it's myself to blame. I keep getting discouraged and blow it. Usually at night, so I'm upping my cals to hopefully help. Keep at it, GF. You've got this! Take it one day at a time!

    Good morning, y;all. Hoping this week goes as according to plan, cause WI this morning sucked BIG time! Up 3 lbs. Grrrrr! Have a great day!
  • lisaq246
    lisaq246 Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hello i am new and very excited to be here. I need to lose more than 100 pounds but that would make a nice dent in my wieghtloss. I am feeling strong today.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    HappyNational Drink Beer Day!
    Just in case you didn’t know already … it’s National Drink Beer Day! Celebrated every September 28, this is the day that is all about beer.
    So sit back, relax, pop open a cold one and thank God that He gave us beer.
    I hope that you choose wisely and drink something delicious and perhaps even seasonal!

    Change your thoughts and you change your world. ~Norman Vincent Peale


  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm proud of myself. I just got done doing a 16 minute fast walk. Y'all just don't understand how HUGE this is for me! lol Whew! I hope I can keep this up and do it at least 2 or 3 times this week. Baby steps!
  • ChrisRendon1128
    ChrisRendon1128 Posts: 103 Member
    Great job!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Well, so much for my good weekend. As it turns out, my friend Greg was admitted to the hospital Friday night. He found out Saturday AM he has pneumonia. I went to the hospital Friday night to take his son home to pack a bag than take him to his mom’s. Saturday AM I got a cut, full color and partial highlights for $82 – score!! I tried a new trade school/hair salon. The color turned out great. The cut was shorter than I anticipated. With our crazy weather (rain, drizzle, etc. . .), I feel like Shirley Temple. The curls have really come out. Oh well. At least I have hair. Never try to complain about something so trivial. I than went to the hospital for a few hours then headed home. Cyrus had a football game on the west side of town. Why we keep having to play outside of our territory is beyond me??!! The weather was atrocious and I was not happy driving in the rain than sitting in the rain watching the game. To top it all off, our team got their butts kicked AND we had the worst refs I’ve ever seen. It was rough. Cyrus had a teammate spend the night. Once he left on Sunday, I went back to the hospital to bring Greg some dinner. Needless to say, my eating all weekend was totally off. Sigh. Back on track today though (kind of). LOL!!!

    @Terri70 – Nice on the bike!! I’ve had pretty good luck on Craig’s List. I found my kitchen table and it’s been perfect for my space. I’m not a big wine drinker either or drinker in general, but for me anything with vodka and I’m happy. Just saw your post on Saturday. Good job not snacking and sleeping instead, which is so much better for you anyway. So proud of you!!!

    @jtconst – Tammy, I’m so proud of you!!! Happy dance from GA!!!

    @kah68 – It’s so true about finding someone who can handle curly hair. I don’t think this girl was quite prepared so she cut not realizing the hair would curl. I’ve gotten a lot of compliments so it’s a good cut just shorter since I was actually trying to grow it out.

    @PudgyPigeon – Wow! It was a crazy week for you. But, GREAT news about your husband. Thank goodness!!! Hoping you’ll get the same results for your sister too. Regarding meals, my go to lately has been a simple marinara with either turkey meatballs or hot turkey sausage using zuchinni for noodles. It’s very filling and so low in calories.

    @stephreyes – Stephanie, 124 lbs is AWESOME!! Congrats on your loss!! This group is amazing. Many of us have been on here 3+ years and always welcome new folks. Hopefully, they can give you the support you need, but you can also share what you’ve learned on your journey too.

    @Dsnutz – Stephanie, I totally agree!!! Lord knows I’ve tried every program imaginable and it really comes back to eating less and moving more. Holding myself accountable either through tracking my calories or with this group not a specific plan. I’m not a fan of exercise either, but I now I lose so much faster when I do both. I agree too about the food comments. This is a lifestyle change we will need to make for the rest of our life. We will always have celebrations, holidays, good and bad days. We can never feel deprived, but we also our learning how to manage those cravings. For me, I’ve learned my poor eating was stress related so I’m trying to balance my work/life better. Keep checking in. We’ll continue to support each other.
  • sistermargret
    sistermargret Posts: 49 Member
    Been offline for a few days, ran out of data...
    We've had the shower under repair since Thursday. I am dying for a shower. It will be Wednesday until it's usable. Ugh.
  • MissYatta90
    MissYatta90 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I'm Kenyatta. I'm looking for a little motivation to help me stick to this weight lose journey. I have 100+ lbs to lose and it is slightly hard trying to go at it alone. Feel free to add me. Any and all support is welcome. I have to get this done this time around!
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks, RobinsEgg--up until your introductory post, I hadn't realized I could "bookmark" discussions that I want to keep track of. I've been "lost" too many times trying to find a discussion I was previously reading and just gave up looking for it. Now I have a way to "remember" them with the bookmark feature & returning via the MyDiscussions button. I really need to sit down someday an "read the manual" for this MFP application.

    At present, I have about 103 more pounds to loose (I've already lost about 42 pounds since March2015) but didn't start MFP until August 19, 2015.