Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    The Texas State Fair opens today! Hooray!!! :lol: Our fair is huge and it’s a must see; I’m just a short 30-minute train ride from the fairgrounds (our local rail drops you at the entrance), I think since it’s still hot here we’re going to go in the evening one day next week.

    @mnwalkingqueen (Holly)~I am so sorry to hear this about your son, I know he has struggled with a lot over the last few years but I cannot begin to imagine the loss you are feeling right now. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending you virtual hugs. :heart:

    @Robin~Thank you so much on sharing the message from Holly with us. I cannot imagine the grief she is going through, please pass on to her that she is in our thoughts and prayers.

    @Tammy~How cool that your trainer is willing to do that for you pro bono, not many would. If memory serves me the Shamrock Shuffle is April 3rd. Hope you can make it.

    @Angelika~I’m sorry you were sick, but yay for being down 3.2# this week! :star:

    AFM~Oy, got home yesterday and ice maker in fridge wasn’t working—spent about two hours figuring that out. Heard ice drop just before I went to bed and it had a full bin this morning, yay! Of course, while pulling out of my garage this morning I noticed the secondary line to my a/c was leaking water so its backed-up—again. I just had that flushed a couple of months ago! Grrr... :angry:

    Plans with a friend tonight for HH, tomorrow meeting another friend for an early morning stroll to walk her dogs, then working on more projects around the house.

    Big event here for the employees next week, so gotta fly and help prepare. Have a super weekend!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    TGIF!!! Week has been good for the most part, but I’m really glad the weekend is here. Work has been busy, but good. Eating was clean up until yesterday. I’ve put the last 24-hours behind me and going to stay on track this weekend. Exercise has been minimal, but I need to be careful so I don’t keep aggravating my heel.

    For the weekend, tonight I want to finish cleaning house. It’s picked up just need to dust, run the vacuum and clean bathrooms. Tomorrow AM I’ve got an appointment at a new hair salon. Oh boy. It’s another hair salon school my SIL has been going to for years. I tried another salon because I had a Groupon deal. My cut, root touch-up and partial highlights was only $75. If I paid full-price, it would have cost me like $170 and that’s insane. I just can’t afford that on a regular basis. The schools are so much cheaper and the instructors are normally close by for any questions. Keeping my fingers crossed I don’t come out with a mullet and purple hair. LOL!!! Cyrus has a game tomorrow night and having another player come over after the game to spend the night. Sunday will be rest and relaxation as it should be. Hope you guys have an awesome weekend!!!

    @DSnutz – That’s great your husband is joining you. His support is so important. I’ve had a few friends do the 21-day fix and swear by the program. Plus, I heard the Cize workout is tough, but a lot of fun too. You’re doing great! Also, I just read your note about being a chocoholic. I’m not too bad, but when I do work something into my day I never feel deprived. For me, I can have just one Dove Dark Chocolate square. I savor it and make it last as long as possible. I can stop at one, but I know a lot of folks can't. I always log it into my day so it can be worked in.

    @Shamrock Shuffle Crowd – I’m thinking Friday to Sunday only because Sunday starts our Spring Break. Cyrus and I will probably head to Sarasota (beach time) on Monday. I still need to work out the details, but probably a late flight Sunday so I can still enjoy most of the day.

    @Laurie – You definitely have the longest streak of anyone I know. My next closest friend is at 1,110. I got up to 500+, but realized I was more focused on that number than my overall journey. Now that I’ve let go I do feel more relaxed. I still try to log in, but if something happens and I miss I no longer beat myself up about it. Nice run last night, which is always a great way to release.

    @jtconst – Tammy, I had to do the same thing. I found this really great studio gym that was small group personal training. There could be anywhere from 2-8 people in the class and that’s it. I really did love it, but I just can’t afford it. I’ve let some credit cards get a bit out of control. Plus, Cyrus has some added cost coming up with his football. I’m probably not going to buy again until Cyrus is out of school. They change our school zoning a lot and I want the flexibility to move so Cyrus can stay in the same school. Crazy I know, but luckily I have that flexibility. I feel bad for people who bought their house specifically for a certain school. They get rezoned and are stuck. We both had to put on our big girl panties and make grown up decisions. LOL!!!

    @Karen - Long day yesterday with the Board Meeting. I know you were ready to get home. Like I mentioned above, I’ll probably try to come in Friday too. I’ll keep watching the posts and try to coordinate my flight arrival with Laurie’s too. Enjoy your student free day!!!

    @RobinsEgg – Enjoy your visit with Lori!! Give her a hug from me!
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Guess what?! I found and bought a recumbent bike off Craigslist for $25!!!! SCORE!!! I'm going to start off by doing 15 minutes a day on it. Work my way up from there. I have it sitting in my bedroom in front of the TV so that I am reminded to do it before going to bed (only time I have to do it). I hope this will help since I've been having a problem with gaining and losing the same 1 lb for a month. I've even gotten to where I am cheating more because I am so frustrated. Been on plan again for the last 3 days and going strong!

    @susan2396 You can always burn more calories if you come to my house and clean there! lol

    @RobinsEgg That's one thing I don't like, is wine. Bleh! lol I've been back on plan now for 3 days, so I'm doing good. Just wish I wasn't so frustrated. I lose interest quickly if I'm not losing.

    Have a great day, y'all!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Psychotherapy Day!
    Why a Psychotherapy Day?
    Psychotherapy has an image problem.
    Despite the fact that therapy is an effective, economical, natural, and meaningful way to improve lives, fewer people go. Why is this? There’s a stigma against people who seek therapy. Therapy and therapists are depicted as a farce on screen. Big Pharma spends billions selling the quick fix of medication, while individual therapists compete with one another for clients. And those are just a few reasons of many.
    Psychotherapy needs a unified campaign to promote the profession. That’s us. Since 2012, fans of National Psychotherapy Day:
    • Share therapy effectiveness research
    • Donate time or money to support low-fee counseling centers
    • Give constructive feedback to therapists
    • Talk and write about therapy to fight stigma, and
    • Wear turquoise on September 25th to show support
    Join us, follow us (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube), give us suggestions, we’re all ears.

    Success is due less to ability than to zeal. ~Charles Buxton


  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Thats right babies. I have officially passed the hundred pound hump. Yay for me :):) Ty for all the support you wonderful people have given me. Now its off to work for the day.
  • sbmcm
    sbmcm Posts: 32 Member
    jtconst wrote: »
    Thats right babies. I have officially passed the hundred pound hump. Yay for me :):) Ty for all the support you wonderful people have given me. Now its off to work for the day.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @jtconst WOW! Congratulations! Way to go!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~Yay for you, what a great feeling! :star::sunglasses:

    @Susan~Its crazy what it costs to look beautiful. :lol: I finally found a guy, a couple of years ago, that specializes in curly hair, I have to drive an hour but he charges me $140 every 12-weeks for cut/color--a fraction of what I was paying before.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    @jtconst OMG! Congrats! That's awesome!!!!
  • DSnutz
    DSnutz Posts: 19 Member
    jtconst wrote: »
    Thats right babies. I have officially passed the hundred pound hump. Yay for me :):) Ty for all the support you wonderful people have given me. Now its off to work for the day.

  • stephreyes1
    stephreyes1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All. I have been at this weight loss thing since last July. I'm down 124 pounds, still have 86 I want to lose. I really enjoy exercising now (NEVER thought I would say that!) But lately I have really struggling with making good food choices. I need to get refocused and stay on track. I don't want to settle for where I am. I would love to have some friends to get and give support to along the way!

  • DSnutz
    DSnutz Posts: 19 Member
    @DSnutz I am a raving chocoholic and the only way I can control it is to limit my chocolate to two very small portions a week, otherwise I crave it like an addict, so I substitute other sweets that are healthier like grapes, strawberries and Popsicles.

    AFM at my weekly weigh in I was down 3.2# the silver lining of being sick as a dog, but hey, I'll take it.
    I am still not feeling great but hope to get myself out to get some sunshine this weekend, before the rain sets in and I forget what sunshine looks like.

    Sometimes I wish I could limit my chocolate to two portions a week. But then I think I don't want to feel so deprived that I binge on it eventually, so I'm okay incorporating it into my daily plan. It is a rare day I don't have any.

    Sorry you've been feeling sick. Hope you feel better soon!
    susan2396 wrote: »
    @DSnutz – That’s great your husband is joining you. His support is so important. I’ve had a few friends do the 21-day fix and swear by the program. Plus, I heard the Cize workout is tough, but a lot of fun too. You’re doing great! Also, I just read your note about being a chocoholic. I’m not too bad, but when I do work something into my day I never feel deprived. For me, I can have just one Dove Dark Chocolate square. I savor it and make it last as long as possible. I can stop at one, but I know a lot of folks can't. I always log it into my day so it can be worked in.

    Honestly, I am not sold on the 21-day fix program or its results. I did lose some weight, but it wasn't really any different than if I'd just tracked my calories in that regard. I did not lose much in the way of inches. Other supposed benefits of the program didn't really happen for me, except (and I'm not trying to downplay the importance of this) creating more healthy habits to include regular exercise and eating better. My success with that program was comparable to my success with calorie tracking, so I decided to try to find exercise I didn't hate (I really was not a fan of the exercise that was part of the program as I needed to modify so much and sometimes even modify the modifications, other than the fact that the exercises were only approximately 30 minutes long) and focus on continuing to work out regularly while tracking calories. So far, that has been working for me.

    I have tried dark chocolate, and I can keep to a small portion as long as it is the really good dark chocolate at about 70% dark or better. I can have less than an actual serving, so it's not hard to work in at all. But I still have other treats sometimes, because I know that I want to reach my goals while creating habits that are long-lasting, and if I felt like I couldn't have some ice cream or brownies or cookies on occasion, it would not be sustainable.
  • DSnutz
    DSnutz Posts: 19 Member
    Hello All. I have been at this weight loss thing since last July. I'm down 124 pounds, still have 86 I want to lose. I really enjoy exercising now (NEVER thought I would say that!) But lately I have really struggling with making good food choices. I need to get refocused and stay on track. I don't want to settle for where I am. I would love to have some friends to get and give support to along the way!


    Thanks for the add. I am looking for friends here to help me stay accountable (and be around like-minded folks when it comes to goals), so it's nice to meet you!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited September 2015
    @TAMMY - WOOT WOOT WOOT and a HAPPY DANCE FOR YOU!! wowsers 100 lbs gone - you hit the CENTURY MARK, @jtconst, you surely did!
    Amazing, it was @BigAug last week, and now you, you sunshine girl! I am bowing down to you in your honor.
    And, offering you support as you tighten the expenses in hopes of buying a home next year. I know thats a big decision! You have a great relationship with your "young boy" trainer, and he's really going to the max to help you out! Be sure to write him a great letter of thanks, no emails! (Miss Manners, here)

    @Morgori - Tom - I support the therapy community! I have a shrink who writes Rx's for my antidepressants and we talk a little, but when I have big issues, I have gone to a psychologist for "talk therapy" where I have 45 minutes with a very nice lady. I saw her for a while right after my divorce in 2007, and again last year when problems just bubbled up.
    What I like, in her practice, which is sponsored thru Catholic Charities, (they see anyone) is, you sign a contract to see her for a certain period of time - no backing out half way through. Its like a class really, you get quite an education as you deal with the issues that are problematic to you. I have learned a lot about myself and how to deal with life much better.
    Of course, if you are not compatible with your counselor that is a reason to switch, it is not a problem at all, you can make that decision and you should be comfortable with them. I have walked right out on a counselor when they have said something that seemed inappropriate.

    @Terri- Well no wine while doing the big cooking spree - I guess its just whatever you fancy, girlfriend!

    AFM: I ended up working for my client for 3 hours today. She is a joy but it is so hot in her bedroom after I left I went and bought 2 of those "cooling" towels at Home Depot. I haven't tried them yet. Will get to them this w/e.

    @Holly - I haven't heard anything from her. I will copy all of your comments and PM them to her. I'm sure she will be grateful for all of them.

    @Shamrock Shuffle - I will plan on arriving Friday and staying thru Sunday also.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy-- Congrats on 100 lbs lost!!! I must have missed your post asking about the race--glad kelley caught it and answered you. It would be great if you could come meet all of us. Also, I saw you mentioned work--did I miss a post about you finding a job? I feel so out of the loop--guess I haven't been keeping up with the thread as well as I thought I was.

    @Shamrock shufflers-- Just an FYI that if you are planning to leave on Sunday, keep in mind that the race is that morning. There's also a post race party at Grant Park until 1 pm and an after party starting at 1:30 at this really great sports bar called The Scout. I understand if you can't stick around for all of those festivities, but just wanted to make sure you didn't think the race was on Saturday.

    @robin and lori-- enjoy your visit this weekend!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - then I'm definitely staying thru til Monday!

    @Stephanie - ok to friend me - but I do all my "way to go's, Steph" etc, right here. I don't spend much time on my home page. watching the scroll. So, I am giving you a big HIGH FIVE for your passion and impressive weight loss so far! You are an animal, and this discussion needs people like you. What is your weekly exercise routine like?
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    @kah68 Don't you just hate it when mechanical things complicate your life? sorry you are having issues with your mechanicals.

    @Terri70 Frustration and boredom are two of the biggest enemies of weight loss. Try something new; new recipes, new exercises, new hands on hobbies, what ever it takes.

    @Morgori I take my son to trauma/adoption therapy on a regular basis and one thing they have learned over the years is trauma is not just mental, it is also physical. You can't just "get over it". Sometimes the brain needs to be "rewired". There are several therapies that can help in this area, I can recommend EMDR. I can attest to the fact that I have seen positive results with counseling and EMDR. If you have triggers that keep sabotaging you, it could be a case of bad wiring.

    @jtconst yes! yay for you passing the century mark!

    @DSnutz I went on a 21 day program once and all I felt was deprived and I was underwhelmed by the results.

    AFM - I had a bit of a melt down today. So sick of being sick and not sleeping well. Ugh. But I am going to check in here everyday because I need the "vibe". I have lost enough weight that my "fat pants" are too loose. That makes me happy.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good afternoon, y'all. Last night was tough. All I wanted to do was snack and snack and snack. BUT I didn't. Instead I slept 14 hours. lol I don't get a lot of sleep during the week so I'm okay with that. lol I would rather sleep than eat mindlessly. You know? Anyways, off to the Dog Wash at the University. Getting my Golden Retriever washed, ears cleaned and nails trimmed for $15. YAY.

    Have a great day, y'all!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Good news/bad news. I am trying to get back to this. Yesterday I logged the entire days food...good news, but bad news is I went over calorie allotment by about 500 calories. Gonna try to do better today.

    It is those of you who have been so successful that keep me coming back. If you can do this, certainly so can I. I just need to apply myself consistently.

    Happy Saturday everyone. I hope it is a pretty where you are as it is here.

  • nicolenailah
    nicolenailah Posts: 8 Member
    Finally back at this.... 100lbs is the goal slow and seedy ...Why is it when I first get back into the swing of things health wise all I want to do is Eat and Eat ? Good luck all...