Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~I was working here when 9/11 happened, I remember like it was yesterday--even ran home for a small TV just after the 1st plane hit so we could all watch what was happening. Such a scary day.

    Well, finally have my Achilles reconstruction surgery scheduled for October 16th (if I don't chicken out). Scheduled it out enough so I can get the house organized and a bunch of meals cooked and in the freezer so I'm prepared. Since I'm a desk jockey I should only miss 1-2 weeks of work, I'll be in a plaster cast for 6 weeks then back in a boot for 6 and start rehab around the same time.

    Not much planned for the weekend, I think a cold front is supposed to come thru late tonight so if its cool in morning I'll probably go for bike ride. Then usual running around and get started on deep cleaning around the house (5 weeks to get prepared).
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Newcomers - @Mary @Jimmy @Badwolf, @sistermary - So glad to see you all here.. the point of this is to drop in as often as you can to share your doings as far as exercise and eating.
    Here the goal is simply ELMO: Eat Less, Move More. , or as Grandma Kaye puts it, Onward and Downward. One of these days, you'll find your own words that work for you.
    We who have been here before you have encountered LOTS of hiccups on our travels through time. So read along, and share the journey.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    edited September 2015
    Well, my husband's back is all healed, my son's broken arm is all healed, my rib's have all healed and I'm back. The biggest change is I have another son, he will be with us until next June. I decided to try Jenny Craig while I was on vacation and that was a month ago. I have lost 10 pounds and thought, now that I have been consistent about logging my food and watching my calories I would try logging in on this group again.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @GrmaKaye - must have been a shock to your system to hear that diagnosis, even though you know you can handle it. Just one more obnoxious health problem to add to the list... :'(
    @Kah - Kelley - thats a great snapshot and they are really treating you with an big honor! Your book sounds intriging.
    @Niki - I like you for starting over and abandoning the old gobbldygook. Its good to wipe the slate clean. I've thought of that too - Great Picture. You look so wise.
    Thanks for the parchment chicken info - since its online I'll just try googling it and give it a go - I have the parchment and both salmon and chicken so it should be fun, and I'll only be cooking for one. Except when I do the cod, then I'll do 3 pieces at once. I'll holler at you if I fail !!!
    @Laurie - I am praying for your father's situation and glad to hear of your mother's change of mind. Also praying for stress relief for you. Maybe the milkshake habit will go away as fast as it came on....At night picture that milkshake and then picture yourself painting a big black X over it.
    @Sisternargret - sorry I got your name wrong in my welcoming post, thats very rude of me!
    @CBlue - Lori - tough decision, my friend. Good idea to roost off in the woods. Silence, birds, night sky, simple food, a friend. Clear mind. And oh - such neat photos - great macro's of the 'shrooms. I'm thinking of you and wishing you all that you need. See you soon.
    @Morgori - love all your daily info but the Computer "Bug" is the BEST!
    @Susan - you've been so active here which tells me you are settled in a god place. That's impressive news about Cyrus! Wow such choices!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi, I am new. Truth? I worked out twice today so my husband would. This morning a happy 1.5 miles for me. Then, .55 miles with him at twilight. First walk he's had in a month and he calls me fatass. I do weigh more, but he's fatter.

    Oh Sister, you made me laugh at this one! Good one! Keep up the walks I'm proud of you!

    @MountMary glad to see you back and happy to be back!

    @Angelika Lumiere sounds like your family has been through a really rough patch so glad every one has mended. Congrats on your 10 lb loss and consistency in your logging.

    AFM - I had a great weekend at a friends farm way out in the country with another friend who joined us. We watched stars at night and could see the Milky Way and shooting stars. It was exquisite and so so quiet. Except for the constant chatter we kept up LOL!

    I am doing so well -have been walking lots and lots (thanks @Laurie for the walking preparation tips you gave a month or so ago) and currently doing PT just to learn proper body mechanics to help with my stenosis
    Have worked hard on my mental health they past months and have succeeded to the point where I have been able to forgive my mother and others that I held anger against. This is such a huge step for me. Its like I just walked away from a huge burden.

    BUt the real big news I have to share is: I have a JOB and I start SUNDAY!! I fell into it - total serindipity - I will be one of many, round-the-clock caregivers for a 75 year old paraplegic who contracted polio when she was 15! She is tall and thin and is in great shape. She has 2 siblings that also look out for her, take her out shopping and to church. I will work 2 days a week, Sundays and Weds. I want to get a couple of weeks under my belt, and let it be known I'll cover for the holidays, before I ask for the weekend of the Shamrock Shuffle off.
  • sistermargret
    sistermargret Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats Robins Egg! Compassionate care givers are a gift from God to their people.

    Also remember insults although directed at you, may have nothing to do with you or the quality of your care.

    I am always in the country. When then said population 60, I think they counted the dogs too.
  • mimibpost
    mimibpost Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm Mireille from Moncton. Don't quite understand what's going on on here
  • mimibpost
    mimibpost Posts: 4 Member
    My message was cut?
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Howdy all!
    @karenleona - 20 minutes of cardio is how I started at the gym. It took quite a few weeks to work my way up to even 40 minutes.
    @sistermargret - Two walks a day for any reason are good!
    @Morgori - Thanks for the informational posts. I am a nerd at heart so anytime I can learn something is a good time for me.
    @susan2396 - good luck on the heel and I hope it continues to behave.
    @kah68 - Hoping your surgery goes well and you heal quickly. Keep us posted.
    @RobinsEgg - Woot on the job! I give you credit for wanting to do this. It is not easy but so apprecitated by those who need it.
    @mimibpost - Welcome. MFP does funny things sometimes.

    AFM - My success this week was logging my food for the last few days. So far it is a quiet weekend. I have missplaced my coposition book so I feel a little out of sorts as I am not doing any writing today. If it does not show up by tomorrow I will buy another.
    Walked twice today with two different friends, enjoyed both walks. There are some great trails in my city.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    The Friendship Trail in Neenah, WI
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Kah - so you chose Bosses Day to have your surgery -you clever vixen! Maybe start checking Craig's List for a soft little footstool (I;ve also seen cheapies at Target that look nice plus easy to shove around) that will fit under your desk at work or depending where at work you need to prop up your foot. I was in a cast at work for a while - ooha, the footrest comes in handy. I tried a pillow on a paper box for a while and that was too cumbersome.

    @SisterM - thanks for your words. I've always been the one in the family that tends to the aunties when they get old and ill and I've ended up being HONORED for THAT PRIVILEGE - the time spent with them has always proven special to me, its undefinable, but so rewarding to hear their stories. My client is very smart knows exactly what she does and doesn't want, but I'm very easy going so if she is is sharp with me I'm sure I deserve it!

    SisterM - whereabouts are you from? I envy you your peace and quiet....

    @mimibpost - Welcome, Mireille - where's Monckton? I'm not placing it (Geography - not a big traveler here unless its the midwest, I live in Nebraska). Yeah, like Lori above says, sometimes a post will do that - you can type something and it just - one wrong key and whoosh its gone. Sometimes I'll actually type a long post in a Word Document and the copy and paste it here. :)
    So Mireille - have you started logging your food here and starting moving more? Did you see the very first page, Page 1? If you are confused, we do suggest following the guidelines there, and we loosely do, but in Summer, people are so active, we do get sloppy and lots of people are absent with vacation and now a lot of people are teachers or parents and are super busy with start of school. When stuff settles down, we do monthly challenges and DO talk more about our goals of ELMM - EAT LESS and MOVE MORE.

    @CBlue - Lori - I'm glad your hubby sees fit to escape the house - makes it a bit easier for you and he to just not be around each other doesn't it.......I remember so well.
    When I mentioned I'll be working Sundays, just FYI - I won't be working the SUnday you'll be here.... I have a couple of nice places to offer to show you and you can decide how much time you want to be a tourist and how much time you want to rest with your legs up - gosh you sound so darn busy!
    Your photo of your walk is Gorgeous! Isn't your new found energy (that you bestowed on yourself by getting fit and losing weight) such a big help!

    1. To Post Here 5 days a week minimum.
    2. To mention what I have eaten in each post, since I'm not good at logging.
    3. To describe my exercise for that day in my post.
    4. To list a few non- MFP goal, ie. vacuum a room, to accomplish, to not let my house fall into disarray just 'cuz I've returned to work part-time.

    FOOD: (BK) 2 scrambled eggs with 1 chopped cherry tomato & 1/8 C shredded cheese. (L) 1/2 C. Cottage Cheese 2%. (4pm) 1C. Cottage Chz. need supper meal with veggies

    EX: 2-10 mn. walks, 2 sets hand-grip squeezer, 1 set of six PT ex. for low back strain.(all laying on back on bed) need to do 2 more sets....
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @RobinsEgg - LOVE your new profile pic!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hi everyone ... it's Saturday ...- Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    I have finally come up with a layout design that I like for the furniture in my living room. This has been an ongoing project ... using a software program so I can get a bird's eye view before actually moving anything around. It's been months of work for me ... as I have made 'plans' for all the rooms in my house, and the grounds as well (grounds are still a work in progress).

    September report ...
    9 days so far at or below calorie goal. There were 3 that were very high, and the day after each was very low ... but I am not doing averages in my record keeping this month. The rest of the days were right on target.

    Personals ... only a few today ...
    @susan2396 ... thanks for asking about my Wednesday wish ... all of them came true!
    @RobinsEgg ... I don't do chicken in parchment, and save the Salmon for grilling or broiling, but I just love white fish in parchment packets.
    @RobinsEgg ... so glad you are finding a healthy attitude toward earlier life pains. It's so much easier to move on when one is not stuck in the mud or looking through the rear-view mirror as we travers and travel through life.
    @clbue315 ...Love the picture you shared of TheFriendship Trail ... almost as much as I live the sound of the work Neenah ... cause (giggle, giggle), that's how my given name is pronouned.

    Goals for this coming week
    Sunday - church and cook a soup, bake an apple cake
    Monday - make the house acceptable for the plumber to come inside, cook a casserole
    Tuesday - do laundry, go for a walk around the block, start the furniture movement process.
    Wednesday - get the trash/recycle ready for pickup, shop for groceries, make an antipasto-salad for dinner, watch MasterChef on TV
    Thursday - more furniture movement, Wine and Cheese tasting at SS P&P
    Friday - visit sis, cook a fish
    Saturday - do this again, move some more furniture around.

  • sistermargret
    sistermargret Posts: 49 Member
    I live in rural Iowa. Where we drive 15 for a gas station pizza, that's the best to be had. Not even the mail is delivered to the house. We have cluster boxes and gravel roads and cows. And, believe it or not, I live in "town." I really am a sister and my husband is a pastor. Obviously, not Roman Catholic. I am permanently disabled due to RA and fibromyalgia. I kicked the wheelchair habit so to speak a couple years ago.
    Grew up in cities. Lived in Jersey just outside New York. Lived in Boston. Greater Milwaukee....

    I miss delivery.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Things just keep moving along. I had signed up to do a 5K fun run on Saturday for a local cancer support group, but had to go the funeral of an old friend instead. His wife was one of my first walking buddies. We walked together for years, until her health would no longer permit her to walk. She's been gone 5 years, so I know he was glad to go be with her.
    Yesterday Nicole and Cathy introduced me to Piyo. Now that was workout. I had to do some modifications, using a chair for the planks and pushups, but I still worked up a good sweat. I also mowed lawn for an hour, so I had lots of exercise. I hope to get in a good walk this evening.
    DH is doing okay, but just content to sit wrapped in his electric throw blanket. He sleeps a lot of the day away, but still sleeps quite well at night, so I guess it's okay. I'm glad football season has started because he really enjoys that. It gives him something to do. Tuesday is the appointment with the neurologist. I'm anxious for that.
    Welcome to the newcomers. These on-line friends hold me together. I'm so grateful for this site.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • sistermargret
    sistermargret Posts: 49 Member
    Joy! For the first time in about 6 weeks the scale moved. I've lost 5 lbs. Totaling 10 since I started working at it. 20 since January, (flu.)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Yet again, I've been scarce on the thread this week. Not even sure when I last posted, but I've been keeping up with reading at least.

    It's been a crazy busy week. Meetings after school Tuesday and Wednesday, then Open House on Thursday night. Friday, I had to go to my godson's rehearsal dinner and yesterday was the wedding. It was in the city, so DH and I stayed down there at a hotel. Everything went great except that we were late. The groom's mother specifically told me the ceremony would start at 5:30, but it was actually supposed to begin at 5.

    I had planned to get there around 4:45, but my husband was putzing around in the hotel room. I kept telling him "we need to leave" but to no avail. Then our Uber took really long to get to us due to a surge. The groom called me at 5:05 to see where we were and they ended up holding the start until we got there at 5:15. According to his mom, it was a good thing because about 10 other people showed up between 5 and 5:15, so if we had started on time they would've been walking in during the ceremony.

    I felt terrible for being late, but they weren't upset at all. In fact, when we pulled up the whole wedding party which was staged outside, cheered our arrival. It was very cute.

    Welcome to the newlings. I will catch up on personals later.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    This has been another busy week for me and no less tiring. The milkshake habit is still around but at least I am controlling the habit. The week was brutal again and by Friday I was beyond exhausted. I did stop for a milkshake on my way to meet a friend to go climbing. The milkshake was tasty and helped me to calm down but it did not solve all my problems. Go figure. Climbing helped the most on Friday getting me to relax so exercise is the way for me to go. Saturday, I slept for almost 12 hours, which was great then proceeded to run 5.25 miles at a slow pace. Actually, this turned into my forever pace so I am excited about this. Today, was a 20 mile bike ride in the nice cool fall like weather. The cold front came through last night with a huge rain storm. I am off tomorrow due to one of the Jewish holidays so another 4 day work week. This will be nice but also problematic since I have back to school night on Tuesday with no time to prepare. This week I could spend all my evenings in meetings.

    After the couple of weeks, I have made a vow to myself that I will give myself two weekdays to take time for me. This week I am skipping a meeting on Wednesday evening to workout with a friend and trainer. If I don't take the time for myself then I get grumpy, tired and feel totally lazy. At that point I am no good to anyone and I would prefer not to repeat that experience again.

    My goal is two weekdays each week to workout with my trainer. This week it will be Monday and Wednesday.

    I have missed everyone and hope to check in more regularly. Today, I brought a new computer and order the new iPhone 6S. I like the new computer and I am excited about the new phone.

    I will catch up more tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has been keeping us in your prayers. My dad is still in the hospital. He is having trouble standing not to mention walking. We need to find a PT who is willing to come to the house the company we had before does not want to take my dad on anymore since he is so bad. I fear that he will be confined to his room. I am not ready to deal with these new symptoms and it saddens me that he is not improving in health. This has been the other stressor in my life and the major reason, why I need exercise instead of milkshakes.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- What is the date of the Shamrock Shuffle? I have a friend who lives in Chicago and may join us for the run. He will be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to spending time with him and everyone else. I may come in on Friday and stay through Monday at this point. It just depends on the race timeline. It will make a ice long weekend.

    Anyone else who is going the run- What day are you planning on flying into Chicago?
  • Hello. Relatively new here. Havent even started logging yet. Since/i ate 4 cookies today its probably for the best-"
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lauire-- glad you asked about the Shamrock Shuffle. I just checked the website and registration opens on September 17th. They also posted a different date for the race than had previously been posted. Now it says the race is Sunday April 3rd. Here is the link for all who are interested.

    I will have to adjust our hotel reservations. I had 2 rooms reserved for the weekend of March 20th b/c that's the date that had been posted. On the plus side, we are likely to have better weather.

    @lori, robin, kelley, susan, and anyone else who was thinking of coming to Chicago-- please see the post above about the date change.