Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - its great to be in the six - mile club. I'm kind of afraid I might not be making much progress in the rest of the month. See my AFM.

    Kaye - I was thinking about you and it struck me that with your increased mileage this month that you are probably building muscle this month and of course that weighs more than other tissue. So, you will naturally be having difficulty losing weight until that evens out. So don't get discouraged. Love those new muscles. How are your knees feeling, by the way?

    hjwhite - I hate reading about your job situation - I worked in a hospital setting and know about your clinic setting well and can understand your frustration when they tell you one thing and do another. BUT - I am so IMPRESSED with you for NOT binge eating. That takes SO MUCH WILL POWER - You should mark the day on your calendar as a day when you were especially strong willed, and try and emulate that the next time you are challenged. Avoiding binge eating is SO hard! :drinker:

    AFM - I heard from my Ortho Doctor today that I am to entirely STOP all physical therapy exercises even the easy ones they gave me to do at my dining table. I am to rest my back and right leg until I see him and get a lumbar MRI to see if I have any herniated disks in my lumbar spine on JUNE 2nd. Gosh that is so far away to me. I can't imagine going that long resting
    without any kind of activity! No swimming, no walkiing any distance, good grief!. The only exercise I can do is lay on my back on my yoga mat and press the small of my back against the floor a couple of times a day and thats it. SHEESH..

    Yesterday was my downer day. I got very blue sad and lonely on top of every thing else. I got sick and tired of my sinus treatments cuz I have to do them every time I turn around and its disgusting at times. I called a friend and they came over for a brief while but only had a short time to visit as they were heading off on vacation. I spent the night binging. I know, shame on me. Well, the bad food now is all gone, and I wont buy any more. It was ice cream and brownies I had bought before surgery. It was time to get it out of the house one way of the other!

    Today I am cheerful and in a great mood again. I don't know why those downer days happen - I'm just glad they don't last. Here's wishing everyone has a great day with a better outcome than yesterday.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi, I'm new here but love everything about this site! My Wednesday wish is, for my body to stop hurting after my awesome bear crawls I did yesterday! I'm trying to stay consistent with my calorie intake and working out at least 6 days a week....I think I can do it this time! :smile:

    Hi Mahogany - welcome to our thread and please come back often!

    Hey Bear crawls are tough - no wonder your hurting - congratulations for having those skills. I know you can stick with it with our support!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Great day yesterday, met all three forgotten goals, under calories, walked and drank my 8 cups. Went out with the family and ordered a Caesar Chicken Salad and green smoothie, both really good. I ate slowly but kept thinking I will need more lately to fill me up but I did not, I also got busy so that helped me. Water the poor vegetables and mowed the lawn, planted some marigolds that the wife got for mother’s day. My sister had a flat tire at work so since I am her triple A I had to go fix a flat. Got home in time to go to bed and it was a good day.

    Welcome new people this is a great board to follow!
    Tanya - Glad the dentist was 'ok'. I too hate that place, the smell gets me going. My stomach is knotting just thinking about it.

    hjwhite - It is terrific that you are not eating over this stressful job situation! Let it pass.

    Laurie - Or should I say Farmer Laurie? That is great you are going to keep supporting your friend it that way. I have already said I like it here, in one place, but I really like the update notes. I know they are a lot of work so what ever the group thinks.

    Damensha - Bowl Lover! lol

    Morgoir - No snappy quote today! What the heck? Oh and I can never see your pictures, it is most likely my firewall at work.

    RobinsE - So sorry to hear of your continuing saga of medical mishap. I will pray for your confort. No activity would drive me crazy. I am really glad you are in better spirits and posted.

    May Mileage Goal: 40 miles
    5/1 = 1.98
    5/2 = 0.86
    5/5 = 0.86
    5/6 = 1.67
    5/7 = 1.56
    5/8 = 1.74
    5/10 = 1.70
    5/11= 1.84
    5/13= 1.77

    May total: 15.61 miles

    P.S. Casey Kasem FOUND, but not a lot of information, how did he go missing, how was he found! I still have questions.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @hjwhite~I’m sorry for the stressful time you’re having at work. I can relate, I just finished up a huge software upgrade project at work—it was a crazy time.

    @Laurie~I’m really sorry to hear about the passing of your friend, what a great dedication to him.

    @Robin~I’m sorry you’ve been sidelined from any form of exercise, frustrating I know. :explode: Hang in there, hope the MRI doesn’t show a herniated disc. I’m sorry you were down in the dumps yesterday, glad you got to visit with a friend to help cheer you up a bit. :bigsmile:

    AFM~Made it to the gym yesterday, the new gym has a cardio theatre so watched the last third of Iron Man 2 while on the stepper and elliptical. It’s a cool room, all dark and cool with 9 large flat screens and surround sound—you almost forget you’re working out! :wink: I see my trainer this afternoon for weights.

    Mileage Update:

    Wednesday, 5/14/14—4.62mi

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Run with Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day (worked late) DONE!
    Tuesday~Weights with Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Cardio DONE!
    Thursday~Weights with Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day

    Have a great day!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just time for a mileage update. Hoping to get in a walk this afternoon if the weather cooperates. Currently we have tornado warnings and thunderstorms so we'll see.

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2.00 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.5 miles (class plus 1.5 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2.00 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.5 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)
    5/12 - 4.0 miles (class plus 2.0 mile walk)
    5/13 - 4.5 miles (walk)
    5/14 - 2.0 miles (class)
    5/15 - 2.0 miles (class)

    Total Miles - 46.75
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    I had a pretty bad eating day yesterday, but today will be better!

    Welcome Mahogany!


    ushkii- here is a snappy quote for you:laugh:

    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” ~Robert Louis Stevenson

  • 4dnewbegin
    4dnewbegin Posts: 2
    Good morning all,

    I'm new to this thread so a little about myself. I am 215 lbs and I wish to lose 65 lbs to get to a goal weight of 150 lbs. I am 40 years old, a full-time working mom & wife with 2 little girls, 5 years old & 20 months old. I have been struggling with weight since my college years when I gained 50 lbs and didn't understand why (I was always the skinny kid that ate what I wanted, didn't exercise). Soooo, I mostly struggle with 3 main issues:
    1. No time to workout
    2. Portion Control
    3. I only get 5 - 6 hours a night of sleep.
    As a busy wife & mom, there is always something that takes precedence over working out....dinner, bath, cleaning bottles, changing diapers, giving hugs, etc. etc. I need all the help I can get b/c I really can't take this weight anymore b/c I refuse to buy size 18 pants so I've been wearing maternity clothes to work for the last year and a half. Pitiful, I know. So, here's my plan in my head to get it right this time.
    Walk/jog 2 miles 4x/week at home. Try to sneak in at least two 2mile walks while at work. Reduce portion sizes & track food using this site.
    Any other ideas? I'm open to all suggestions b/c I don't get home until 7 p.m. so I really can't do anything other than get my girls ready for the night when I get home.
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Ya’ll!
    I got some extra steps in this morning because of a meeting at work and having to park 2 blocks away. It was a nice walk to get my day started! When I got home, I decided to try to do some of the Make Ahead steel cut oats for my breakfasts the rest of the weekend after I get off work. I did them sort of chia flavored… I hope they turn out as good as the strawberries & cream ones I’ve been fixing lately! I think a little Almond milk and a spoon of SF Italian Sweet Crème creamer should boost the creaminess and give me the sweetness I like. I’ll have to let y’all know how that goes.

    @ Robin – OH goodness! I hope that your MRI comes up ok or at least fixable without more surgery for you this year! Bless your heart hun! I don’t feel like I get much exercise, but to be told Not to do anything would be really hard. Heck, I’d probably make the back worse and drive y’all crazy on here living at the computer. :noway: Keeping you in my prayers.

    @ Ushkii – Casey Kasem Stalker! Neener Neener! LOL! I’m pulling for you and your plants! Grow little plants! Grow!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    @ Kah – A cardio theater sounds really neat. Something to add to the list when I do decide to go gym shopping down the road.

    @ 4dnewbegin – Welcome to the thread! Sounds to me like you’ve got the right ideas, and being here will help so much more than doing it by yourself! The folks on this thread are some of the most awesome people you could have run across! Settle in, get comfy and jump in whenever you like!

    Alrighty, time to get off the booty, do my mile or two with Leslie and get to my nap before work tonight!

    Have a Fantastic Day!!!
    Jenn :flowerforyou:
    Monday 5/12 – 1.06 miles (2625 steps)
    Tuesday 5/13 – 2.51 miles (6210 steps)
    Wednesday 5/14 – 2.91 miles (7102 steps)
    Thursday 5/15 - Aiming High for 10K plus steps! :bigsmile:
    May Mileage Goals:
    7 / 31 - 6,000 Steps / Day = 2.5 Miles / Day
    6 / 20 - 5 Extra Miles / Week (LS - Walk at Home)
    1 / 12 - Days with 10,000 steps or more (Work Days)
    32.97 / At least 75 miles total for the Month (FitBit / Extra)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thank you for keeping track of the mileage. I'm open to whatever we decide. I can report it here, I can report it on google docs. Whatever, I just don't want to overwhelm the volunteers with a lot of extra work, so whatever is easiest.

    5/13 2.04
    5/14 2.14

    Thursday truth: I let life get in the way of this personal weight loss/health journey I'm taking. I fell straight into bad habits of not logging, eating on the fly, not preplanning my menus etc, etc. I know I shouldn't but...With that said, I do know that I just have to start up again. I don't have to wait until a Monday to start and that each moment is a chance to make the right decision for me. dad was always pretty darn good about weight. He met and married my mom when she was thin (for the 5 year period of her life that she was - :laugh: ) but loved her even when she gained a lot of weight. I only remember one time that he ever said anything to me but it has stuck with me for a long time -- he told me my butt was getting a bit thick. It was such an out of the norm statement from him that it even struck me as odd at the time. I only had one other girl in my class -- she was 5'11" and stick straight. I was about 140 and definitely pear shaped (boy I'd love to be that again!!). I heard the boys calling me thunder thighs and I certainly didn't need my dad pointing out my flaws. I didn't respond to him, never said a word about it to anyone and never heard another comment after that. My mom, who speaks from experience, has always just said, "Take care of it when you are younger because the older you get the harder it is." She does a pretty good job of only pointing out the positive "Good for you for going to the gym" "Sounds like you're doing good on the diet" "Yay, another pound gone"

    @Nettie...congrats on seeing your name on the board

    @Kelley...cardio theatre? I would love that. My main problem is that when I'm on the treadmill/elliptical I get bored and want off. Not too bad if I can find a program but there are times that I forget my headphones, etc. Now a movie would possibly keep me interested. :smokin:

    @Tanya...I have a receding gum line (inherited from both my grandparents). When it started to happen, my dentist suggested the below the gumline cleaning but my insurance wouldn't cover it all so we looked at some alteratives. That's when I got my electric tooth brush. It's the Oral B and my gums have rebounded quite nicely and no longer seem to be an issue. We keep running the test --- 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, (haha) and it looks like I'm in a holding pattern of good gums.

    @Laurie...sorry to hear about your friend. I think that sounds like a wonderful way to honor Joe's memory!

    @Jenn...I too hate to use the Kindle app on my phone. I've somehow misplace my actual kindle but have been able to use my iPad in the meantime. I have the older 3G Kindle that can't be read in the dark. My iPad has kind of spoiled me. Sounds like you've been super busy!

    @Robin...UGH! One step forward two steps back huh? Hang in there lady and things will ultimately get better!

    @Ushkii...I too was very worried about Casey Kasem. Glad he's found. Dimentia is such a hard thing. Too bad it's multipled by the fact that his family is fighting.

    I know there is more, but I really should get back to work. :embarassed:

    AFM. I met with the trainer last night and it was once again an impressive leg workout. After the first half, she said -- "One more leg exercise" After we did a couple more, she said "oh I's another one" I ended with step ups and my legs were quivering so badly. She did remind me to stretch, stretch again and then stretch again or I would be calling her a B!^@& today. I must have done okay...they are sore, but not too bad.

    We had the home inspection today. There's a few things we want them to take care of, but a laundry list of small items that myself or my husband can take care of. We're going to ask for the three top items -- bottom siding boards are damaged (they already got money for it so they just need to repair them), hail damage on gutters/spouts (should be covered under their insurance) and do some electrical to bring items up to code (some live exposed wired and a double tap into the box). We'll see. If they accept, we would move the end of July or middle of August. Fingers crossed! Michael really had to kind of change his thinking -- he kept thinking "I could buy such a nicer/bigger home in Sioux Falls for the same price." I finally got through to him that we can't do that to ourselves...this is the market here.

    I love watching my kids' activities, but I am glad they are done (until the summer ones start - ha). The multiple activities each day at the end of the school year was really tough to coordinate. Michael is home, but had Lasik surgery so he wasn't able to drive at all for the two days that were over the top in activities. But for the final 1 1/2 weeks of school, my son does not need to be at school early for Jazz Band, nor does he have to stay late for track. HE GETS TO THE RIDE THE BUS AS SCHEDULED!!! Whoo hoo!! It really is about the little things isn't it???? :bigsmile:

    Have a super Thursday!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    4dnewbegin, welcome. It sounds like life is pretty overwhelming for you right now. You are on the right track. Keep it simple. Just remember that you can lose weight as long as you eat less calories than you burn. Exercise is a bonus. Log your food, all of it and keep within the calorie goals that MFP has set for you. You will lose. As you begin to lose you will feel so good, and your success will be motivating. Come here often and let us encourage you.
    Robin, I am so sorry about your back problems. Take care. You asked about my knees. I still have a lot of pain. So far nothing the dr has tried has helped. I have also tried heat and ice with no change. Yesterday I started using a rather expensive blend of essential oils that are supposed to be anti-inflammatory. If they don't work, I am just going to see if we can find a pain pill that won't make me sick and will keep the pain down at night so I can sleep better.
    Tlh, good luck with the house.
    I have spent the bulk of my day, in between chasing my busy baby, making fudge for graduation gifts. We have 9 young friends graduating from high school this weekend. I found some foil gift boxes at the dollar store. I made each one about 3/4 of a pound of fudge, vanilla and chocolate. Cathy loaned me a paper punch that cut a 2.5 inch circle for a gift tag. They look nice. The downside is that I haven't eaten anything healthy since breakfast, just too many blts of all wrong stuff.
    Hope the rest of your days goes well.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    It was really warm today. There's a fine line between too cold and too hot. Guess I shouldn't be so picky.
    Wednesday wish: Really wishing this scale would start moving down!
    Hope you all have a great week and feel success in your efforts.
    Today's miles: 7.4
    Onward and downward. Kaye

    7.4 miles?????? that is amazing!!!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    note to self....ride bike BEFORE doing several hours of yard work. Was too tired
  • mahogany1987
    @RobinsEgg and @Damensha
    Thanks I'm happy to be here! Love how you guys encourage each other and yes Bear Crawls are very TOUGH!
    LOL have a great evening guys! :smile:

  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Today's mileage... 3 miles. Just my reminder. Will update them again together in one post tomorrow. Hoping for a loss when I hit the scale tomorrow at physio... So many clothes are getting bigger :bigsmile:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tom- The chart looks great. Thanks for posting it. I am not an expert at spread sheets so I am still learning my way around them.

    Robin- That sucks about the back problems and I am sorry that you have been "grounded" from all exercise. I wish they could move the MRI up for you. I believe you are actually in the 9 mile club from the exercise you got in earlier this week. :bigsmile: That change will be noted in next week's update.

    Welcome to the new people. You have found a gem with this thread.

    Kaye- I love homemade fudge, luckily I don't have the patience to make it myself. You are doing a great job keeping track of everything so just hang in there. I know the weight will drop again.

    Nettie- Congrats on the job. I must have missed the initial post, which one did you get?

    Truth-I am on the fence about doing the Super sprint Triathlon on June 1. There is part of me that wants to do this event but then there is the rational or irrational part of me that is talking myself out of it. Reason to do it is to say that I have completed an outdoor triathlon and to prove to myself that I am capable of doing well during a race against other people and not just against myself. Reasons for not doing this: fear of failure in that I won't meet my personal goal of finishing in under 1 hour. Travel time to the event is about 1 hour ( really don't want to stay at a hotel or with friends), first heats go off about 7:30am. The bike is on major roads but traffic should be light. I can go to a picnic that same day and go kayaking and bike riding instead at a park that is only 10 minutes away from me. I would also want to pick up the packet the night before the race so that means another trip to Columbia and that would be 3 days in a row, otherwise, I need to be at the event between 6-7 to pick up the packet and finish registration. I am trying to decide if this event is worth the travel time and the stress of doing a new event plus the training involved. The distances for the events are a 300 yd swim, 4.5 mile bike and a 1.25 mile run. Yes, it might be fun but is it worth the cost and the hassle of logistics for such a short event. I know there will be other events that I can do that will be closer to home and longer distances but still not sure if I am ready for those. I really don't like being so wishy-washy but I just have trouble committing to these races, which is not the best way to train for events.

    Well need to go. Mileage updated.
  • hjblackburn26
    Almost didn't log in this evening because I feel so upset at myself so here is my Thursday Truth:

    So, I thought I was doing really good this evening. I measured out my food and only ate what I measured. Well, I was watching Grey's Anatomy (LOVE IT!!) and 'thought' I was still hungry. In the end I ended up eating 3.5 hot dogs (salt...YEP!) and I wasn't hungry. I know it was from the fact that all I was doing was sitting on my butt and watching TV. This is my biggest problem...if I get bored, sad, depressed, angry, happy, etc. I binge eat then I feel bad and berate myself afterward. Someone mentioned I should contact overeaters annoymous but there are not meetings in my area. Idk what to do and I know if I don't get this under control I'm going to end up right back where I started and in worse shape than I am now!

    Now I feel even worse because I reread my post from yesterday and saw all the nice things that were said and I feel like I've let you all down.

    @Damensha, Robin, Kah68, and ushkii: I'm sorry I wasn't able to stay strong today!

    @4dnewbegin: welcome and good luck!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hjwhite, its just one day. Move on. Start fresh tomorrow. I did offer a suggestion on the 'my home' thread.
    My walk today was short, 2.27 miles. I think that puts me close to 70 miles at the halfway point.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • hjblackburn26
    To all the women: it's almost that you all feel more hungry during that time and tend to overeat? I think that might be my problem.

    @grandmakaye44: I saw that and responded...thank you!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - it sure seems lot a , I mean, a 3 day commitment and a lot of driving , but if you want to get your first outdoor triathalon out of the way, I say go for it. But it a better triathalon is coming up pretty soon after , is it better to have a little bit longer training time? You do have a lot to consider.

    AFM - I stewed for a while over the Doctor grounding me and then I decided that he basically told me to rest, but he didn't tell me things, I COULDN"T DO, like he didn't tell me I could go for strolls after I had bought some better walking shoes, so that's a agoal, and he didn't tell me I couldn't just hang from a pool noodle and stretch my back out, so I'm going to do that, and I might toss in a few other things I can think of here and there! SO THERE!:glasses:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow, the thread completely got away from me! I skimmed up to this point, but will hopefully have time to go back and read thoroughly tomorrow.