Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys! I had a meeting that ran until 6 pm. Then I ate a quick dinner and headed to starbucks to grade. Just caught up on posts, and it's late so only a few personals:

    @tom--congrats on breaking into the 250's! :drinker:

    @hansea--the shoes sound awesome!

    @laurie--thanks for the update. :happy:

    @tanya--good luck at the dentist. I'm not a fan either, but have finally found one I like which makes it a bit more bearable. :ohwell:

    @tammy--doritos and cottage cheese? Sounds dangerous.

    @L2T--take care of that PF--I've had it as well, and it's no fun. :cry:

    @nicole--hangover is gone, but still a bit of a sore throat--nothing too serious though.

    @damensha & aimee--it's tough when a parent (or spouse or sibling or friend) says something hurtful. I sometimes think parents especially tend to think their unconditional love means they can be tactless. My mom isn't bad about this, but I have many memories of my dad making comments that I'm sure he meant as constructive criticism, but came off as critical and hurtful. Not necessarily about weight, though sometimes. I remember specifically that every time I got a pimple when I was a teen, he would point it out very bluntly--"you know you have a pimple on your chin." Really? :explode: Is there a teenager alive who isn't aware of every imperfection, real or imagined? Finally, one day I just responded with, "Yes, i do. It's b/c I'm getting my period and my face breaks out every month at this time!" That shut him up--at least about the pimples. :laugh:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Got a few essays done today despite the late meeting. No walk. :ohwell: I have another meeting tomorrow, but it shouldn't run too late, so I will get in a walk plus more grading.

    Grading Goals:
    1.10/70 AP Lit Theory papers

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--Fun day out with Susan!!! bigsmile

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles
    5/9= 0 miles
    5/10= 0 miles
    5/11= 2 miles
    5/12= 2 miles
    5/13= 0 miles
    5/14= miles
    5/15 = miles
    5/16 = miles
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Whew as Kaye said, busy board today! Glad for everyone's excitement about doing this Challenge again -
    and whomever offered to put the mileage on a public Google Docs so we'd all be able to record our own mileage - That sounds like a great idea. Sorry I don't remember your name!!!! Please post again :flowerforyou:

    AFM - I haven't been able to reach my right foot since I hurt my lower back and right leg about 6-8 weeks ago. So I got a pedicure today. OH MAN - I haven't had a pedicure in over a good 7 years, and I'd forgotten what an indulgence it was. And a man did it. I'm chuckling right now remembering how he massaged my calves. Haven't had a man touch me like that EVER. My ex was not a massager. I'm definitely going to start budgeting for this ! :smooched:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sorry, Laurie, Heres the update on my mileage. Thanks so much. By the way you talked about stress tears - I've had that condition all my life. I thought it would go away with my hysterectomy (total) but NO it didn't. Like you said, its such an annoyance - people kinda look at you strange ...... I sympathize with you!

    May Goal – 30 miles

    5/1 = 0 miles
    5/2 = 0 miles
    5/3 = 2 miles
    5/4 = 1 mile
    5/5 = 1 mile
    5/6 = 1 mile
    5/7 = ½ mile
    5/8 = ½ mile
    5/9 = 1 mile
    5/10 = 1 mile
    5/11 = 1 mile
    5/12 = ½ mile
    5/13 = 1- ½ mile

    Total: 11 miles/ goal 30 miles
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robin - Both Laurie and I volunteered to attempt a Google Spreadsheet. She sounds like she knows more about it than I do, but I'm willing to work with her to figure it out.

    Question for the group:

    If we're going to setup a group spreadsheet for tracking challenges, we should setup a separate sheet on the spreadsheet for each type of challenge that can be used when needed. These are the ones I could think of:

    Exercise Mileage
    Pounds Lost
    Days at Calorie Goal

    If anyone wants another sheet for another type of challenge, let me know.

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2.00 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.5 miles (class plus 1.5 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2.00 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.5 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)
    5/12 - 4.0 miles (class plus 2.0 mile walk)
    5/13 - 4.5 miles (walk)
    5/14 - 2.0 miles (class)

    Total Miles - 44.75
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning.

    I found out last night the board meeting agenda had been position on my district's website and that the teacher summer positions were on there. Of course when I got home I looked to see for myself. My name was listed for 2:3 positions I applied for. I did not get summer school but I was put up for my program and another program. The meeting for approval was last night. If everything went as planned I should be receiving my letter shortly. Yippie for being employed for the summer! I am still going to continue sending out my resume in hopes of landing something FT for September.

    Laurie - Thanks for keeping track of all our miles for us.

    My Miles:
    5/1 - 3.41 miles
    5/2 - 3.74 miles
    5/3 - 6.92 miles
    5/4 - 2.13 miles
    5/5 - 4.73 miles
    5/6 - 5.64 miles
    5/7 - 4.39 miles
    5/8 - 3.28 miles
    5/9 - 2.91 miles (Lazy day!!!)
    5/10 - 4.53 miles
    5/11 - 4.47 miles
    5/12 - 4.08 miles
    5/13 - 3.1 miles
  • knichole288
    knichole288 Posts: 6 Member
    Wednesday is wish day, and my wish list is quite large at this point. I wish most of all that I could simply feel like myself again. The person that was so confident, able to wear anything my heart desired, and go anywhere. I am luckily still happy for the most part, but I struggle with the other areas of my life. I wish that I could lose 120 pounds and keep it off forever. I wish that I could have so much energy for exercising and being healthy that it spills out of me!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~Hooray, great news!!! Still keeping you in my thoughts for something full-time, come Fall.

    @Hansea~I’ve had some pretty obnoxiously colored runners :laugh:, had some grey/pink Brooks that I actually loved. My current Brooks are a chartreuse yellow/pink—got dirty quick though running outside.

    @hjwhite~I think Hansea is right, you may not be hungry for breakfast in the morning because of dinner the night before. Also, I am always in a rush in the morning—I have to leave for work super early so don’t have time to make b’fast, I make it the night before or like this past weekend I made an egg bake with lots of veggies for b’fast this week—I just heat it in the microwave when I get to work. It works out great. I don’t eat a lot of frozen/convenience foods, but Jimmy Dean has a D’Light line with lots of great b’fast options that heat in the microwave—those along with some fruit make for a great choice. Also, Kaye can attest to this, there is no need to eat something different than what you prepare for your family. Who wants to spend all night in the kitchen preparing two meals? Definitely not me. If they aren’t receptive to eating healthier versions of your usual fare, try to eat smaller portions—maybe make some extra veggies to help fill in the gaps (the fiber will make you feel full longer) and skip dessert most nights. Remember it’s all about making the plan work for you.

    @Tanya~Hope you do okay at the dentist. I’m fine at the dentist for a cleaning or simple cavity fill, anything beyond that and I need Vitamin V. :wink: Luckily, I have a great dentist now—she really makes it a point to make her patient’s as comfortable as possible during procedures.

    @Laurie~I always waiver when people ask how much weight I’ve lost, so I respond by saying “altogether” or “since I’ve known you?” :wink: They are equally surprised by both answers. Thank you for keeping track of everyone’s mileage. This has been a great challenge! I get stress tears too, you’re not alone.

    @Robin~LOL, glad you enjoyed your pedicure. I :love: pedicures and massages even better. I’m so glad my trainer reconnected with the medical massage therapist at my old gym—he’s going to be moving into my trainers studio, so I’m glad I’ll be able to get them regularly again!

    AFM~Worked out with my trainer last night, he massaged one heck of a knot out of my quad—my knee had really been bothering me, all because of that quad muscle. Who knew?! Tonight, I WILL make it to the gym—the cardio theatre at my new gym is calling my name.

    Mileage Update:

    Tuesday, 5/13/14—3.18mi

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Run w Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day (worked late) DONE!
    Tuesday~Weights w Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Weights w Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.


    “Success is dependent upon the glands – sweat glands.” ~Zig Ziglar

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    hjwhite, I definitely follow the calories in/calories out plan as Karen mentioned. I cook for a family, and always eat what the family eats. I don't cook separate meals. I use portion control, rarely do desserts. I make some adjustments like making a salad on pizza day. I don't worry much about time of day, but I am a breakfast eater. I hope this helps. We are here to encourage and help each other. You can do this.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All!

    WOW we are Rocking the May Miles Challenge! Great Work Everyone! :glasses:

    No much to report today for me. Hubby and I spent most of yesterday getting the yard and out building cleaned up. I got to ride the mower for the first time this season… I Love mowing with that thing! I think I feel powerful or something on it. I also got a little bit of gardening in planting my last tire with beans, re-sowing the okra, weeding it, and getting some Miracle Grow on it when I watered. OH! And I have my first tiny tomato on the vine! Woot! :love: Had a not so great eating day. Hubby wanted to have lunch at his work, and I couldn’t keep out of his cheese fries. Today we have a friend coming over this evening to help Hubby try to get the roof patched. I hope they are able to get it done before dark. Lots of house cleaning to do today and get ready for going back to work tomorrow. Eight days seems to burn like wildfire for me. I just don’t know where the time goes. BTW, the knee is looking really good , the bruising is nearly gone but it’s still a little tender to the touch. At least it doesn’t hurt to walk on. :smile:

    @ Tom – I’m doing the happy dance with you! Congratulations!! Thanks for poating all the cool informative things that you post. I feel like I learn new stuff from you all the time! :drinker:

    @ Karen – LOVE the glow glasses! LOL!

    @ JTConst – Honey, don’t worry about the size of your garden… I’m growing mine in 8 tires lined up down my back fence. This year I’ve expanded to 9 Tomato plants, 6 peppers, herbs, trying okra, and 4 beans. I remember one of my Great Aunts growing tomatoes in a cinder block and making enough off of two plants that she shared with us. We use the space we have and make it work! For some reason I have decided that I need to grow something productive. It makes me So Stinking happy to watch my veggies grow!

    @ Tanya – I hope your dental appt went well!

    @ Laurie – Love the NSV!

    @ Heather – My eating habits are all over the place because, like you, I’m not much of a breakfast eater and with working 12 hour night shifts I’ve got meals going on 24 hours a day some days. I did find out last month with our challenge that protein really does keep me going longer than the carbs that I have an unhealthy relationship with. Bill and I eat out quite often just because of our schedules and to be honest, laziness on both our parts about cooking at home. He’s not really following any kind of diet but has changed duties a work recently so he’s losing weight related to the new found stress. Luckily, he’s a good sport and eats whatever I fix, so I do try to cook things that are better for me, take out my portion and he has at the rest. It takes time to get them to come around to your new way of eating for sure! I know mine misses his mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese, but he does understand the long term goals that we both need to be working on so he doesn’t fuss at home, he just gets his potato and pasta fix when we go out. LOL!

    @ Robin – Aren’t pedicures The Best?!?! I think I giggled all the way through my first one. You deserve to treat yourself once in a while! And you get Pretty Toes out of the deal too! :heart:

    @ Jeanette – I’m so glad you got good news on the job front! YAY!!!

    @ KNichole – Welcome to the Thread! You have found one of THE BEST groups of people on MFP! Settle in, get comfy, and jump in whenever you like!

    @ Hansea – Love the bright colored runners! Maybe that’s what I need to get motivated to move more. Hmm…

    Wednesday Wish: That each of us makes all our goals, finishes our lists, that we all stay motivated and that our families would understand what this “weight loss thing” truly means to each of us!:happy:

    Well, looks like the roof won’t be fixed today… It’s raining cats and dogs out there now. Well Poop. :noway: Oh well, time to get off the booty and get to cleaning this house!

    Have a Fantastic Day Y’all!
    Monday 5/12 – 1.06 miles (2625 steps)
    Tuesday 5/13 – 2.51 miles (6210 steps)
    May Mileage Goals:
    6 / 31 - 6,000 Steps / Day = 2.5 Miles / Day
    4 / 20 - 5 Extra Miles / Week (LS - Walk at Home)
    1 / 12 - Days with 10,000 steps or more (Work Days)
    30.06 / At least 75 miles total for the Month (FitBit / Extra)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wed wish, to get moving and make my walking goal. It is almost half way through May and I am not to the half-way point. I need to get moving.

    Laurie - Love the week ending update! Thanks for doing this and keeping me going. I like it here all in one place, but that is just me. If the website has more options than I can do that too, maybe. lol
    hansea - I bet you look faster in those sweet new shoes!
    Kaye - You are Awesome, keep walking! Reading your post make me feel thinner.
    JNettie - Great to hear you will be employed this summer, good for you. As you say keep looking

    Last night it was better weather and I left the poor little vegetable to fend for them. Hope they pull it together and make me a bunch of yummy stuff.

    May Mileage Goal: 40 miles
    5/1 = 1.98
    5/2 = 0.86
    5/5 = 0.86
    5/6 = 1.67
    5/7 = 1.56
    5/8 = 1.74
    5/10 = 1.70
    5/11= 1.84
    5/13= 1.77
    5/14= 0.53 Walk cut short, will go back out and update tomorrow.

    May total: 14.5 miles

    P.S. Hope they find Casey Kasem.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    5/14: 4.84 miles

    5/14: tba

    On foot: 27.72
    On bike: 30.5

    On foot: 50+
    On bike: 50+

    damesha and skinnyjeanzbo: Parental tough love is always tough. :\ I know my mom means well, but she just doesn't know how to support me in the way I need. (I needs kind and gentle loves.) Fortunately, I have a loving bf who enjoys supporting me, but mom's words just get stuck in my head and make me feel like I'm going to fail. ::sigh::
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @heather: I eat half of my daily calories for dinner, but eat a protein filled breakfast and small snacks every hour or two. That's what works for me. Fuelling your body throughout the day keeps you going and prevents overeating later (over calories). What I have found is I have to take one day a week to make several meals (soups, casseroles, snacks) then I have no excuses to miss a meal or eat something I shouldn't. I get my lunch and breakfast ready the night before, all I do is pull everything out of the fridge and pack my lunch bag. I cook eggs every morning... Everything down to the spatula is in place and ready to go... A real time saver.if I don't plan, I grab unhealthy things and slip back into old habits.

    @nettie: congrats on the summer employment. Good luck on finding September placement as well.

    I am jealous of all of you with gardens full of veggies and herbs. My grand plan when I moved to my current house was to put a big garden in the back. Too much shade for it as it turns out. I was going to put herbs in pots along my fence but my front flower garden was hard enough to keep alive the first few years that I decided I do not have a green thumb :ohwell:

    AFM.. I finished C25K W2D2 yesterday and since the next 2 days are supposed to rain I started W3 today after physio. I got through it easily as well, through mud, against the wind, and some small hilly sections. I love running on the trail (I'm an avid hiker so it just makes sense I run there too.) I also bought a pair of cross training/ running shoes... I really wanted them to do both, but they are more for training. If I stick with the running I will get real running shoes... Maybe when I get down to onederland, which is my first goal. They are Asics gel-unifire. Black with pink laces and soles. I do not like pink, but they felt really comfortable. I'm not a fan of all the funky colours. Oh, and I got a 25% discount too!

    The dentist was OK... They numb my gums before we start because I get deep cleanings below the gumline. They are very nice about making sure I'm comfortable, and I think they try to make me feel better by telling my how nice my teeth are and how white they are. :laugh:

    5/14: 6.9 miles ( I will stick with miles... Easier than converting both ways when I walk and do bike)
  • mahogany1987
    Hi, I'm new here but love everything about this site! My Wednesday wish is, for my body to stop hurting after my awesome bear crawls I did yesterday! I'm trying to stay consistent with my calorie intake and working out at least 6 days a week....I think I can do it this time! :smile:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    5/14: 0.79 miles completed!

    Under calories: 9/31
    7-8 hrs of sleep: 6/31
  • hjblackburn26
    Still under my calories today considering it was my third anniversary and I overate a little this evening. Feeling a little sluggish at the moment from all the food...starting to see the difference in how I feel after eating certain things now. Surprised I didn't binge considering the day I had at work. Taking it one day at a time!

    Wednesday Wish: Right now my wish is to be able to make it through the next couple of weeks at work without getting so stressed I go back to binging on everything. The ortho clinic I work for is being moved to a new building at the end of the month. Along with the move they are cutting back on staff. I'm one of the ones that is being cut from the clinic. They are placing me in another area but it is stressful and hurtful to me that I'm the only clinical staff that is leaving in two weeks when it was suppose to be me and another girl and I found out today they have asked that other girl to stay until one of the others comes back off maternity leave. OK..I understand that she has been there longer but IDK. We have a new scheduling process but when the clinic moves nothing will change in the back besides having more rooms to fill so if you need me now why wouldn't you need me in a couple of weeks? The other area I'm going to has actually called and asked if they could have me sooner and my office manager told them no...I just don't understand and I guess I shouldn't let it get to me but it does. To make a long story short I normally would binge in a time like this but I haven't yet so please keep me in your prayers.

    @mahogany1987: welcome and I wish you the best

    @Tanya949: someone else in a earlier post mentioned making a breakfast casserole and eating portions throughout the week (again I am horrible with names and if I can't see it on this screen I forget so I'm very sorry). I really like that suggestion and will have to try it. I have a few receipes for items like that so I can do one on Sunday and be set for the week. Thanks for the suggestion!!

    To everyone else that gave me suggestions...thank you and I'm sorry again that I can't remember your names right now!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin has moved into the 9 mile club. :drinker:

    Wednesday- was another busy day. I had an evening meeting tonight so I did not exercise today. I thought about running outside before my meeting but the weather was drizzly so not appealing. I ended up shopping instead then went to my meeting. Regretfully, I learned tonight that a friend passed away on Monday from Pancreatic Cancer. He fought a brave fight but lost the battle. I have known him for 15 years and he was a great person who had a heart of gold. Now, I will be adding a viewing to my weekend plans. On the bright side, I have found a new way to honor Joe. Kinder Park is starting a new animal management plan, where you can get a live stock animal (cow, goat) and keep it at the Park (farm) with people to take care of it. I have no desire to own a cow or goat but I can make a donation toward the program. So I will dedicate part of my donation to Joe. Eventually, I will be able to name the new animal. So that will be fun. I told the supervisor tonight, that I don't have time to care for the animal but would like to help support the animals. He loved the idea. Joe was a proud supporter of Kinder Farm Park so this is totally appropriate especially since this is the place where we meet.

    Wish-That everyone has a productive week.

    mileage updated.

    I am also wondering if it would be easier for people to post their mileage on here instead of going to a different website. How does everyone feel about posting their own miles?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    It was really warm today. There's a fine line between too cold and too hot. Guess I shouldn't be so picky.
    Wednesday wish: Really wishing this scale would start moving down!
    Hope you all have a great week and feel success in your efforts.
    Today's miles: 7.4
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick update and a few personals for me tonight…
    @ Mahogany – Welcome to the Thread! Things move fast here, so get comfy and jump in whenever you like!

    @ Heather – Happy Anniversary to you and the Hubs! I hope he took you somewhere really good! To stay under calories on stressful days and celebration days is tough and you just did it on BOTH! YOU ROCK! Keep those hits coming! You’ve Got This! :happy: We were told a couple of weeks ago that with all the new healthcare changes that are coming, that we had to cut an ungodly amount (read as big six figures) from our unit’s budget. We are starting with cutting overtime, trying to do away with supplies that we don’t use and no new hires for the busiest time of our year to cut costs. I really hope that this is the driving force behind your office’s changes and decisions. One thing I learned early on in my career was that in Healthcare, the only thing that remains the same is Change. Good Luck with the office move and with your new work office!

    @ Laurie – So sorry to hear about your friend’s passing. Your donation sounds like the Perfect memorial to him!
    It really doesn’t matter to me how we keep up with our miles. I am learning how to navigate Google Documents and have made my own spreadsheet for this month. I am good with whatever you all decide.

    @ Kaye – You are doing an absolutely Awesome job with your walking! Woot! :love:

    We’ve had a productive day despite the nonstop rain. We got the house looking respectable again, cleaned out the cabinets and made room for new mixing bowls that have been taking up counter space since Christmas. Have I mentioned how much I Love Bowls? It was hard to toss out even the cheap stained up storage bowls. I do have replacements waiting in the wings to put out after my weekend at work. Anyway, we also went to Verizon this afternoon got Hubby a new phone, got a sweet deal on a tablet, and have a replacement coming for my phone because its speaker is shot. I’m just so stinking excited that I can use the tablet to read my books again since my Nook died! Woot! It’s just not the same reading on the phone.

    Sleep Well My Lovelies!
    Jenn :flowerforyou:
    Monday 5/12 – 1.06 miles (2625 steps)
    Tuesday 5/13 – 2.51 miles (6210 steps)
    Wednesday 5/14 – 2.91 miles (7102 steps)
    May Mileage Goals:
    7 / 31 - 6,000 Steps / Day = 2.5 Miles / Day
    6 / 20 - 5 Extra Miles / Week (LS - Walk at Home)
    1 / 12 - Days with 10,000 steps or more (Work Days)
    32.97 / At least 75 miles total for the Month (FitBit / Extra)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    I hope this is readable for everyone. Laurie I made some small changes so that it would fit better. With MFP tall narrow sheets will work best. Right now it looks good on my big CAD monitor at work and it is ok on the smaller 24" monitor next to the big CAD one. I'll have to check on my tablet later when I get home. I think trying to read it on a phone would be pretty bad.:frown: