Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Oh yeah, mileage check in:

    5/7 - 1.14
    5/8 - 1.54
    5/9 - 1.4
    5/10 - 4.25
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    May 1 3.70 miles
    May 2 4.48
    May 3 5.00
    May 4 5.01
    May 5 6.06
    May 6 5.18
    May 7 3.48
    May 8 4.83
    May 9 7.88
    May10 5.08
    May Total: 50.70
    Goal: 100 miles

    So I've been a busy bee, between getting sick (:sick: over and over) and the weather turned nice. I've been alternating between dying in bed and running around outside because the weather is so much better. Interesting month and a half. I've kicked the latest (knock on wood) and got a sunburn (it was cool outside and didn't even think about it). The kids winter sports have wrapped up and spring soccer has started. Between the 3 of them we're at some field 5 days a week. Mostly the hubby because I work evenings. (:devil: bwahaha!) I've switched from the Zumba videos to a lady on youtube called Lauren Ftiz. She has 100s of different songs w/ choreography ranging from hip hop to Zumba. I'm having fun with it and it's working different areas. :laugh: I needed to change it up. I have so much energy right now.

    I had a great NSV a couple of days ago. My work pants were getting embarrassingly big. My SIL likes to give me hand me downs (she buys a new wardrobe every 3 months because she's in sales) and they've been all 14s and 16s. Which I would stick in my closet and ignore. Not very useful for a girl who wore 24. But I decided to try them on because my clothes have been looking ridiculous. I fit everyone of those 16s (though some were crazy tight). Woo Hoo! I fit in NORMAL store clothes! WOW!!!!!

    Robin great job on the run... it looks awesome and I love the pics!!!
    Anyway family is calling! Have a great weekend!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Saturday. Brian and I took a ride out east this morning and visited my favorite nursery. I bought a bunch of plants to add to my garden. 2 of my favorite purchases today were a dwarf lemon tree which already is blooming and has lemons on it and banana mint. Yes, I really did say banana mint. It has a strong minty flavor with a very faint banana fragrance and taste. Today I started putting some plants into my vegetable garden. So far I planted 26 tomato plants. :bigsmile: I wanted to get the rest of my plants in the ground too however Mother Nature wasn't cooperating with me. I had the radio on in the yard and hear the man announce storms are expected to occur after 5 pm. It was only 3:40 so naturally I thought I had plenty of time to get my plants in. No such luck, less than 10 minutes later the skies darkened. Brian came outside to inform me that it was raining and I should come in. I told him I was fine and wanted to plant for a while. Shortly after he went back inside the thunder began and caused me to retreat. :grumble: The storm lasted about 20 minutes then it cleared up again. I went back outside and continued planting. I managed to get the tomatoes in the ground before another storm came through. Tomorrow I hope to get the rest of my veggie garden planted. It is supposed to be a beautiful day.

    Tonight I made the Roasted Cauliflower Souffle that we learned to make in our cooking class. While it was in the oven I entered the recipe and was really surprised when I saw how low it was in calories. I truly expected it to be a lot more. I only bought to ramekins after class to make souffles in. I discovered I had quite a bit leftover and didn't want it to go to waste. I had one of my mom's dishes here from Easter that I have yet to return. I decided to put the rest of the mixture into that and bake it. We are going over tomorrow for brunch so I will bring that with us. I just hope it reheats nicely. I researched it and you can reheat the dish however it will be denser and will not rise again. I am ok with that as long as it tastes good. :wink:

    Jtconst - When I am frying I measure out my oil by tablespoon and only put enough in the pan at a time to do a light frying. Then when I am done I enter the recipe with the amount of oil I used. I don't know how I would account for oil for deep frying though.

    hjwhite - I am horrible with names too. My name is Jeanette but feel free to call me Nettie or JNettie.
    Congrats on the loss. Remember one day will not ruin the progress you have made so far. Just don't let days like that become standard routine. My advice to you is to get back to it tomorrow and do the best you can. We all have days like that from time to time.

    Mel - I am so glad to see you are back and working hard. I think it is great that you are focusing right now on eating healthier.

    RobinB - Congrats on the Color Run. I love the pictures. It looks like you had so much fun!

    p1xyn1xy - Congrats on fitting in the 16s! I am so happy for you.

    My Miles:
    5/1 - 3.41 miles
    5/2 - 3.74 miles
    5/3 - 6.92 miles
    5/4 - 2.13 miles
    5/5 - 4.73 miles
    5/6 - 5.64 miles
    5/7 - 4.39 miles
    5/8 - 3.28 miles
    5/9 - 2.91 miles (Lazy day!!!)
    5/10 - 4.53 miles
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening, It is very cold and windy tonight. I had a short walk earlier in the day. That will have to do for the day.
    We had a busy day. This morning our ward (church group) had a service project. The helped several people with their yards and took down a burned out shed for one man. Then we had a pot luck lunch with hamburgers and hot dogs. I wound up spending the morning helping set up for the lunch and clean up after. It didn't burn as many calories as cleaning yards, but it had to be done.
    RobinB, love the pictures of the color run.
    Happy Mother's day to all of you mothers. I hope tomorrow is a great day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
    Miles today. 1.44
  • hjblackburn26
    First and foremost I would like to wish all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day!

    Saturday Success: First week back to MFP and I was able to log in everyday and log my food, even if I went over. This is a success for me since normally if I had a bad day, like yesterday and today, I would not log in at all and ignore MFP for a while. Today I didn't feel like eating healthy so I went over my calories, not by to much, but I went over. I would have normally beat myself up about that but I didn't because I know tomorrow is a new day and I can start fresh and new in the morning.

    @mellwillbeheal: great job with your Saturday success about having a week of eating healthy!

    @hansea47: that was me that posted about the Blizzards! LOL!

    @naceto: thanks for the advice on the apps and what you use to log exercise. I have been looking extensively into FitBit and that's probably what I will purchase when I have the extra money. It seems like it has the best reviews so far to the others I've looked at and it's not as expensive. I will keep everyone updated on my decision.

    @Jnettie73: thanks for the advice and letting me know that I'm not alone. I know that I'm not but it's nice to be reassured by such a wonderful group of people!

    Time to go to bed. Morning comes early and going to start fresh and new! Everyone have a wonderful Sunday!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A busy day for me. My success was having a great exercise day. Started with a swim for over 1 hour, followed by water aerobics and then tonight went for a 3.5 mile walk. This mileage challenge is really working for me as it made me get active tonight. Tomorrow, I want to bike or kayak just not sure yet. I may end up at the gym on the spin bike at least I will get the miles done faster than on my bike. However, the bike is more fun and it will depend on the weather and if I can someone to ride with me.

    Aimee- Did you set a mileage goal for this challenge? Please post again, I may have missed it, sorry.

    Kaye- What was your mileage on 5/8 or was that a rest day? Sorry I am missing the numbers for that day and I don't want to miss any of your miles.
    Mileage updated.

    Have a great Sunday.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's and grandmothers in our group.

    Heart rate monitor is my choice but it really depends on what you want to track. The HRM does not track steps or miles only calories burned. I am have been thinking about getting a fitbit- just to see how many miles I walk a day.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
  • tonelli28
    tonelli28 Posts: 10 Member
    I started this 2!weeks ago and lost 4 odd! Now I'm not able to lose any moe
  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! I just wanted to invite everyone to my "5K A Day" group. Be an inspiration to others as they help motivate you! :flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I woke up this morning. I had two feet to stand on. It’s been that kind of week. Completely slammed at work so my last post was Monday. After spending ALL day on the computer, when I get home I’m realizing I don’t even want to log on. While I miss you guys and seeing how everyone is doing, I’ve just been exhausted. I’m doing everything I can to just hang on, maintain my current weight and find a balance somewhere. It’s been tough.

    I know I’m late, but I did want to thank ALL of our teachers on here. One Teacher’s Appreciation Week is not enough to tell you how much we really do appreciate what you do for our children.

    @ Kris – I can relate to being passed out on a sugar rush. It was really, really tough that day. Also, thanks for taking the time and getting us up to speed in your life. I’m glad things are starting to settle down and you’re getting back into a rhythm. I did have to chuckle about the work competition. I’m so glad your back there and so much happier. Those months when you left were miserable.

    @ Laurie – I guess that is a HUGE success. This is my third week without 1 Diet Coke, which has been an amazing accomplishment. When is school out for you guys? Our kids get out the first week of June. It sounds like a nice field trip to the harbor. Former student? I hope it wasn’t one of your trouble makers.

    @ Karen – You crack me up and your comment on kid-made food. I would be worried the brownies would have a few “extra” ingredients. LOL!!

    @ Kaye – You are talking this May Challenge by storm and getting in some serious walking. So proud of you!

    @ RobinB – I love the ocean!! If I ever won the lottery (of course I have to play to win, LOL), one of my homes would be right on the ocean. Congrats on the Color Run!! I’m so proud of you and it looks like you girls had a super fun day, which is what the Color Run is all about. Did your son make it home? Actually, Cyrus was just 11 turning 12 so yes he’s going to be a big boy.

    @ Jenn – Sorry about the fall! Yikes! I did have to chuckle at your explanation though. At least you can laugh at yourself that’s for sure.

    @ Tanya – It sounds like you had quite a work out. I’ve got quite a few friends who swear by Cross Fit, but I’m not ready that’s for sure.

    @ Hansea – I’m always in awe as well about new hires. Often it’s better to cut your losses early though and let people go. Some people just interview well and it can be misleading once they get into the “real” job. Also, I’m in the same boat. I post, close my log and then snack later. I just need to go to bed too. I do try to add it in the next morning though so I’m still holding myself accountable, but the late night snacking is my down fall.

    @ Naomi – I couldn’t have said it better. The support on here is amazing!! Also, when you mentioned the phone and geocoaching? What exactly is that? I’m sure just having the family together and spending the day will be great!!

    @ Nettie – The class you and Brian took sounded like a lot of fun. You’re so fortunate to have each other.

    @ Tom – Woo Hoo on the passport!! I know it’s been a bit of a pain. Thanks for the craving articles. Great information!!

    @ L2T – You’re doing GREAT in the May Challenge!! Keep it up! Also, Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day. You deserve it!

    @ Tlh – It sounds like you’ve got a lot going on plus trying to find a house on top of everything else. Make sure to pace yourself and keep finding time for you too!!

    @ Nicole – You know our arms our open and we’ll take as much or as little you have to give. I’ve been feeling the same way. Work has really been overwhelming for me and I’ve really been struggling with finding balance as well. We then try to throw in healthy eating, exercise, etc. . . and it’s really tough. I’m just glad to hear things are going well.

    @ Robin – Woo Hoo!!!!!!! Finally, you have some good news. CANCER FREE!

    @ Kelly – Software changes are so tough. I know it’s been some super long days and weeks for you, but hopefully the end is in sight. Hope you enjoy the new job, but at only $10/month there can’t be too many complaints. LOL!!

    @ P1X – Thanks for sacrificing your Mother’s Day by working. I’ve heard the same thing that most restaurants have their busiest day on Mother’s Day. As much as I don’t want to cook, I don’t plan on going out either. I can’t handle the craziness. BTW, congrats on the normal sizes!!! So proud of you and I cannot wait until I can post that one day.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Laurie-I guess 5/8 was a rest day. Going to Sam's bd party didn't leave with time for a walk. Thanks for keeping such good track of us. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU ALL! Whether you are celebrating being a mom to a child, celebrating being a child of a wonderful mother or being a mother to your 4 legged variety, I hope you have a wonderful day. We are gong to church and then my husband is making breakfast for my mom, my sister and myself. I'm hoping that we can go bowling afterwards -- we'll see.

    5/1 1.32
    5/2 2.35
    5/3 3.64
    5/4 0.92
    5/5 2.21
    5/6 1.51
    5/7 1.00
    5/8 1.98
    5/9 2.04
    5/10 2.00
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Happy Mother’s Day!



    RobinB- The color run looks pretty wild. Thx for the pictures.

    I have been having some digestion problems and did not get in a good mileage day. I hope today will be better but it has not started out that way.


    “Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” ~Buddha

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Mileage update and Happy Mother's Day !!

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2.00 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.5 miles (class plus 1.5 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2.00 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.5 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)

    Total Miles - 34.25
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!!

    Fitbit goals: (12,000/8 km): 10/31

    Goal mileage: (155 km) (96 miles)
    5/1: 11.2 km (6.7 miles)
    5/2: 7.8 km (4.8 miles)
    5/3: 6.2 km (3.9 miles)
    5/4 8.1 km (5 miles)
    5/5 3.5km (2.2 miles)
    5/6 8.4 km (5.2 miles)
    5/7 5 km (3.1 miles)
    5/8 10.8 km (6.7 miles)
    5/9 6 km (3.7 miles)
    5/10 16.3 km (10.1 miles)

    Total: 83.3 km (51.4 miles) exercise only, not fitbit distance
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s (even mom’s to furbabies).

    Well, yet again Saturday ended up being a crazy day—didn't even make it to the gym. Met my trainer at a property yesterday that he’s considering for his studio space, then met with friends for lunch and to go play with their new Siamese kittens (so stinking cute) and we watched Book Thief (excellent). After that I stopped by Old Navy for some running pants. Geez, another day gone in a flash! :frown:

    @Tom~Thanks for the input on food cravings. Magnesium also helps you sleep, I take an extra 400mg of magnesium daily—maybe that’s why I don’t crave chocolate :wink: , I sure love it though! Hope your tummy trouble go away quickly.

    @Tanya~You’re really racking up the miles!

    @L2T~Great job on you mileage so far, too!

    @Tammy~Hooray on the loss!

    @RobinB~I LOVE the Color Run pics, looks like you had a ton of fun!

    @p1xyn1xy~I’m sorry you’ve been so sick, I hope you are on the mend. Awesome on the size 16s!

    Sunday Share~I’m Kelley, 45, an accountant in the healthcare industry living in North Central Texas with my Maine Coon, Zoe. She adopted me instead of me adopting her, she’s such a sweetie. I love to exercise (which has been lacking last couple of weeks because of a work project) and I love to travel (mostly by cruise ship).


    Friday, 5/9/14—3.5mi
    Saturday, 5/10/14—1.48mi (proof of my lazy afternoon with friends)

    Talked to my mom this morning, usually go see her for Mother's Day but she and my dad are dealing with some house repairs--so we're planning on spending next Saturday together, shopping. Otherwise, its been a busy morning--just took a veggie fritatta out of the oven for breakfasts this week. Tonight I'm making beef tenderloin with a balsamic sauce. Meeting my trainer at the park in about an hour for a run. Enjoy the rest of the day.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    May 2 - 1.5 miles
    May 3 - 8 miles
    May 6 - 3 miles
    May 9 - 3.72 miles
    May 11 - 13.1 mile :happy:

    May Total: 29.34 miles

    We finished the half marathon walk this morning at the Fredericton Marathon - it was a gorgeous day for it. Our goal was to do it in under 3:30, and our official time was 3:23:48. Glad to be done!!! :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Whether you have fur-kids or the human variety--Happy Mother's Day!!

    @L2T--Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    @heidi--congrats on your half and crushing your goal time! :drinker:

    @susan--If I thought they added a little something "extra," I would risk the germs. :laugh:

    @p1xy--awesome clothing NSV! :drinker:

    @robinB--congrats on completing the Color Run! :flowerforyou: The pictures are awesome--looks like you had so much fun!

    @nicole--Yes, you are still here and that's the best success! :happy:

    @hansea, susan, kelley, & and others experiencing a busy time at work--hang in there! Things are bound to slow down eventually, right?

    @mel--great job getting back into the exercise. :smile:

    @kaye--wow, you are killing the mileage challenge--such an inspiration! :flowerforyou:

    @hj (heather?)--I'm also bad with names, but I will get it eventually. I've used an HRM which is better if you want to know your actual heart rate during certain cardio activities. To my knowledge, the Fitbit doesn't read HR, but I could be mistaken. Like, laurie, I'm also thinking of getting a fitbit just to see how many non-exercise steps I'm taking during the day. I would also like it for the sleep tracking. I'm a horrible insomniac, so maybe that type of tracking device would help me get more sleep.

    @tammy--I would just measure the amount of oil I added to the pan for the entire recipe. Glad you remembered the Captain and Diet Coke trick. :wink: Wish I had stuck to those Friday night! :ohwell:

    @robin--so happy to hear you are cancer free!! :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I'm behind a few days. Friday a group of us went out after work. It was a lot of fun, but I should have stuck to just Captain and Diet Coke. Instead, I also had a couple of Harps and finished the night with a Cosmo. Needless to say, I was not feeling great on Saturday. On top of the hungover feeling, I also was sick with some sort of sinus thing--ugh! Spent most of the day lying on my couch. In fact, the only time I left was to go with the hubby to pick up my car from the train station (a friend drove me home from the bar). On the upside, I made up for my calorie overage by being to queasy to much of anything yesterday.

    Today, I still have a sore throat, but am much better otherwise. I managed to take gunner for a walk. Then I went to starbucks to grade and hit the grocery store. I'm onto my next set of essays. <sigh>

    Grading Goals:
    1. 16/16 AP analysis activities DONE
    2. 33/52 Hemingway short story annotations/questions
    3. 1/70 AP Lit Theory papers

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles
    5/9= 0 miles
    5/10= 0 miles
    5/11= 2 miles
    5/12= miles
    5/13= miles
    5/14= miles
    5/15 = miles
    5/16 = miles
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day.

    Brian and I had brunch with my parents today then spent the rest of the day in the yard. My vegetable garden is complete. :bigsmile: Tomorrow I hope to get all my herbs planted.

    My Miles:
    5/1 - 3.41 miles
    5/2 - 3.74 miles
    5/3 - 6.92 miles
    5/4 - 2.13 miles
    5/5 - 4.73 miles
    5/6 - 5.64 miles
    5/7 - 4.39 miles
    5/8 - 3.28 miles
    5/9 - 2.91 miles (Lazy day!!!)
    5/10 - 4.53 miles
    5/11 - 4.47 miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin B- Congrats on the color run- Great job.

    Little Shadow- Yeah for crushing your goal time. Great job.

    I hope everyone had a nice Mother's day.

    I will update the standings tomorrow on our virtual race. The numbers are looking good.

    So don't forget to post your mileage from 5/5 to 5/11.

    I did get a great bike ride in today, it was a quick 10 miles at a faster pace than normal.