Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- I also don't have any problems digesting dairy, but I don't like drinking cows' milk. I think it's kind of gross to drink it straight as a beverage. I don't mind if people use it in a recipe, but if I can taste it (like in cereal) it grosses me out, so I just buy soy milk on occasion that I have cereal in the house. Thanks for posting the article. :smile:

    @tracy-- Two vacations back to back and only 4 pounds up? I think that's fabulous and as you said will probably drop right back off with less sodium and alcohol. Great pictures of your trip! Looks like it was a lot of fun. When I was up at my aunt and uncle's place last weekend, they mentioned they had a tube, but then it started raining while we were out on the boat. It probably wouldn't have been some much fun anyways, since I was the only one who would've wanted to try it. Maybe if I'm up there some time with my cousins and their kids, I will get to go tubing.

    Monday Check-in:
    I had another very productive day cleaning. Today, I cleaned and polished the wood floors in the freshly painted room. DH and I decided we will now use that room for storage, but not just as a dumping grounds. We want to look for some sort of furniture that can function for all of the things we use occasionally like tools, gift wrap, etc. Not sure if we will find buy some sort of modular unit, or maybe re-purpose something like a large armoire.

    I also spent a lot of time rearranging furniture b/c now the other (larger) spare room will serve as our home office. I had already moved the larger desk into that room, but need to clean it and set it up where I want it. I moved our 2 bookcases (and ALL of our books) as well. Needless to say, it was an exhausting day.

    Tomorrow, I have tech training for the new school year in the morning. Then I will hit Home Depot and Home Goods. I need to get new outlet and light switch covers for the room, plus, I want to try to find some new window treatments. I washed the valance that was in there, but it doesn't really go with the new paint color. I also need some blinds for the kitchen and dining room, so hoping I can find something for those rooms as well.

    I will update my Tuesday Goals early, since I already completed last week's list.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Buy new light switch/outlet covers and vent register
    2. Buy window treatment for spare room, kitchen, and dining room
    3. Buy molding for doorway between living room/kitchen
    4. Clean/set up large desk
    5. Clean out china cabinet
    6. Clean out buffet

    August Goals:

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--paint spare room DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Monday (tuesday this week) check - in , down 1 pound from the last weeks in a row. :D
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    NK1112 wrote: »
    Monday (tuesday this week) check - in , down 1 pound from the last weeks in a row. :D

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Bigaug - Glad to hear you are doing well!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Tuesday to all,
    @Morgori - So glad to see you stop by.
    @tootsanderson - Yikes on the anesthesia. Is there any way to check for allergies? Or do you just take a chance on the day of surgery?
    @NK1112 - Thanks for the info on the craving/hunger thing. I need reminding on this also.

    AFM: Had a whoosh this week. Amazing how taking off a little stress, taking a day off and taking care of myself will do that. 3 pounds in just a couple of days. Did a happy dance at the scale this morning.

    Still dealing with a couple of difficult customers but these jobs should be done in the next couple of weeks. I will be so happy when they are off the lists.

    Had a great session with my counselor yesterday. Turns out I do not have to give 1000% all the time. I can give 100% or even less if that is what I have to give. Who knew? I did not. I am in the practice of going flat out at every moment. I will have to learn a new way of operating.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    “You teach me, I forget. You show me, I remember. You involve me, I understand.”
    ― Edward O. Wilson
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lori-- congrats on the 3 pound loss!

    @morgori-- good to see your face!

    @niki-- congrats on your 1 lb loss as well!

    AFM--Just a quick check in. Another busy day, but got in a bit of "fun" after tech training when I went out to lunch with work friends. Ran around shopping afterwards. Didn't find any blinds for the kitchen and dining room, but bought some great curtains for the spare room along with a new rod at Home Goods. Will have to return to Home Depot to exchange the outlet covers--the ones I bought are too small. :( I also got my "race wall" back up. I will try to remember to take a picture of it tomorrow to post--that way you can also see the new paint color.

    Tomorrow I will set up the large work desk and start cleaning out the china cabinet. I honestly have no idea what's in the drawers b/c the daybed used to block access. I'm seriously contemplating moving it and the buffet into the spare room. We don't have room for them in our dining area, so both have been in what will now be the office. I will decide once I've cleaned out both pieces.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Buy new light switch DONE AND INSTALLED /outlet covers DONE BUT DON'T FIT SO NEED TO EXCHANGE, and vent register DONE AND INSTALLED
    2. Buy window treatment for spare room DONE, kitchen, and dining room
    3. Buy molding for doorway between living room/kitchen DONE AND INSTALLED
    4. Clean/set up large desk
    5. Clean out china cabinet
    6. Clean out buffet

    August Goals:

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--paint spare room DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Middle Child's Day
    Date When celebrated : Always August 12th
    Middle Child's Day gives a little well deserved recognition to the wonderful and special middle child in the family.
    For parents of three children, you likely know the "Middle Child Syndrome" all too well. If you grew up the middle child with both older and younger siblings, you know the feeling a from a very personal perspective.
    The first child is the first child. Beyond a doubt, the first born is a very special occasion. And he, or she, has all of mom and dad for a while before the second child comes along. The final child is and always will be the baby of the family.
    This author knows what its like to be a middle child. We won't go into a dissertation about what Middle Child Syndrome is. Rather, we will focus upon one aspect. Older and younger children tend to be more outgoing, or extroverted. The middle Child tends to be more introverted, quieter, perhaps a bit of a loner.
    It is very fair and fitting that we celebrate, and place into the limelight, the middle child today. Go out and enjoy this day to the fullest. Tell the world about it. Be a little outspoken, and let the world know how great it is to be the middle child. You truly are a wonderful, talented, and special person!
    Happy Middle Child's Day to all of my fellow middle children!

    Middle Child Day

    Good for the body is the work of the body, and good for the soul is the work of the soul, and good for either is the work of the other. ~Henry David Thoreau


  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Long post so I’ll apologize early. First and foremost I’ve missed you guys!!!!!

    Where has the time gone? It’s been about 6 weeks since my last post. I guess I’m struggling more with my work/life balance than I truly want to admit. I’ve FINALLY decided I’m ready to get focused again. Back in April I had a complete physical done and for the most part everything was good minus my weight, which unfortunately was the highest it’s ever been at 330. Today I’m down to 308 so that’s a good thing. I did start a new fitness program, which is small group personal training. I really miss the fitness class I was doing in Las Vegas and this program is the closest I can find without doing Cross Fit. My smallest morning class was 3 and the largest was 9. It’s 45 minutes of various stations and I sweat like crazy, which is a good thing. I also decided to invest in a nutritionist/life coach. I’ve signed up for an 8-week total food/body/mind boot camp basically. Saturday is a Smart Shopper trip to the grocery store. Oh boy. I know for the most part what I should be buying/eating, but it will be good to get it reinforced and learn some things too. I really am focusing on clean eating and cleansing my body of all the crapola. I’m also 3 days without Diet Coke. My head has been throbbing and I’ve been struggling, but I have to push through. I’ve also increased my water intake, which has been huge for me and trying to clean all the yucky stuff out!!! My goal is to lose 40-50 lbs by Christmas, which I believe is doable.

    Work has been really good, but really picking up too. As you know, holidays are BIG for us. We’re preparing now for the holiday season so my days have been super busy and long. Plus, we’re still working through the consolidation, which has been a good thing just additional work too.

    Cyrus is doing well. He started school on Monday in the 8th grade. He was rezoned to a new middle school, but luckily the transition has been pretty smooth. Plus, he’s decided he wants to try football. Lord give me strength!!! This is another reason for my stress level going off the charts. Practices are 7-9 p.m. so that throws our evenings completely off. He was a little apprehensive in the beginning. He doesn’t have that “killer” instinct so tackling made him a tad bit nervous, but he’s learning. Coaches have been great! Of course, the day of registration the basketball coach already found him and said you’re playing basketball this season. The high school Defensive Coordinator saw him and said you’re playing 9th grade football for me next year. Oh boy. I guess being 13 and already 6’2”, 225 lbs and a size 16 shoe everyone wants you. Of course, when they learn he’s a gentle giant, they have a lot of work ahead of them. LOL!!!

    I’m still seeing my new friend Greg. Of course, now with school starting, it’s getting harder and harder to find couple time between Cyrus, his son, both boys’ activities, my work and he’s probably going to be starting a new job soon as well. We’re enjoying spending time together so we’ll continue taking baby steps in this relationship.

    I’m going to try and read the 275 posts that I’m behind. I want to know what’s going on with you too. I’ll try to get to personals later this week.

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone, got to make this quick as I'm using my IPhone to post. DH is about the same, tho he's had a couple of bad weeks with stomach probs that make it hard for him to breathe & raises his stress level - neither of which make for a pleasant or productive day for me. Missed 2 more days of work this week but Leave Bank came through with 50 hours of leave donated, and Leave Transfer also went through, and so far my co-workers have given me 56 hours of their leave - I can't thank them enough. I'm exhausted even tho I managed 8 hrs sleep last night (first time all week I got more than 2-3 hrs in a row!). Keeping on pushing through. Weight bobbing up/ down due to stress eating, I'm sure. Well gotta go ASAP. Later.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @Morgori - Thanks for the post. I am a middle child, number 4 of 8. Never in the limelight. Not really noticed unless I did something bad. Oh well, I think I turned out OK.

    @susan2396 - My hubby coached sports for quite a few years. He says you can teach skills, you can't teach tall. Cyrus will be OK and so will you.

    @GOINSTD12 - Thank goodness for the leave bank. I am so glad that is available for you.

    AFM: Working horrible hours again this week. Looking forward to Sunday off. The biggest problem customers should all be done by this time next week. Food is going well. I am thankful for that.

    Wednesday wish: 5 minutes of zen for everyone.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

  • finallygettinghealthy2015
    New here....need to lose 11 4lbs :)
  • andeegirl77
    andeegirl77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I'm new here. I really want to avoid having bariatric surgery (such a chicken) and I need to loose about 100 lbs. So overwhelmed it's such a BIG number. Hoping that the group will help keep me focused.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Thursday!! Work out was great last night. Upper core and I'm definitely feeling it, but that's a good thing. Eating yesterday was on target. Crazy schedule today at work with back to back meetings through lunch, which is not good. I'm planning to eat a snack right before and will eat a late lunch. I have to keep my metabolism going. My morning stress already includes Cyrus texting me in bold letters, "I'm not going to football tonight." Oh boy. Once he goes, I know he likes it, but getting him out the door has been the challenge. The potential is there, but he has to have the drive too. I can only encourage.

    @GOINSTD12 - Hugs!! I'm glad your work offers the hours bank and employees contribute. I know you've got so much on your plate. Glad you were able to finally get some rest. Your body needs it!!! Praying for your hubby.

    @cblue315 - His coach told me the same thing. They almost like kids with no experience because their more teachable. I see the movie The Blind Side every time I see Cyrus (minus the bad home life). Cyrus is definitely my gentle giant. We'll see if he toughens up. LOL!! Sorry about the long week. I can totally relate. We'll just push through this week and home next week balances out again.

    @finallygettinghealthy2015 & @andeegirl77 - Welcome!!! This thread is amazing! I've been on here since August 2012. Some of the same people have been on here supporting each other. We've all been through many ups and downs with weight loss, personal life, etc. . . It's a great support system. Even when I've been gone for months I'll come back and they are here for me. Post daily if you can. They will help you!!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited August 2015
    My Thursday Truth: Getting back on track has proven difficult for me, but I've started today with a protein shake and that always helps me get started (why don't I remember that every morning????). Susan, I am with balance is tough at transition times. There are plenty of times that I'm a chauffeur but man, the miles are adding up right now.

    Right now, Jacob has started football but is sick at the same time...can't miss the first few days, so he's sucking it up and doing it. He was at the school from 8:00 until 2:15 yesterday. Two different practices, concussion baseline testing and the mandatory anti-hazing, sportsmanship etc. videos. Good thing the coach has them bring sandwiches and juice with them...they at least got to eat between practices. They have running water on the field, which I reminded Jacob to partake of frequently -- we hit 100 yesterday. Today should be a piece of cake as he only has back to back practices (turkey sandwich and PowerAde in hand) and will be there from 7:45 -12:45. Plus it'll only be 94 :wink: Next Monday is Freshmen Orientation -- oh where has the time gone!!?? And band starts out with a couple practices before school starts as well. I'm amazed at the amount of information being thrown at me right now for a freshmen. Hard to keep up.

    Emma is in orchestra camp this week and most of next. She has chosen to play the violin and our school district as them go to a free camp for 2.5 hours a day for 9 days. They basically get a semester of training done before school starts. That way they can by-pass the basics and start building on the skills.

    AFM...I'm down 2 lbs...halfway back to my pre-vacation weight! Tonight I have a couple cakes to make and some of the decorations. One is for my customer and should be pretty easy. The other is for Emma's birthday party (yes a month and a half later, but...). That one is a bit more as far as the decorations but I'm excited to unveil it to her on Saturday. But other than that, just going to do some general pick up in my house. Will need to hit the chiropractor before heading to the gym...still hurts to turn my head or lift my shoulder.

    @Susan...I had a cousin that is built like Cyrus. Declined playing basketball but was "recruited" for both football and baseball. apparently, his size made him a great 1st baseman as the Twins invited him to try out his Senior Year...he chose college instead but enjoyed playing on their field. How old is Greg's son (you've probably said it already, but I've been MIA for a while)?

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @cblue315 just chances. There's no way to know until it comes because I might not be allergic the day before. That's the problem with mast cells.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @susan My grandson is also 13 going into 8th grade. He is 4'10" and weighs well under 100#. The long and short of it. There are scholarships there for Cyrus if he can hang in.

    More later.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! Two days in a row. Can you believe it? Yesterday was a good day eating and exercise. I'm really pleased with the week overall. Of course, I was an emotional wreck last night. Cyrus is really pushing my buttons and the teenager is coming out. He told me last night it would be better if Aunt Sharon was raising him. Lovely. I know it's just a mood and a phase, but still hurts. Luckily, I didn't stress eat. By the time we got home from football at 9:30, I took a shower since I worked out and just read a bit than went straight to bed. Thank goodness today is a new day.

    @tlh0407 It's definitely been a challenge this summer with my work/life. School started on Monday for us so it's just getting back into the rhythm of work, school, homework, practices, physical therapy sessions for Cyrus' feet, and of course dating. Greg's son is 15 and actually a big boy too at 6'4". He's a pretty good basketball player and trains year round. I know we'll get a regular schedule going, but it's tough. Of course, we have to add in meal preparation, eating right and exercise too. Greg keeps telling me I'm too stressed and need to find time for me to relax. Easier said than done, but I know he's right. Baby steps for both of us!!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Financial Awareness Day!

    National Financial Awareness Day!

    When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Morgori ... this is an interesting coincidence ... I didn't know it was National Financial Awareness Day until I just now read your post ... and guess what I was up to most of the day today ... alligning my Financial fitness!

    Have a great and healthy weekend everyone. I'm looking forward to Check-in Monday.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Everyone, This has been a busy week with trying to get things done before I go back to work on Monday. I have been working on organizing a Zombie Run for October 31, Halloween morning. I am learning new skills as a race director and attempting to get sponsors for multiple events. Sadly, this past week I have been working until late at night and waking up earlier. I need to change this pattern quickly or back to school will be extra hard.

    tlh-love the pictures from your vacation.

    Susan- Middle School boys will often say things without thinking about it. The transitions are most likely overwhelming him at this point not to mention, he needs to make friends on the football team and at school. I am sure you and him will get through this.

    Morgori-Good to see you again. I love your post on what day it is.

    Welcome to the new people- my advice is take it in small steps and set little goals for yourself. This way it is not so bad and overwhelming.

    Update on my dad, he is still in the nursing home but we want to bring him home this week. First we need to have a wheelchair ramp built since he can't walk up steps at this point. We are also arranging for home health care to come in 4 hours a day for the next 10 days. It will give me piece of mind that my mom has someone at home to help get Dad up and moved from the bedroom to the living room. We may need to add some hours in the evening as well to help with getting him to bed. I will push for that once I see how things go and what type of argument we get from him. I just know that I can't stay up late to make sure he gets to bed okay.

    I am starting to house hunt again and found something that I liked. I need to decide if I can afford it and if the timing is right.