Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Since cravings have come up in a few posts recently I started looking them up. You will have copy and paste the links into your browser address bar

    Chocolate cravings often indicate that your body may be deficient in magnesium. Many nutritionists estimate that over 80 percent of the population is lacking in dietary magnesium, which may explain why so many of us reach for chocolate. If you must, choose dark chocolate—about 75 percent cacao or higher. Additionally, eat foods high in magnesium, like nuts, seeds, fish, and leafy greens.

    If you crave sweets, you may be experiencing blood sugar fluctuations. Yo-yo-ing sugar levels cause spikes in insulin production, which can put you at risk for type 2 diabetes.

    Instead, choose a piece of fruit—preferably one that's not loaded with natural sugars. And, in general, choose more high-fiber foods like beans and legumes and complex carbohydrates like whole grains.

    Cravings for cheese or pizza often indicate a fatty acid deficiency. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and other joint problems. Reach for raw walnuts, wild salmon, and flaxseed oil, and add ground flaxseeds to your diet.

    Most cravings are actually signals from our bodies that we are dehydrated, but we misinterpret them as hunger pangs. By some estimates, 80 percent of people are chronically dehydrated. So before you reach for food to nix your cravings, quench them with some water. Then wait half an hour. More often than not, they'll be gone.

    Here is what WebMD says:

    Tom -
    great post!

    Wanted to bring it back up so it didn't get lost in the Mothers Day Shuffle!
  • I hope everyone has had a wonderful Mother's Day!

    Sunday Sharing: My name is Heather and I've been married to my husband for almost 3 will be on Wednesday! We have a wonderful, handsome son name Jeffery, after my father. He just turned 2 in January. I work as a Medical Assistant for a local hospital with the orthopedic clinic. I'm 5'3" and currently weigh's weird that before I started posting to the threads I was always ashamed to post that but now I'm ok with it because I know that I have people that are here to give me support and motivation.

    @RobinsEgg: thanks for reposting about the cravings. That was really insightful and I will try to remember that the next time I get a craving to do water first. I know the dehydration part is probably true for me since I don't currently drink a lot of water. That is something I'm trying to fix!

    @skinnyjeanzbo: thanks for the information. I'm still researching the best options as of right now. One of my co-workers just ordered a FitBit so I'm going to get some advice from her on whether she likes it or not.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I had a nice Mother's day. I hope all of you did. For the newbies, I have 7 children with spouses, 14 grandchildren plus some steps and fosters. This was Cathy's first Mother's day. Her husband cooked our dinner today. The mother of 2 of her foster boys gave her flowers and a really nice card. It was a special day.
    My walks today totaled 5.76 miles.
    The weather is supposed to be getting warmer this week. DH bought me some flowers for my flower garden. I hope I can get them in tomorrow. I may need to get a few more.
    Here's to a successful week. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Late Nite Sunday Share for the Newbies - My name is really Ellen and I live in Omaha and am 62 y/o. Divorced without kids, and sadly, no real mom to honor today. She left me for heaven when she was 49 due to CA - I was just 19. Dad blessed me with a great stepmom a few years later, however this marriage brought much discord for my brothers and sisters. I was the only one to accept her. After my dad died I kept in touch with her but she remarried and I still send her mothers day cards. She was and is a great woman who I much admire. I only wish someone had the time to teach me to cook - still can't!

    I started my weight loss journey several years ago and must be honest and say I do not set the greatest example here except in the area of perseverence! I have gained part, no all, of my weight back, several times. But, those times were due to major health reasons (Christmas is not a health reason, but we are going to ignore that for now :laugh: ) and I am happy to have created this thread for those of us who have a lot of weight to lose, and many of us have health problems that co-exist with our weight problem. So I can relate to most of the people who join up.

    Happy Mothers Day all who were born of a mother, who are a mother, who have substituted as a mother, who have loved as much as a mother, who have known a mother's love, who have dreamed of being a mother, who have regretted being a .....:laugh:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @littleshadow - Congrats on your time!

    @p1xy - What a great NSV!

    @robinB - The Color Run looks like a blast. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

    @kaye - WOW on your mileage so far this month!

    @robin - Wonderful news that you're cancer free!

    @nettie - Yay for getting your veggie garden done!

    @heather - Welcome and just keep at it. You can succeed!

    @skinnyjeanz - Tsk, tsk. Mixing your liquor is never a good idea.

    @susan - Hang in there. Hope this week is a better one.

    AFM - It was a great Mother's Day/Birthday weekend. Had my Mom over on Saturday night for Margaritas, Caesar salad, fresh ears of corn, Lobster and Key Lime pie. Not a good calorie day, but oh so worth it.

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2.00 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.5 miles (class plus 1.5 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2.00 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.5 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)

    Total Miles - 34.25
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Laurie-- im hopimg to get 100 miles between the biking, walkimg, and running. At least 50 walking and running.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Quick mileage check in


    “Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.” ~Janis Joplin

  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    May 1 3.70 miles
    May 2 4.48
    May 3 5.00
    May 4 5.01
    May 5 6.06
    May 6 5.18
    May 7 3.48
    May 8 4.83
    May 9 7.88
    May10 5.08
    May11 5.98
    May Total: 60.68
    Goal: 100 miles

    Thanks Nettie, kah, Susan, L2T, and Karen. I'm so happy! hee hee!

    Mother's Day wasn't too bad (:happy: ), I was out of work after 9 hours. Pretty good because that shift sometimes run 12 hours. :ohwell: I ate too much yesterday because I bbq'd and we had t-bone steaks, garlic bread, cucumber salad w/ feta and lemon meringue pie. Very tasty and ate WAY TOO MUCH steak. I was feeling pretty great till my eldest called me "fat". There was context to it but it hurt my feeling, especially since I was on a high. I talked to him later about while some things may be true, we don't say them because they can be hurtful. That it is never clever to hurt peoples' feelings. I think he understood and hopefully he will be more conscious of what he says. (maybe he's 8. lol!) I got a gift card to a garden nursery and the kids made me adorable presents!!! I'll probably wait another week before getting anything... it's still a bit chill here at night.
    Today's my day off. I get to watch my littlest and eldest play soccer tonight. I can't wait!!!

    Hi, I'm pixy. I'm a part time stay at home Mom to 3 kids. They are 3, 6 & 8. They are my raison d'etre. I work evenings and weekends while my husband takes over the kids. I'm a chef and love my trade. It'll be great when the kids get into school and I can get a day job! Right now the broken up nature of my day is a bit frustrating. I joined MFP just under a year ago and it has helped me immensely. When my husband got sick, it made me take a long look at our reality. So I made a change and resolved to see it through, no matter how long it takes me.

    Good morning everyone!!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    My peas are still in there starter pots and not liking that so much, it has been cold so I have not put them out but just going to bite the bullet and do it this week.

    May Mileage Goal: 40 miles

    5/1 = 1.98
    5/2 = 0.86
    5/5 = 0.86
    5/6 = 1.67
    5/7 = 1.56
    5/8 = 1.74
    5/10 = 1.70
    5/11= 1.84

    May total : 12.2 miles
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Mileage update:

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2.00 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.5 miles (class plus 1.5 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2.00 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.5 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)
    5/12 - 4.0 miles (class plus 2.0 mile walk)

    Total Miles - 38.25
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    My sunday share a day late: I'm Aimee. A public librarian from Ohio. I like hiking, crafts, and cooking. I've gone from 305 to 200, and have another 50 minimum to lose. I love being outside, and I love my boyfriend. He hikes with me. :) I love this forum and I think it's a fantastic place for friends and support.

    5/7: 2.32 (running on crushed limestone sand stuff...ermagerd)
    5/8: rest day
    5/9: 2.4
    5/10: 8
    5/11: 4.11
    5/12: rest day

    5/7: ran at the park instead
    5/8: rest day
    5/9: 9

    On foot: 22.88
    On bike: 30.5

    On foot: 50+
    On bike: 50+
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope everybody had a great mothers day. Mine was pretty quiet but pleasant all the same. My eating wasnt great over the weekend but I got in my walks both days and my eating has definitley been worse at other times. I dont have a whole lot planned for the week. Hoping to keep it pretty quiet.

    Robin I just had to say that though you have gained and lost back and forth you have still been a major source of inspiration for me. Your cheerful posts even with everything you have been going through is one of the highlights of my day.
    I think everyone should be so proud of themselves this month. We are killing our mileage goal:bigsmile:

    Well I am going to go find something productive to do. I hope you all have a great day:flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:

    May Challenge:
    5/1: 3
    5/2: 2.5
    5/3: 0
    5/4: 2.4
    5/5: 2.93
    5/6: 5.43
    5/7: 3.07
    5/8: 0
    5/9: 3.68
    5/10: 3.49
    5/11: 3.89
    5/12: 3.84
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    RobinB - great pix of you and your daughter and fr iend at the Color Run - your daughter is a cutie pie! Sorry so late in commenting!

    LIvesToT - sounds like a great Birthday for you and MothersDay for your mom - glad you were together!

    Pixy - I know you're super busy and we can't see much of you here but I'm so glad when you do show up! You have such a busy life I am amazed at what you accomplish. I love your story about talking to your 8 year old about what's appropriate. I have a 70 year old friend who feels she can say what she wants due to her age and just blurts out the most hurtful things at times its unreal!!!! And I really feel I can't say a word back to her due to the age difference, I just gulp in quiet dismay. :noway:
    God bless you for the commitment you made to your husband when he got sick. That's a tough call.
    I did that. Ten years later, though, when he was still FAKING HIS INJURIES, it was another thing entirely - my story had quite an ending at that point. I'm sure your situation is not like that, but the memories came back just now, sorry. Best of luck to you!

    Ushkii - thanks for the update on the peas. I'm living a gardener's life vicariously through you! I just put out 2 annuals this weekend!
    I always wait till May 10 here in Omaha no matter how early it gets warm. OH, your mileage is GREAT!!!! :bigsmile:

    aimee - a public librarian - you have my DREAM JOB!!! ah neat - I've always dreampt of being surrounded by all the books in the world - you are one lucky girl. I'm sure in reality its hard work and must get boring like all jobs but still I envy you!
    You've done a WONDERFUL JOB LOSING WEIGHT and I applaud you!! FANTASTIC!!!

    jtconst - thanks for your kind words. I wouldn't have survived this journey this long without you folks either!
    I agree this Months Challenge has been great - I'd even like to do it more often!

    Laurie - I will try and update my mileage later today! Sorry I must do some research.

    AFM - as I mentioned to jt - I'd like to repeat this months challenge more often - what do others think about that?
    I had a physical therapy appt. today and she grounded me from using the swimming pool for too many reasons to state here. Now I am using my extra-tall dining table to do exercises at instead.

    Last nite we had a tornado touch down on the outskirts of town. There were warnings and most of us in our building went down to the basement of the building. I filled my grocery cart with a folding chair and what essentials I figured I'd need if my place was destroyed. Heck, it consisted mostly of medication and sinus rinses :laugh: we all had a pleasant visit for an hour or so until the all-clear sounded. and only one house had some damage and many trees were hurt but not one person. All in all not bad for an actual warning. Kind of a scary nite, but over surprisingly fast.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--glad you made it through the storm safely.

    bumping for later :flowerforyou:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm happy to say the software conversion is FINALLY complete! We had no issues today, thankfully. Now to just get used to it. :laugh: Now, if only I didn't feel like I was getting pulled in a thousand different directions helping my trainer open his studio--which is happening in early June! :noway:

    @Robin~Glad you made it through the storm safely, I live in a tornado prone area so can sure empathize. I didn't make it on here last week but last Thursday I was sitting still on the highway when a tornado was moving through, luckily it never touched down--we had horrendous wind and a monsoon though, still I could do without a commute like that ever again!

    @Nettie~Glad the garden is all ready!

    @Katrena~I know this is late, but I'm really sorry for everything you went through with your husband. I hope you can put it behind you and move forward. Hugs. :flowerforyou:

    AFM~Now that the software conversion is behind me, I hope I can get back into my routine.

    Mileage update:

    Sunday, 5/11/14 4.62mi
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--nice to hear the conversion is done! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I love the idea of repeating this mileage challenge. It would give us the opportunity to see progression over the long term. I would be willing to help track, so laurie doesn't have to shoulder the burden alone. June wouldn't be the best month for me since I'll be gone for the last week. However, I'm back July 2nd, so I could track for that month.

    @aimee--awesome mileage goal! :drinker:

    @p1xy--sounds like you turned your son's comment into a "teachable moment"--sorry he hurt your feelings, but as you said, he's only 8 and still learning social niceties.

    @tom--another great quote!

    @L2T--at 44 you'd think I'd have learned that lesson. Sadly, I still have my "moments." :ohwell:

    @kaye--glad you had a nice mother's day! :flowerforyou:

    @heather--I'm 5'7" and started at 241 lbs-- think it took me a few months and about a 25lb loss before I was comfortable posting my weight, so you're definitely not alone in that respect. Though I don't wear a sign, I'm no longer embarrassed to state my weight when I go give blood (and I don't lie!! :noway: ). I'll even tell friends my weight if it comes up in conversation.

    @nettie--I wish I had a vegetable and/or herb garden. I've found, despite my best intentions, that I'm always too busy at work during this time of year when all the work needs to be done to get it started.

    Monday Check-in:
    Well sleeping all day Saturday led to major insomnia last night (shocker! :laugh: ). Needless to say, I'm exhausted today. :yawn: I managed to catch up on all of my "smaller" assignments, and now I'm can completely focus on the AP essays. Got 4 done this afternoon and will try to get a few more done tonight.

    I have meetings after work for the next 3 days, so not expecting to get to the gym. If I do, it will be a pleasant surprise.

    Grading Goals:
    1.4/70 AP Lit Theory papers

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--Fun day out with Susan!!! :bigsmile:

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles
    5/9= 0 miles
    5/10= 0 miles
    5/11= 2 miles
    5/12= 2 miles
    5/13= miles
    5/14= miles
    5/15 = miles
    5/16 = miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I had a busy day today with work, meeting then a gym workout. I ended up doing 16 miles tonight, mostly on the spin bike with a mile run thrown in and some weight training. My challenge now is deciding if I truly want to do a triathlon or it something that might be fun. The challenging part will be overcoming the nerves leading up to the event, then actually doing it without stress tears. When I get over-stressed about something, I tend to cry very easily and that just annoys me to no end.

    I also like the idea of repeating this challenge again. I actually enjoy the tracking of the data and figuring out the standings. I will most likely get to the standings tomorrow. That will give a few more people the opportunity to post their mileage for Sunday. I am running the weeks Monday to Sunday.

    Tom- If I email you the spreadsheets would you be so kind as to post them to the page. That way everyone can see the data collected so far.

    I have asked Tom to post the sheets to the website. If you have any objections please let me know.

    Robin- Glad you made it through the storms

    Brandy-I am not sure but I may have missed your mileage goals. Please repost when you have a chance.
    I am reading but no time for personal tonight. Congrats to all those who have accomplished a major goal this weekend. Those who are struggling- keep pushing through, you will get there. Have a great week ahead.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    RobinB- I loved the Color Run pics. Thanks for sharing! Looks like it was a blast!

    Shadow- Congratulations on killing your racewalk! Way to go!

    Robin- Belated congrats on the wonderful news that you are cancer free! Also, glad everyone made it through the tornado safe. We're in the tornado belt, too.

    I'd love to repeat the mileage challenge over the summer, too. It would be extra motivation for my half-marathon training.

    Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you mothers! :smile:

    May Mileage:
    Goal: 66.5 miles
    5/10: 4.52 miles completed!
    5/11: 1.5 miles completed!
    5/12: Rest Day

    Under calories: 7/31
    7-8 hrs of sleep: 6/31
  • Monday Check-In: Didn't do to bad over the weekend but I did go over my calories by a little on both days. I'm still trying to get the hang of things. Today was really stressful at work because of all the changes being made to our clinic and to the way things are done at the hospital but I was able to do well and stay under my calories.

    Quick question: During the week I normally don't eat much during the day because we are so busy. This means I leave most of my calories for dinner and by that time I'm pretty hungry. Is this healthy to eat most of my calories in the evening? I am normally the one that cooks dinner for a family my family of 4. We do try to eat healthy but it's the amount that I eat that I'm concerned about that late in the evening. Take for instance today: this morning I ate two strawberry bars that were 100 calories for both, at lunch I had a pizza lunchable that was 200 calories plus a applesauce cup at 80, for snack I had a handful of peanuts and three mini corndogs. My daily calorie limit is 2310 so by the time dinner came around I still had well over 1500 calories. For dinner I ate tacos and spanish rice. I was still under my calories but my dinner was more calories than anything else. I'm just so confused on what I should and shouldn't be doing.

    @skinnyjeanz: thanks for sharing! I still don't like telling my weight to a lot of people face-to-face because I'm afraid of the looks I might get but I'm getting there.