Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hello. Relatively new here. Havent even started logging yet. Since/i ate 4 cookies today its probably for the best-"

    Don't feel like I'm picking on you cause I'm replying to your post ... it's part of a welcome to the thread monologue ... so hey, welcome aboard.

    Now ... what caught my attention is that you ate 4 cookies today so it's probably for the best that you haven't started logging yet ... and I just have to throw in my wooden nickel's worth on that subject. ...

    Let me ask you to consider this question ... What is the purpose of logging our food?

    Is it so we have a nice looking record of all the good stuff we ate in the correct portions so we can get a pat on the back?
    Is it so we can spot trends in our eating patterns and habits that we might decide to make small changes to?
    Is it so we can see just how awful and terrible we are at sticking to 'not eating the 'forbidden foods'?
    Is it so we can determine what our nutritional input was so we can perhaps make a connection to how we feel when we eat specific foods, and what kind of nutrients we are consuming?

    You answer the questions and then see it if you still don't feel loke logging. OK?

    AFM ...
    Sunday Share day is nearly over as it is nearly midnight. I wanted to share that the sleep pattern issues are still strong. Slept pretty good Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday ... then Saturday didn't sleep a wink the whole night through. Finally drifted off after dawn broke, and slept for an hour and a half before waking up again. Been up all day and can feel that it's going to be hard falling asleep again tonight, even though I am dragging and tired.

    My calorie consumption was higher than I want to consume, but seeing as I was up round the clock, I got hungry in the normal 4-6 hours after a meal, and would just eat.

    Did I share that I got attacked by bald-faced hornet wasps and got bitten all over the head, face, neck, ears, and forarms and hands (from flayling at them). Apparently I upset a colony when I was cleaning a gutter down spout in my back yard. The worst swelling was on my lip ... I was pretty funny looking !!! Feeling better today ... hey, maybe that's why I couldn't sleep yesterday ... the antihystamine?

    Ah well ... time to hit the hay if i can. I read everyones posts and am just babbling on and on because I am punch-drunk from lack of sleep.
    Night and follow-through

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Niki - good goal planning for the week. The room planning device you found sounds very helpful. I do hate moving furniture and having regrets!
    Oh, your wasp attack sounds dreadful. Thank goodness you weren't allergic. I can't even imagine how you were swollen - I've never seen a person get attacked like that. Yeah, maybe your'e right about your sleepless night, I think that might have been pretty painful to even put your face down on a pillow. Gosh are you better now and is all the swelling gone? I hope you took a selfie when it was at its worst :o !

    @Sister - Iowa - so close! I'll be driving to Des Moines on October 8th - any chance you'll be any where in a say 45 min range off the main highway? I wouldn't mind swinging by and saying Hi - I could even drop off a Pizza from a decent place!
    And a BIG WOOT! on your continued weight loss!

    @Kaye - Tuesday will be Good News Day for you. Take some extra money along so you can buy a treat for each other. Fabulous that you are doing planks! Would you have believed that a year ago?

    @Skinny - Ok, get real with us, applause for showing up late, come on whats your REAL IDENTITY? or your HUBBYS? I wanna know! Batman and Wonder Woman? There's some secret and you'll tell us one day, see you almost slipped up here......

    THanks for the update on the Shamrock Shuffle. I do like the new date, April 3rd, for the race. I'd been thinking of driving up, but that a hectic drive once you get into actual Chicago....Uber and a plane sounds nice. I'll just have to wait and see what my finance are doing in about 5 months. I know I get no cushy tax refund this year. Might even have to pay, as new job doesn't with hold state and local taxes. So its up in the air for me but I WANT TO GO and MEET EVERYONE!!!!!

    @Laurie - you have my sympathies for your situation and my prayers for the 3 of you. Sorry your dad keeps losing strength. I hope you can find a good PT person.
    About that milkshake - its good for you as a stress relief. When it gets really overwhelming but it starts to irk you, just try to drink it slower, and then toss it away when theres just a few sips left. That will give you more control over it. Or, take half home for later....maybe....try thinking of ways to make it last ....

    Laurie - I'm using your tips on warming up before I walk - thanks they help a lot.

    @Moonlightsonata - Hi and welcome. OK first step is to come back! OK get that down and you're doing good! After that step, you're on a roll. Just take it day by day and little by little. Every one here has had temptation and we've all fallen for it. And our logs are our testament to that struggle. Very few people have a clean and tidy food log. Did you know you can change the titles of the meals on the log? All sorts of possibilities open up right there for you.
    We'll chat more tomorrow.

    AFM - so tired forgot what real work is like. Did not stop for one minute to sit down. Drank water like mad, and sweat buckets, as my client needs it warm. Then obligations the rest of the day, haven't even read my Sunday paper nor changed clothes. Thank goodness I fixed eggs for breakfast or I would probably fainted from all the bustling we did this morning at my clients house. Of course, sunday is her busiest day. Breakfast and lunch b4 noon, bath and dress for church and lots of bedpan usage and always watching, watching, watching the oxygen tubing - and awe building in me as I saw how calm and composed she was thru every moment. She can only move her head above her neck at a certain level. 60 years of this - God dropped me in the right place at the right time for sure.

    1. To Post Here 5 days a week minimum.
    2. To mention what I have eaten in each post, since I'm not good at logging.
    today: 2 eggs, 1 buttered bread, 1/2 C. cottage cheese, 2 buns with plain pulled pork and some butter/ketchup. 1 C. corn
    3. To describe my exercise for that day in my post.
    what I did at work, above...trimmed plants on deck
    4. Non-MFP Goals: (a)to get L.R. table switched and put old one in my bedroom and put most of houseplants on it. (b) to bring in from deck and pot up: 2 tiny hosta sprouts, small ivy plants, new bicolored ivy, (c) Get cuttings of Basil from Ann and try rooting using cinnamon as root stimulant, (D) Bring some butter cup plants to Ann and John to get some started before fall really hits. (e) Assemble bonsai equipment and try to find a small seeding to word with.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    edited September 2015
    @RobinsEgg - Congrats on the job
    @cblue315 - Hope you find your book
    @sistermargaret - congrats on your 10# loss
    @Lauriek70 - praying for your dad and your excercise/milkshake inverse ratios
    @Nikion901 - I can relate to your sleep issues that is my biggest issue at the moment
    AFM I survived a church pot luck and dinner out today without going crazy. I am loving my life with a house full of family. At the restaurant tonight I was told my boys were very handsome. Of course I think so, but it is nice to hear others say so. I have to get more sleep and more exercise. I know I can't just cut calories and hope for success.
  • jnfer98
    jnfer98 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm new to the forum, but am happy that I found it. I've been using MFP for a little over a month and have lost about 8lb....though I did have an incident with some ice cream and dark chocolate this weekend, so I might have a different story tomorrow morning, lol!

    Just wanted to introduce myself and cheer everyone on! Hope everyone has an awesome week
  • 20paws
    20paws Posts: 26 Member
    I'm also new, but love the idea of this forum. So Monday's... These are wonderful and hopeful days! Tonight I join a singing group, getting some additional endorphins I hope. I've been tracking about 10 days and been regular to exercise... I have so far to go that it is a matter of years and not months. But it took a long time to get here... But I'm on my way... Today.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone!!! I hope you had a great weekend. Why do they have to fly by so fast though? I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning that’s for sure. Weekend was good. Cyrus had physical therapy Saturday AM than we ran some errands, had breakfast out then just worked around the house (laundry, cleaning – normal stuff). Saturday night Cyrus had a football game. Their poor team is struggling a bit and losing kids left and right due to injuries, grades, behavior, etc. . . After the game, we had about 10 families go out to eat. It was good to get to know other parents and Cyrus had fun with his teammates. Of course, nothing like eating at 10:30 at night – not good. Sunday was pretty quiet and relaxing, which I needed plus I went to see my friend Greg so that was a nice ending to my weekend.

    The week ahead is pretty normal. I do have a new employee starting today who will be reporting to me so it’s getting him up to speed with training. He’s going to be handling logistics and freight management, which is a piece we’ve been missing. Cyrus has a game tonight on the west side of town and of course I have to drive over there in rush hour traffic. Lovely. It will be a LONG day. I was in at 7 and probably will not get home until 10 tonight. Sigh.

    @Kah68 (Kelley) – Surgery is 4 days before my birthday. I don’t think that’s how I would want to be celebrating. At least it’s on the calendar. Can you work from home? I know you’ll need some recovery time, but I know you also hate to use up any personal time too. Did you guys get the cold front? We sure did. Temps really dropped, but actually felt kind of nice yesterday.

    @Angelika – It’s great seeing you again. I’m so glad everyone has healed. I know it was pretty rough for your whole family for awhile there. Congrats on the new son! He’s lucky to be part of your family. Plus, congrats on the 10 lbs – Woo Hoo!! You’ve got this!!

    @RobinsEgg (Ellen) – Thanks. I’m really trying to stay consistent again. Even if it’s a quick daily check-in, I really need that support from this group and the accountability of course. Plus, you guys are my friends from all across the country. We’re in this together. I loved reading your post from Saturday. It’s so great to read such positive things happening in your life. Lord knows you’ve had some hurdles to jump over for quite some time. From your weekend getaway in the country, to your walking and now a job – NICE!!! So happy for you!! My mom does home health care as well. She’s met some really nice people. Unfortunately, most of them are pretty old and she’s already lost quite a few of them, but she enjoys their company and getting to know them even if it’s only a short time. Living in south Florida there's always a job to be found in elder care.

    @cblue315 (Lori) – I’ve been getting back on track with logging too, but also learning not to beat myself up if I miss a day. My last go around I was over 700 days in my logging and lost it, but was so hard on myself if I missed a day. Not this time. I’m going to log, but not beat myself up if I miss a meal or two. The shot of the Friendship Trail is breathtaking!!

    @Nikion901 (Niki) – Nice post on Saturday. It sounds like you’re getting in a nice routine and your September report is on track. Good for you! Whoa. . . I just read Sunday’s post about the hornet wasps – holy cow!! I’m glad you feel better, but yikes!!! You poor thing!!

    @Sistermargret – My BF was from Iowa, but lives in GA now. I grew up in western PA about 20 mile SE of Erie. We had a few traffic lights and that’s about it. We had small family owned restaurants, but no chains. We had to go into Erie for the mall, restaurants, etc. . .While I hated small town growing up, I look back now and realize it wasn’t so bad. Of course, I’ve lived in major cities like Miami, Las Vegas, and primarily Atlanta so I can’t imagine going back to that now, but often wish I could leave the hustle and bustle for a bit of peace and quiet.

    @Grandmakaye – I modify stuff all the time especially burpees (hate them!!). As long as your moving and doing something you’re good. Thoughts and prayers with you guys at tomorrow’s appointment, which hopefully will finally provide some answers.

    @skinnyjeanz (Karen) – I’m the same way about being late. I’m normally always a little early or right on time. I just have this thing about punctuality. I think we always get a “little” pardon because of our crazy city’s traffic. Between Chicago and Atlanta I think it’s a given someone gets hung up primary due to traffic. We don’t have to mention DH was putzing around. LOL!!! Regarding the Shamrock Shuffle, I would really love to consider it. I have to really think about it since that’s the beginning of our Spring Break. I haven’t made any plans yet (thinking of a cruise), but really need to save money this next year so the cruise may be out. We may still do a beach trip at my parents (cheaper alternative). Let me start planning and will let you guys know.

    @Laurie – Hugs!!!! I can’t even imagine when my parents start to battle health issues. When I worked for the AARP years ago, they told us by the year 2020 we’ll have more elderly than any other group due to the baby boomers. I think many of us have parents in this age group right now. I know it’s just a matter of time. Caregiving is so tough in so many ways. I’m really glad you’re giving yourself a break too. You need it!!! Keep climbing, riding and working with your trainer. I know those are things you’ve always enjoyed.

    @jnfer98, @20paws, @moonlights, @mimibpost – Welcome! You’ve found a great little group here for support. Check in daily if you can. They will help you as much or as little as you want. Many of us have been on here 3+ years so we’re pretty close, but always welcoming new friends all the time. We’re in this journey together for the long run.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~Oh man, April 3rd?! I may not be able to go, boo. That is during month-end at work, I can’t be off first week of the month. I’m really sad they changed the date. :cry: I'll see what I can do--I may still come, its just that I'll have to fly home on Sunday after the run.

    @Laurie~I’m glad you’ve recognized the need to make time for yourself a couple of days a week; it should hopefully cut down on your stress. I can’t believe a PT service has denied your dad because of his current condition, that doesn’t even make sense. I hope you are able to find an at-home service to help him regain strength and provide him with some quality of life once he returns home. I’m sorry he is still in the hospital; I hope his health improves soon.

    @Susan~I have a ton of PTO but my first choice was to have the surgery just before Thanksgiving or Christmas so I would have some holiday pay in there, the surgeon will be out of town though. I was left with a few dates to choose from including my birthday (November 6th) and Friday November 13th (um, not only no but hell no). He assures me it won’t be too bad and that I’ll be up walking around (albeit in a cast--which is freaking me out :anguished:) after a few days. Nope, I can’t telecommute but since I work for a healthcare facility I’ll have what I need at my disposal and he is down the hall if I run into problems. We got more of a “cool” front, it’s been cooler in the mornings but still heats up—while our normal high temps are dropping we won’t be out of summer until sometime in October. :sweat: I'm ready to turn off the a/c! :wink:

    @Robin~Congrats on the new part-time job, sounds right up your alley.

    @Angelika~Great to see you, hope that you and your family are back to 100%.

    AFM~I got started on my pre-surgery to-do list this weekend. I want to get some meals frozen and some deep cleaning done around the house, so I won’t have to spend a lot of time cooking the first few weeks. This weekend I managed to get my walk-in closet organized and pulled several pieces of clothing for donation, need to drop those off at GW this coming weekend. Also cleaned out/organized a cabinet in the upstairs bathroom—there is a lot on my list but I should be able to complete it by the end of the month. My workout buddy is out of town, but I plan on getting to the gym at least 3-days this week.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~I forgot to ask. Is Cyrus having fun playing football? What position? I must have missed what he was going to PT for, hope nothing serious. My 8yo nephew is playing football, his real sport is ice hockey but think he's having fun (even though he doesn't get a lot of play time because the coach has two of his own kids on the team :confounded:).
  • sistermargret
    sistermargret Posts: 49 Member
    I have lived all over the place. Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, new Jersey, Iowa... We went where the work was. My dad is a mechanical engineer. I lived in places that make this look big to greater New York. The only place I didn't love was Florida and I wasn't there long enough to love it.
    Home is where you hang your heart.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Boss/Employee Exchange Day
    Today is National Boss /Employee Exchange Day! So, what exactly does that mean? Today’s holiday gives employees and their managers a chance to freely share ideas with one another by swapping places for a day.
    The idea behind trading places is to help employees and managers better understand and appreciate the challenges of the other individual. Although it would undoubtedly be a fun exercise to actually step into someone else’s shoes for a day, in most businesses, that isn’t realistic. Here are a few ways you can work to open the lines of communication – without actually swapping roles.

    Happiness and sadness run parallel to each other. When one takes a rest, the other one tends to take up the slack. ~Hazelmarie Elliott


  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    I've had this summer cold that's been going around. It has me completely off my game. Sniffling, sneezing, so I can't breathe when I'm trying to walk or swim. It's been weeks and I am ready to be over it. I don't know which one of you gave it to me but I don't wan't it any more!! It was either kah68 or skinnyjeanz, they both mentioned this horror.

    Anyway, I am finally past the century mark, 100lbs down. Because it's the kind of person I am, I took donuts in for my co-workers. The heavier they get the skinnier I look.

    @Moonlightsonata79 - welcome aboard. Start logging, even on your craptacular days, it will help to curb your impulses.
  • jnfer98
    jnfer98 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome @susan2396. I'll be sure to check in from time to time. Hope everything went well with training the new employee
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Bigaug wrote: »
    I've had this summer cold that's been going around. It has me completely off my game. Sniffling, sneezing, so I can't breathe when I'm trying to walk or swim. It's been weeks and I am ready to be over it. I don't know which one of you gave it to me but I don't wan't it any more!! It was either kah68 or skinnyjeanz, they both mentioned this horror.

    Its the gift that keeps on giving. :tongue: It could be allergies. If you are in an area that is being hit hard right now with allergens (ragweed is the bane of my existence) Flonase in the a.m. and Zyrtec in the p.m. seems to be working for me. Seriously though, way to go on hitting and staying at that century mark!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @BigAug - WOOT on the CENTURY MARK - 100 Lbs Down - HAPPY DANCE for BIG AUG!!! <3 Augie that is fantastic ! You are Spectacular! Move over ladies - let me join the adoring fan club! Amazing success - and you did it one pound at a time. I hope you do start a new discussion and tell a story cuz I know you have a great story to tell. Lots of ups and downs to it.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @jnfer98 - Welcome and hello! A big WOOT on your 8 lb. loss! You're working with MFP in a great way. Can't wait to learn more about you. Love your smile and the blue sky behind you in your pic. Thanks for cheering US on! That dark ice cream is such a treat. I love it too.

    @20paws -Welcome! Glad you found us - we are very helpful and friendly and designed to keep supporting even in low moments. Tonight sounds like a high point for you with your new singing group - sounds like fun - hope you enjoyed it and can keep it up. Hope to read about it tomorrow or the next day.

    @Angelika - to hear about your happiness with your sons - it just spreads the joy this way - so thanks for sharing it! How old are your boys - I have missed that info somewhere. the second one your fostering til June is that correct? How wonderful and giving you are.
    At some point in the future I want to be a grandma to someone and give out hugs - it would feel so good, so if I wish it and pray it, it could happen, right? (Money, health and space are an issue, or I'd be fostering right now...)

    @Susan - elequent post...

    a few days ago my grocer has exotic (to me) mushrooms for sale - I jotted the names down- forgot til today - I found a website that explained the different tastes and I am going back tomorrow am to buy 2 kinds: Velvet Pioppini and Trumpet Royale- cant wait to try them - hope they are not sold out!

    1. To Post Here 5 days a week minimum.
    2. To mention what I have eaten in each post, since I'm not good at logging.
    today: 1-1/2 C milk...,1/4Lb Burger-no cheese atMcD's.
    3. To describe my exercise for that day in my post.
    20 min PT exercises, Ankle exercises, (Very sore from work)
    4. Non-MFP Goals:
    5. (a)to get L.R. table switched and put old one in my bedroom and put most of houseplants on it.
    (b) to bring in from deck and pot up: 2 tiny hosta sprouts, small ivy plants, new bicolored ivy,
    (c) Get cuttings of Basil from Ann and try rooting using cinnamon as root stimulant, (D) Bring some butter cup plants to Ann and John to get some started before fall really hits. (e) Assemble bonsai equipment and try to find a small seeding to word with.

  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    Hey all. . I'm looking for some words of wisdom regarding emotional eating. I've lost 25kgs and doing well but just lately I'm finding I'm slipping back in to old patterns of having at least a day a week where I'm feeling a little flat and resorting to food for comfort. Then giving myself a hard time about it. Once on a binge i can't seem to stop. Nothing hits that spot and has me satisfied. This used to happen once a month now it's at least once a week. I'm struggling. Any ideas would be gratefully received. Strawb Byron Bay Aust
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    edited September 2015
    Straw- Emotional eating is a problem for may of us, it is the go to for fixing everything in our lives that appears to be spiraling out of control. The best advice I can give is to find something to replace the urge to eat with something active. Go for a walk, get outside anything else that will give you energy. Think of food as fuel and use it to refuel your body. If you want to eat more then earn it, want the sweet treat then earn it. I am still learning to deal with emotional eating and I know my triggers, it is not easy but you can make the change. For me, I know that exercise works better than drinking a milkshake or indulging in mindless eating.

    Karen- I should be able to make the April 3 date for the Shamrock Shuffle.

    Big Aug- Congratulations on reaching the century mark. Happy dance for you.

    I did have a great workout today and enjoyed the day off. Had lunch with a friend today and ate way to much. Still need to grade papers tonight so I can dig myself from the back log of papers.
    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • 20paws
    20paws Posts: 26 Member
    Chili for breakfast... Why? Filling, comforting and full of good things I added... Squash, zucchini, peppers, lean turkey, beans.... Yum. Oh and I had some for dinner too...

  • @Bigaug thanks. Yes ive got a journal to write things to help keep track etc in addition to the site. Congrats on the weightloss.

    I went to the dr today and was surprised to hear i lost 6 lbs.

    I really need to start eating though. All i had today was a coke,three cookies and a half of cup chili. Lol. My mom is 92 lbs and eats more food then me and i eat less but crap and weigh more haha.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys!

    Still not much time for posting personals, but I wanted to update info about the Shamrock Shuffle. I canceled the rooms for the incorrect date and re-booked for the weekend of the race. I had to switch hotels--still a Choice Hotel, but it's a boutique hotel (Hotel Blake) rather than the Comfort Inn I had previously booked since this one had the best rate for the new dates.

    For now, I booked 2 rooms (2 queen beds each) for 3 nights (4/1, 4/2, and 4/3). The rate for each rooms comes to about $290/night including all taxes. Of course this would be split between all people sharing a room (about 75/night if 4 people share).

    I know some people are still unsure of travel plans, how many nights, etc. so I will keep this reservation and adjust as we know who is coming and when. I will also continue to check rates at various hotels to see if we can find anything cheaper. My guess is that this is probably the best we can do knowing Chicago hotel rates.

    One good thing about the date change is I will be on Spring break the preceding week. This means I will be off Friday for anyone who flies in that day. However, I won't be able to stay in the city Sunday night b/c I will have to work that Monday.