ToddCoorie Member


  • Hi Meagan, I'd have to say that simple walking every day will do you wonders. I walk for 2-3 hours every day as well as AbCoaster and lift weights to finish. But just walking is all you'll need, even if it's just 30 minutes - 1 hour. Good luck with your weight loss
  • Hi Meggie, you can do it! Just stick to the daily goal that you've set on MFP. Also rice and pasta are the killers, if you can cut back on those two foods it will become a bit easier to lose the weight. And no carbohydrates after lunch.. Ok maybe just a little :) If that doesn't work, you can also try eating more meals…
  • Thank you Miranda, and you too :)
  • Thanks mate :) I've had the same problem over the past years also, it's like once you've got to your preferred weight, then you feel you can eat what you want lol and suddenly you find yourself enjoying food more and more, until 2KG turns into 5KG or more of unwanted weight. There's a couple of foods that I've learnt to…
  • I'm currently 70KG's now, and trying to lose a few KG's down to 65 KG maybe. I tried for a couple of weeks, doing cardio, AbCoaster and lifting weights, but I stayed the same. A friend ended up suggesting My Fitness Pal, and it's really helping. I did so much working out today that I was able to eat ice cream and still…
  • Nice to meet you Christine. Yes losing weight is tough, although it was easier back when I was around 20 years old. I weighed 85 KG, and got down to 60 KG with cutting out a lot of healthy food and working out at the gym. But I don't recommend that. The number one thing you should try and avoid is eating too much rice, and…
  • It's a good thing you don't like diet soda. There is an ingredient in all diet drinks that are no good for you after drinking great amounts. Try this, before drinking soda, fill up your tummy with a minimum of one glass of water, then when you feel like drinking soda, you won't be able to drink as much 'cause you'll…