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I think mfp tends to over estimate calls burned but definitely have a nice steak or a whey protein shake
Glad to hear you are recovering. Not everyone gets to that stage. Stay strong and love yourself <3
Read stubbornly refuse to make yourself miserable about anything, yes anything by albert ellis. And look for a psychologist well versed in cognitive behavior therapy.
I couldn't catch you. Lol high give at the finish line
Hi and welcome to mfp
Add me. B)
Me too feel free to add
New To community not mfp, need pals this time
I'm also newly back and first time bring part of the community it's really been motivatinf
Slimy celery???? Where do you get your produce?
When I use celery in tuna salad chicken salad soups and stews. I always peel the out side stringy layer. The outer layer had a bitterness to it once that's gone it just adds a crunchy texture to food and takes on the flavor of the other ingredients
You're beautiful and will be on your wedding day. Do it for yourself. Be happy love who you are and best wishes with your marriage
Always feel confortable in your skin. You are beautiful. We all are. I look at this as a way of being both beautiful and healthy. The extra weight I've put on is compromising that health. My two young dsughters need their dad around. So here I am.
Long Island ny
I could use a friend too
Hi I'm eric. Did really well for a while with this and stopped and got complacent. Got to get back on track.