SaintSmithy Member


  • No i did stop doing that a while back and like I say my weight sort of remained the same of around 79-80kg for a long time. I did run and play football a fair bit but since starting stronglifts I wanted to focus on lifting so I haven’t done my usual runs for a while now.
  • I’m unsure wether to do cardio to get the weight back off? I’ve read that it can hinder your progress.
  • Hi quik, don't weigh my food but I did try and log as accurate as I could. As for lifting, I mainly just target a couple of muscles each day, 3 sets of 10 reps and so on.
  • Excellent progress! I'm currently at 74kg and hoping to bulk after I've finished my marathon in April. Think I'll also be starting the 5x5 strong lifts myself. Any advice on what foods to eat and when? How many pounds should I be looking to put on a week?