Lisa8823168 Member


  • People, Family, Friends, Co-workers, anyone who knew me "before" see me, just anywhere, simple places, grocery store, gas station...if they recognize or if they don't, they say "WOW, you look amazing" and the young people say "You are how old? No way!".
  • To loose a 1/2 pound a week by exercising off 340 calories a day/ 6 days week, various methods, and not eating back those spent calories.
  • Regarding comments of this nature: "But you don’t eat less on keto; you eat less and then binge. Wasn’t that the problem?" and "Huh, "Carbs are not healthy" would be news..." I don't care what plan someone may try, a binge can could come from someone on CICO or any eating plan. This thread just happens to be…
  • I've done Keto for over 2 years. When I ratio it out to 5-7 small snack like meals a day, I have worse cravings than when I do 3 meals a day. It took two weeks for me to adjust from the 5-7 small to the 3x day, but when completed, cravings went away. Also, for me, I noticed that adding the salt, as suggested above, caused…
  • Ive been on keto for a long is a way of eating the works well for me, for various reasons. It took me 2-3 months, not weeks, to adjust my hunger desires. However, having tried various plans and ways of eating, include CICO, I felt that way on EVERY one of them. Not unique to the keto plan. The high fat diet works…
  • From? Born/raised in MI, 25 years in TN, Live in AL. I think I have an identity crises.
  • Yes...used in past as a tool to help teach myself portion control. How effective it is for you, long term, really depends on you. It is a TOOL, not a way of life nor a solution. Gaining weight back comes from not learning, physically and emotionally, when using the tool, how to modify your life and make a plan that you can…
  • I am a bit older than most of you with a beat up body from years of exercise Stating back when there was no internet and little safety over site). Now suffer ankle, knee, shoulder problems preventing many traditional forms of exercise. If I don't move, the aches and pains are worse but if I move wrong, the injuries mutate.…
  • I am annoyed by the concept of "safe places", over indulgence of "emotional needs" and corporations catering to these ideas which feed crappy work ethics. If you want to be a grown up, pull up your big boy/girl panties and do the job you were hired to do! A paycheck means you should have graduated from training pants into…
  • I guess when/if the restaurant menus are required to show carbs, protein and fats too, it will be a sign it is here to stay?
  • Ketosis can occur between 20g and 50g depending on the person. A keto diet plan is actually a specific calculation based on current body weight, goal weight, time, calories and so on which equal your macros. However, I do agree with the rest of this content. Keto is very misunderstood. For example, are you following a keto…
  • Ketoacidosis refers to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and is a complication of type 1 diabetes mellitus. It’s a life-threatening condition resulting from dangerously high levels of ketones and blood sugar. This combination makes your blood too acidic, which can change the normal functioning of internal organs like your liver…
  • BTW, I also carry chia and flax seed with me. They are small, so containers are really small. I add them to salads I order and also put them into shakes and on fruit. Super easy to carry around these. Could even use a baggy. I travel with a weeks supply and it takes up no room at all in the pocket of my purse.
  • I travel via plane for most of my work-seas to shining sea. Have to keep things easy and mobile and TSA friendly. Have you considered powdered collagen? They come in single serve or a can, variety of vendors/producers. Most are tasteless. I PERFECT hydrolyzed collagen peptides, put it in my coffee, makes it creamer. Have…
  • There is an air of exclusiveness in many areas. Anytime a few or group of people make others uncomfortable, you are a clique. Though I can appreciate "being on here a long time" and inside jokes based on past experiences, take those elbow rubbing thoughts offline and email each other directly...spare the new folks. Many of…
    in Cliques Comment by Lisa8823168 July 2018
  • All medical science/conclusions are based on averages concluded by people doing some sort of study over the years. Just like the idea that the Arby's sandwich can vary by 50% based on the mood of the preparer (because no restaurant ever uses portion control as a cost measure) so can scientific conclusion based on the…
  • I had same issue. I am your age, blessed with hormonal changes. Have dropped from 200+ to 140's. Are you tracking your micro's like Potassium/Magnesium/Sodium? Once I supplemented with a HIGH ABSORPTION Magnesium and Potassium GLUCONATE (There are difference in both in brands/types and cheap stuff never worked) the problem…
  • My Recipe: Lots of short term goals that accomplish the mid-range and long term goals. I started at a BMI of obese and now in the overweight approaching the average range for my situation. For me and my body shape/life style, mid-BMI is my goal. I needed LOTS of MINI-Successes to stay motivated and here was my recipe for…
  • One of my favorite phrases is repeated thousands of times a day. "Should the use of oxygen be necessary, first affix your own mask, over your mouth & nose, before helping others". This is also "expert" advice. If we were all genetically created equal, MFP would not be necessary. Where in the world would they find a…
  • I have used PB2 for over a year, like it. Tru-Nut and Earthly Choice also has 5g protein but my favorite is earthly choice with a peanut & cocoa mixed. Slightly higher in calories (still really low). I don't eat regular PB at all. My fats all come from fish and MCT or XCT oil (you can mix the oil with PB2, if you want more…
    in PB2?! Comment by Lisa8823168 June 2018
  • Me from MI but living in TN, He from TX but living in AL. Met in Alaska, both on business (two very different business) in the coldest part of the off season...enjoyed a few dinners, parted ways to never talk again...few months later, me in TN, He in AL, ran into each other in KY...this time, parted ways to talk again and…
  • I do a cycle too. Managing my counts at home is MUCH easier but I travel for work. Use a travel week for a break without going crazy, though I do have calorie/carb/protein/fat counts almost memorized by now. I still choose wisely and don't go crazy. When on the road, do best to log my meals in the evening, even in a carb…
  • You will find a lot of very passionate opinions on MFP, in different directions. Clinically, Providers vary on the subject, even in my own clinical setting. Some believe that chronic pain has roots in past pain and prior trauma/injury making you more sensitive through life. Regardless of your personal theory of pain, why…
  • I drink a lot of diet coke...have since it was introduced in early 1980s. Work in health industry, travel all over US, so exposed to many schools of thoughts, on the evil of diet coke/artificial sweeteners. Most often, with some sort of indications about it killing my brain cells. My standard reply, "you might be right,…
  • "FAKE NEWS"....this is a great non political example.
  • Don't let your thread get hijacked. = = In the context of her post, I frankly don't give a rats butt about the definition of addiction....the post was pretty clear...she was celebrating a victory, reaching out to others with a similar struggle and I applaud her for crossing the top of her mountain. = = There is no failure…
  • I have struggled with weight all my life. Thin parents, thin twin brother. I ate for emotional reasons. I had a healthy family life, nothing traumatic there but insecurity, despite labeled as an over achiever, was dealt with through food. Stress of any kind found comfort through food. (BTW-just because my friends could…
  • There was a pre-1958 chart, then the federal government update sizes in 1958, 1970 and then 2001 and 2011, with new size standards. Basically, the size chart has change by half in the last 50 years. Marilyn Monreo 1958-size 12 2018 size 6 Brigitte Bardot 1970-size 8 2018 size 0 Queen Latifah 2001-size 18 2018 size 14
  • I increased sodium due to sweat, started magnesium at a low dose and made sure potassium was good. On days I don't eat potassium rich foods, I supplement. Nothing in major dose in any direction, just monitored it and tweaked it. Figured out my magic formula. These also work good for menopausal women who suffer from muscle…
  • Flashing credentials is annoying...implies legitimizing statements. I get the same sort of thoughts about late in life men wearing a bunch of rings and necklaces, driving a little sports car. What inadequacy are you trying to hide?