katnip40 Member


  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a handsome young fella. I love good news and I'm glad that your son is getting the help he needs and wants :). After everything has died down you will lose the headaches and the stress. Take care and keep blogging because it really releases a lot of stress.
  • Welcome Connie, glad to have you in our group!!!! I truly understand your battle because it is mine as well. That's why this group was formed because i needed someone that i could talk to that would be familiar with my struggles. I hope you find this group helpful and if not at least someone to be your sounding board. We…
  • You are in my prayers!!!! and keep up the good work....just think of us as your family support system :)
  • hi ladies, I'm having problems with my eating on the weekends. I do absolutely marvelous during the week. I'm rarely cheating but on the weekends it's like i lose my freaking mind. Part of my problem is my husband (gotta blame someone) and that's because we work different hours so we only get to spend time together on the…
  • Welcome Audrey!!!! Let's all forge forward on this life long journey. I love hearing from each and every one of you. It makes my heart warm to hear how we all have one common goal and that's to get as healthy as we can at our ages. Let's keep each other as motivated as we possibly can!!!!
  • hello everyone i'm kathy and i started the group. i'm so excited about the amount of members that have already joined....yippee!!!! welcome everyone to the group!!! sorry i'm just now responding but i took 3 of my grandkids on a 5 day carnival cruise last week and just got back to work today. if any of you have ever been…
  • Bad news, I gained a 1lb back this weekend. I'm so bad on the weekends! I wish i was as good as I am when I'm at work. I"m not eating as bad on the weekends as I use to do but I'm not eating as good as I know I can either. I'm not going to give up trying to do better because eventually I will. Open to any advise you can…
  • And you will be my support system as well. No dieting just eating healthier and exercising more!!!
  • That sounds good and I"m going to attempt to try that :wink:
  • Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!! we are all looking for tips and friends to share our journey with...welcome again!!!
  • I've never been overweight until i reached my 40s and more so after i got married at 45 and that's when all the running around and slowing down started. But these last 7 years has been an up and down roller-coaster but when do we say enough is enough and get off this roller-coaster ride!!!! My wake up call was on 9/4 when…
  • I have grandkids that i have custody of so it's kind of hard to not have some of the bad stuff in the house but i don't buy too much of it and i most definitely don't buy the sweet stuff. But like you if it's in the house i will eat it until it's all gone.
  • I wasn't as sore as i thought i was going to be so maybe i didn't work as hard as i could have. Congratulations TS054 you are very encouraging and keep up the great work. You are now officially my role model :)
  • Thanks ladies I know this is going to be a battle for me as well. I can do very well with my logging and eating habits while I'm in the office but the weekends are always my downfall. I did horrible last weekend because we were traveling although that is not an excuse. This week has been great as far as working out and…