payntr Member


  • Hi! Congrats! I will add you! I had my RNY 8-23-16.
  • Hi Rebecca! There isn't alit of activity in here. Obesity help has a wealth of info and support. I am on there a lot! Add me as a friend if you do. I think you would really like it! TC
  • Welcome April! The seminar was the first of the steps too, along with research. I had my RNY on Aug. 23, 2016 and I am so glad I did! The support and advice on these forums is great! Just be mindful that everyone is different. I was sooo afraid of the pain, and I had none, at all. Good Luck on your new quest for health!
  • I went on dr. diet 2 weeks pre op, It consisted of 800 cal. a day of healthwise protein supplements, bars, shakes, and 1 pasta meal a day. And I started drinking lots of water which helps now adays. lol I feel great. No pain at all. Just sore a few days like after a hard ab workout. I would say overall: lose weight, drink…
  • Hi Lauren! Hope surgery went well and you are on your way! I had RNY aug. 23, 2016.
  • Hi gin! I am new on here too. I had RNY 2 weeks ago. I am doing well also! It really is a complicated process trying to get all the protein, fluids, etc. in line. lol Glad to see some new posts here. Welcome!
  • Hi ladies! I am 2 weeks post op and I can say that any weight you can lose before surgery will be a great help. Along with the healthy habits. I started drinking alot of water before and now its second nature. Good luck with your journeys!
  • Hi! I had my RNY Aug.23, 2016. Please add me too. Also mlomago19 and ginthebombs!
  • I am only 2 weeks after RNY but I miss pizza sooo much. Every commercial is about pizza. grrrr