supadux Member


  • I've done a good amount of strength work in the past, but I'm cutting back to a lean 90-92kg so I can enter the <94kg bracket for oly lifting. Really love a good heavy deadlift and squat, but now my goal is less about size and more about CNS based strength for sports performance; really excited to start next year! What…
  • Without seeing your squat form there's not much I can advise but I'll try. If you're squatting out in flat shoes or bare feet with regular foot spacing, you can put a couple of 2.5kg plates under your heels to get a slightly lower squat. Proper squatting shoes as worn by oly lifters have a wedge shaped sole that's high at…
  • Your deadlifts looks reasonably sound and there aren't any problems I see that would likely lead to any injuries. Keeping your neck in line with your body and concentrating on the bar taking a slightly straighter path upwards would tie your form together and progress your lift a bit more. Are you lifting double overhand or…
  • Yeah you've got a point there, if OP is a total newbie to weights a simple program with one each of push, pull and legs should do for a little while. Nothing at all wrong with having push and pull only days though , especially if the excercises are varied and the volume is enough.
  • The general consensus for strength training is to split excercise into 3 main groups: legs, push and pull. Big , compound movements are best overall eg: squats, deadlifts, rows, pull ups, overhead press, dips, bench press etc unless you're doing sport of rehab specific movements on top of these. If I wrote a program for…
  • If you're experiencing knee pain it's definitely a good idea to visit your doctor and get an informal excercise clearance. General guidelines for excercising through joint pain are that you need a good warm up and warm down (about 10-12 mins a piece), avoid high impact and ballistic movements and work at a lower intensity…