zoe0401 Member


  • I did cross country in school - came top three everytime. I then had a bad chest infection and that was it i just couldnt do it again. Disappoints me because i could zone out running & really enjoyed it. I tried walking 5mins - building up to a run but lasting not even a minute so ive had to stop.. new set of lungs maybe?
  • I am loving some replies I have had - I know it happens and I know it will always happen.... bring on The end of TOTM so the weight drops off me again.
  • Feeling the pain (in all ways!)
  • Wow never thought of it like that. Me and boyfriend have cut a fair bit of crap out but it seems the carbs intake has gone up. My boyfriend is at high risk of diabetes because of family history. The 'in' thing around the area I live is slimmers world/weighwatchers and also the whole "shakes" diet. :/
    in Low Carb Comment by zoe0401 January 2016
  • Yeah we are both trying to loose weight. Im not new to the site used it a while now just to see how much crap I eat and cutting it down. I just want to know if its worth cutting the carbs.
    in Low Carb Comment by zoe0401 January 2016
  • My issue is I dont do much cardio because due to health issues I cant but I do a lot of weight and resistance work. This app doesnt account for the calories burned then? I am only down to eat 1200 which is fairly easy to do. How can I do calorie deficits if the calorie burnt arent shown?
  • Keep Good - its true most people stop after a while. They say a 28 day target. If you make it passed that mark you will continue its the same for everything - stopping smoking etc. Weirdly I am starting to enjoy the gym, it lets me get away from work and home. I have had some cruel comments though whilst at the gym because…
  • Tried a gym buddy.. friends think only dieting works so wont go. Its frustrating but I do prefer to train alone. I can zone out then.
  • Thanks. Yeah roughly 2lbs a week which isnt alot but its do-able. Im not a big person anyway just carry a few too many lbs. My PT has a full diet and workout plan for me.. its just getting out and doing it!
  • Hello! I'm Zoe currently living in Cheshire, UK. Ive just started my weight loss journey. Happy to be added for that kick up the *kitten* we all need.. :smile:
  • I feel your pain.. I need help getting my butt in line. I have chronic asthma so cardio is difficult. Weight training is scary but I recommend having someone in the gym as maybe a training to just do a few sessions with so the weights dont seem so scary. :) I have and I prefer weight to build strength and work fat. We can…