ctevis36 Member


  • Starting over with my friends circle. The ones I had aren't encouraging/motivational/etc. Add me if you like. I'm just getting into logging and posting again.
  • Found before and after pix today. Before is January and After is, of course, a few days ago.
  • This meal plan is how I started eating vegetarian and on a budget. The link I'm sending you in for one person-week four, but you can start anywhere in the plan. I usually mix and match my weeks at this point. If you're cooking for more than just you there's also two-people - week ???. I sometimes do this just for me to add…
  • I have a Charge HR and love it!! In addition to being a pedometer, it tracks my sleep; how many flights of stairs I climb; calories in vs calories out; but the best reason, I think, is that I can push the little button on the side and it'll start tracking my activity (which would be running) and I don't have to think about…
  • If you mix ACV, distilled water, and your favorite essential oil it is, in fact, a homemade toner. Right now I'm using lemon oil, but I'd been using almond oil. I absolutely love it!!
  • You can add me if you'd like. My scale seems to stay within the same 5 pounds so I started focusing more on inches lost. If the scale does drop below those five pounds its a bonus.
  • Don't bother with this one ladies. All she wants to do is creep on your profile/diary. She won't support you and is all pent up about you giving her support.
  • You can add me. I'll open my diary up if it'll help you. Here's my catch: I never "complete" my diary, I keep track of calories in vs calories out via muy Fitbit.
  • Feel free to add me. I've been on MFP almost three months. I exercise 4 - 5 times per week and I eat pretty healthy. You'll find once you're into your lifestyle change (I hate the word diet) around a month and a half to two months your goals will come naturally.
  • You can add me if you'd like. My goal is losing inches, not weight. Thanks to my Fitbit helping me keep track, I exercise 4-5 times a week. Sometimes running and sometimes on of my go-to YouTube videos (last night I was a ballerina, haha). Anyway... the invite is open
  • I had a salad for lunch today. Mine included lettuce, sunflower seeds, raisins or dried cranberries (whichever I have on hand), chickpeas, cucumber, & balsamic vinegar dressing. Because I have them I added croutons and a egg .
  • I have trouble too. But, I've realized that if I don't keep the tempting foods in my home than it's way easier. Half the time I still have my fruits and veggies leftover from the week which I opt for instead.
  • I needed affordable and healthy too. I think I found tge following site on Pinterest. I don't always follow the meal plan specifically, but I do eat what's on the menu for the week. http://plantbasedonabudget.com/plant-based-on-a-budget-challenge-1-person-week-1/
  • This is what I do. I plan my healthy meals/snacks the night before. I'm pretty consistent with this, so when my office does have a potluck I can allow indulgences without guilt. The key is moderation and willpower.
  • I'm usually coming in under the green zone everyday. I don't mean for it to happen, but with the amount of calories I burn during exercise and daily acivity compared to how many I eat that's just how it turns out. Keep on working with it and you'll find what works for you. Whether to eat back thise calories or not.
  • I've got the Charge HR. It's a pedometer and calorie counter. It tracks how many miles I go and how many flights of stairs I've taken. The app acts as a food and exercise log. I could go on that's just the gist.
  • Sammy, it helps me to know my remaining calorie allottment before I reach for my coworker's fun-size candy bar jar.
  • Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm in my 150's, 5'6", and though my goal weight is ideally 135, I'm looking to be lean and toned.
  • I've gained about 15 pounds since starting an office job about a year ago. I've been working out 3 to 4 times a week the past couple of weeks.Like you, I have a big appetite and love the wine. I'm always looking for more support and motivation. Add me if you want.
  • I'm looking for someone to kick me all the time, haha. Since starting my office job I've gained about 15 #'s. I've been using MFP on my own the past couple weeks. I'm exercising 3 - 4 times a week and mostly on a plant-based diet. I'm replying to your message because I need friends to turn to when I need motivation and…