G'day from Melbourne, Australia, and welcome. I started a couple of months ago and I am addicted to this app, especially with the food diary, and the great friends you meet and who give you motivation. Feel free to add me......
Melbourne Australia. Great app.
You go girl! Stay positive. You need to be strong now, cause the festive season is coming, but we will be here to help you. You can do it!
Melbourne, Australia
10 recurring
Thanks. Now I have no wisdom left lol. I can actually speak properly today. No drooling lol. But lucky for painkillers. Plus, on the up side, I have have to drink through a straw, so what better time to start dieting lol!
Wow kippie, you need to find better friends, especially ones who aren't blind! Anyway, I think you have just met some great friends on here and we will all help to keep you positive, smiling and reaching the stars!
You go girl. I back in the saddle too! I lost 17kg and slowly put it all back on. But time to lose it again. We can do it girl!!!! It won't be overnight, but it will happen. Let's do it!!!
Thank you and welcome to you too. You name is awesome!!!
G'day there. I'm Peter from Melbourne, Australia. What an awesome community to have so much motivation. Would love to meet some people. Please add me. Thanks
Damn you chocolate!!! And I thought it was just me lol especially peppermint chocolate. Also being Italian doesn't help me cause nearly everything is carbs.... Pizza, spaghetti, risotto, cannelloni...... Anyway, we can do this!!!!!
Thank you lovely ladies for your great welcome. Let's smash our goals. Keep smiling
Melbourne, Australia
We're all in it together, and we will succeed!!