kuroshii Member


  • I don't particularly like to exercise either, but I *love* how I feel after I have done so. I have a stationary bike too, and by itself it's boring boring BORING! So instead of just the quiet, I listen to my stompy music on headphones. Or sometimes a podcast. I have tried audiobooks, but I found myself slowing down too…
  • Gotta chime in then...for me, it's evenings! Right after work. When I belonged to a gym I went straight from work! If I went home in between stuff would come up or inertia would hit. I tried mornings for a while but sleep kept winning out. So what everyone else said: it's what works for you.
  • Right after work. It gives me a "second wind." I tried working out in the morning, but I'm SERIOUSLY not a morning person which means I can't get to sleep earlier to match. And then I find I have problems keeping good form. Evening, totally.
  • Strength training builds muscle, which increases your "base" metabolism. It's not intended to burn lots of calories right then and there.
  • In the past when I belonged to a gym, I have always gone alone. Stompy music on headphones and focus on the equipment.
  • I prefer peanut butter for making sandwiches, but I prefer almond butter for making cookies. :)
  • Doh! I didn't see my notifications and missed a bunch of postings. I'm doing well. Bracing myself for winter, which is when the gloom hits. Indoor exercise regimen starting to ramp back up after a summer of lots and lots of walking.
  • Since there's just me eating it, I just take however many servings the recipe says it makes and "divide." If it's not exactly even I figure it comes out in the wash by the time I've eaten it all. ;)
  • I use plain whole milk when home, or half-and-half when I'm out, and that's it. Both have enough lactose in them that the coffee is sweetened "enough" for my taste. As others have said, start with good quality coffee. Personally I see no reason to go for "non-dairy creamer" in coffee unless you're lactose intolerant. It…
  • I think it's just so you don't have to go open your fitbit app to see the number of steps when you do want to know what they are. Like any good app maker, MFP would rather you "look at" other apps as infrequently as possible. ;)
  • Before I started coloring my hair, I washed it every day because if I didn't it would be a greasy mess. My hair gets that oily. Now that I color my hair, I wash it every other day. It helps that my hair is now really short. If I was the sort who does a "strenuous" workout every day I would still be washing it every day…
  • I've found that pre-logging is a great way to remind myself that I wanted to eat those leftovers. :)
  • It was doing that for me (looking like zero all day) both Sunday and yesterday, but seemed to fix itself mid-morning today. On another thread there's a post quoted from MFP folks asking to NOT do the disconnect/reconnect thing because that's actually *adding* to the problem as more requests for data-conversion get backed…
  • Mine basically stopped as of yesterday. Synced once, at midnight last night, but nothing all day or all day today. Just because it's a fitbit-to-MFP problem doesn't mean the problem is on the MFP end. Fitbit could have the data and not be sending it, or have changed the code on their end without telling their partners.…
  • You might not have lost weight or inches, but did you have more energy? Did you get more restful sleep? Sometimes it's not about the scale at first. The scale/inches come later as you continue to build on the good habits. Find something you enjoy doing, and stick with it. You're looking to make permanent lifestyle changes,…
  • I love air-popped popcorn to satisfy my need for crunch. It's a whole grain!
  • I try to get as much from actual food as possible, but just in case...I take One-A-Day Women's, at night before bed. And if I feel a cold coming on (or if someone around me is sick) I take a chewable C.
  • I added one healthy thing (or subtracted one unhealthy thing) at a time, maybe one thing a week, and just kept building on it.
  • I love coffee shops too. I always get something because that way I'm at least "renting" my table. But I don't get anything with tons of sugar, just a regular-sized decaf latte because dairy is good for you. ;)
  • There is an entire "Fitbit users" sub-group here on the forum with several threads including FAQ. The moderator there starts off with a fantastic explanation about how the syncing works. tl,dr; log your exercise only in fitbit. log your food only in MFP. Then only look at what MFP tells you as far as what you have left to…
  • if you link the tracker to a new email (ie, create another account or if someone else wants to use it) it automatically un-links it from yours as it links to the new one...but I don't think there's away to just make it an orphan.
  • I've got a plain old Mister Coffee drip pot that makes four or five cups depending how you fill it.Takes the smaller basket-style filters, still sold in places like Target and the supermarket (though usually only a name brand not store brand). I think it cost *maybe* $20. It's the third one in a row I've had, but the first…
  • In the "salad section" everything has been prewashed and precut and ready to eat...so you're paying for the convenience of making a salad right there instead of at home. But the WHAT of what you're eating is exactly the same.
  • I'm among those who prefer PB that's just peanuts and some salt, because to me they seriously taste "peanuttier" than the kinds with added sugar. But added sugar by itself is not unhealthy if it still fits your macros for the day. And the fat that comes from the peanuts themselves is the HEALTHY kind. It's the fat that…
  • Oh and because they didn't explain the other acronym...HIIT= High Intensity Interval Training. Same principle behind Orange Theory gyms. It's been proven to generate that afterburn effect though of course not as huge as MA exaggerates. Bottom line is exactly as Azdak says: does it look like fun for you, that you would…
  • The Charge HR has heart rate but does NOT have capability for a "reminder to move" alarm. The Alta has the alarm along with other notifications, but no heart rate monitoring. From what I have seen on the fitbit forums, they have no intention of adding the alarm capability to the Charge HR ever. Otherwise they're basically…
  • Yep, at this point it boils down to genetics. You can't spot-lose fat, but making sure the muscles are toned can help reduce the appearance while you wait on your body to get around to using that particular blob. Also, POSTURE. Mama was on to something when she kept on us to "stand up straight" when we were younger.
  • Yeah there really is no wrong way to ride a stationery bike, especially a recumbent one. Look at different plans, maybe play with whatever programmable "circuits" your bike may have (and/or look online), and have fun experimenting to find or build a plan that you enjoy doing so you'll stick with it.
  • When I had a chin-length bob, I jut used a round brush while blow drying to curl the ends under and that was it. Never bothered with a curling iron or any of that. But now I have REALLY short hair, which just fluffs while I blow-dry...and of course the blow-drying itself takes less time too!
  • Cycling on a stationary bike, preferably recumbent as it's easier on your back but regular is fine. You can get your heart rate up something fierce, especially if it's programmable where it signals "speed up/slow down."