kuroshii Member


  • Yeah, lots of people work out in the morning because it's their only real option and not because it's "easier." Personally I love working out right after work, which gets rid of the stress from the work day and energizes me for the rest of the evening. I am thankful that I do not have family or other commitments at this…
  • Yes, syncing more often does drain the battery. I've consistently gotten 3 to 4 months from the 3025 battery. You can also use a 3032 which will last longer, you just need to gently push down on the metal tab with a screwdriver or something to make more room because it's extra capacity comes with being almost 1mm thicker.
  • fitbit's food database has consistently lagged behind MFP's for years.
  • I have the fitbit Zip, which like the One is tiny and just clips onto belt or bra. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "getting bored with it." As others have said, it's a tool. The games/challenges are there for if that sort of thing motivates you and can be ignored if they don't. The same can be said for most…
  • As folks have said, neither is really better than the other overall. Each one has points going for it but they balance out so do whatever YOU ENJOY and keep doing it. Me, I love walking and DON'T love running. So I walk to get the "weight-bearing exercise" benefits and purely for the enjoyment of it, and I do other things…
  • My Zip does not log steps when I drive either. Might be a "bracelet-worn tracker" thing. Yet another reason why I'm not as thrilled with the idea of wearing one on my wrist. ::shrug::
  • Most thigh gap you see in media (print/internet) has been Photoshopped in. Actual humans having it is VERY rare, and it's due to bone structure as folks above have said. It is *not* a measure of thinness in a person, never mind health. Also, targeted fat loss is a myth. Muscles take energy from blood, and blood goes…
  • If you're getting enough activity that MFP is consistently adding calories to your allowance by the end of the day each day and you find that annoying/confusing to have such a big question mark, consider bumping up your activity level so that the "start point" on your calorie allowance is higher. You might want to turn…
  • Wear your tracker. Log your exercise in to the software for your tracker, not MFP. The tracker software will adjust as needed and send it over to MFP.
  • See also: soup! The best soups are the ones that burble on the back burner of your stove for hours so that all the flavors meld, so I would imagine making it in a slow cooker set on low for hours would have the same delicious effect. Maybe do all the chopping and dicing the night before. Oh, and then you can add beans. ;)
  • I generally go ahead and use mayo when I'm making tuna salad, but it's the kind that's made with olive oil AND generally I use just barely enough to hold the tuna together so it works out fine for my macros.
    in Tuna Comment by kuroshii March 2016
  • Years ago, the ad campaign for Reese's involved two people walking on the sidewalk coming from opposite directions, one eating a chocolate bar the other eating peanut butter straight from the jar with a spoon. The two collided and landed on the sidewalk, somehow without food going flying. "You got your peanut butter on my…
  • There are tons of casserole-type things you can make in a slow cooker. Also oatmeal! The kind of oatmeal that would take half an hour on the stove. If you get one that has a timer, you can set it up the night before and it will come on and cook the oatmeal and then keep it warm as you wake up.
  • I prefer the bike when I'm in the gym, personally, with LOUD STOMPY MUSIC on my headphones. I do know several people who enjoy audiobooks while on the treadmill.
  • I have the Zip (tiny thing, only measures steps no stairs or anything else), and I wear it the same way. I like how it feeds a reasonably accurate activity level over to MFP, which then adjusts my calories for the day.
  • If you click through the link to see the bands @AvalonsUnicorn purchased, you'll see they're REALLY short. They will serve her well for separate resistance training, but not for the stuff inside EASA2.
  • You're welcome, and I don't mind you friend-requesting me at all! You'll mostly just get "end of day foodlog" spam from me, otherwise I don't post much.
  • Lots of Indian food recipes use lentils (dal) and I believe the trick is you don't cook it quite as long as you would for soup, so it doesn't "break down" into mush.
  • Greetings fellow EASA2-Wii users! :) Sometimes I wonder how many of us are still out there. I switched to small barbells (5lbs each) a few months in, because even using the band that came with the game I was having problems doing things like overhead tricep extensions--the band would touch my back, which added way too much…
  • Not to mention you are being SAFER for it, what with all those drivers these days who think that looking down at their phone while their car is moving is not a problem. SMH.
  • Sync the fitbit so you have a more accurate activity level vs estimate, *and* log your excercise over in fitbit and it will add those calories to what it posts to MFP. I notice that even if fitbit logged my "steps" while biking, if I tell it that I was on a bicycle it adds more calories.
  • I prefer the texture of old fashioned or steel cut, so that's what I make at home. (note: the kind that takes 20min? can be cooked in a rice cooker!) But I've kept packets of instant at work for when I oversleep. I always need two packets made with not quite two's worth of water, or I don't find it filling. I'll have one…
  • Coco Wheats! It's own brand of chocolate cream of wheat. No sugar added, just like the original. I don't add as much as they suggest, and when I do it's brown or maple sugar for more flavor. Both come in small boxes, unlike oatmeal which I always see in cylanders.
  • I've been known to slice it thick and grill it on the stove with a tiny drizzle of olive oil, eat it as a sandwich. Roasting works well too. I also like making the Eggplant Mykonos recipe from Moosewood.
  • No health concerns, just a taste difference that not everyone is sensitive to. You're fine! In summer, consider ice cubes for iced coffee instead. :)
  • And see, I love the tartness of plain Greek yogurt. I put fresh fruit on/in it, and *maybe* a small drizzle of honey but usually not, and that's enough to make it sweet for me. Then again, I'm of close Greek descent. So maybe I'm genetically predisposed? ;)
  • Yeah that room (I think of it as the veggie room!) is something else. I zoom in spot the right pallet grab my bag and zoom back out! It takes a little over two weeks of eating a meal-sized salad almost every day, which I like doing when I work from home, to get near the bottom of the bag. I mix up what goes on top from one…
  • Two and a half POUNDS of fresh baby spinach for just under five bucks. (and every once in a while, for $2.50) I use it as the base for my salads, so yes I can eat the whole thing before it goes bad...OK so the last two salads, I'm picking out a few "wilty" leaves as I put them on the plate. But really, I can't bring myself…
  • Frango dark chocolates a little while after dinner. A serving is listed as four pieces, but I don't think I've ever wanted more than two.
  • Yes. Buying flavored beans, they add just flavoring without sweetener. Buying flavored coffee in a coffee shop, however, you're getting several squirts of flavored sugar syrup and all the extra calories that come with.