anna114400 Member


  • 27 lbs gone since I started on Oct 3rd! Had a relapse around Thanksgiving, but recovered and I've been right back at it! I love reading everyone's success, it's super motivating!
  • Thanks for sharing an understanding!
  • I lost quite a bit, about 80lbs total a few years ago before I gained it (and then some) back. I lifted weights so I think that helped with my arms. The main place I had extra skin was my stomach. I did think of having it removed, but never did. I just learned clothes that covered it up and didn't have to many issues. This…
  • Haha it was the Reese's cups tormenting me! I put it my diary to see the content and to confirm how bad it would be, right there in front of my face. Told myself I'm going to eat lunch and if I still want it, I will eat just one. Ate lunch and no longer was being taunted lol. Not one price of candy entered my body! Whoo…
  • And 2 weeks isn't a stall. Give it a couple more weeks before seeking stall guidance.[/quote] My intention wasn't to seek stall guidance. Perhaps I should have left that part out of my question. My main concern was more about the amount of calories I was taking in being enough. That was kind of an after thought. But it…
  • I am a snacker, always have been, that's part my problem. But since reducing my carbs to 20 or less a day, the urge to snack or eat when I'm not hungry has completely gone away. That's the reason I think I can do this. No urges to eat unless my body needs it. Good luck!