alannacaveney Member


  • I tried running at a pace of 8:30min/km when I first started my weight loss last December when I was nearer to 100kg (big mistake), and I could barely run for longer than a song at a time (3 mins and I was DYING - red faced, wheezing mess) so that pace for a beginner doing 3/3.5km straight is beyond amazing to me! I stayed…
  • You totally can! All I do is boil or steam, and then mash (adding a little almond milk for liquid if I feel the mix is a bit stodgy) and that's it :smile:
  • Hi there! I'm a 25 y o NZ female, and you can feel free to check out my food diary if you like - some days are better than others :blush: I'm just looking to change my lifestyle and lessen my portions, rather than "dieting" coz I want it to be a life-long change, so I'm not big on the "diet foods" either. I tend to have…
  • Well done, you! Totally know how hard it can be to break that habit. I work in the wine industry, and I love the stuff. Way too easy to get free bottles and samples of different things, beer included. Just because I want to prove I can, and I know how much can drop off when you lose the empty calories in your current diet,…
  • I'm allergic to bananas, so I'm at a severe disadvantage when it comes to baking healthy and having smoothies etc. coz there's banana everywhere! I've found that coconut flour muffins as a base, and adding natural flavours is a lifesaver. I currently have apple and cinnamon ones in the pantry, and I'll have one or two of…
  • I agree with a cheat meal 2-3 times a week (but still using portion control and MFP to make yourself accountable) or planning a treat into your day for myself personally rather than avoiding it completely until a certain day. I found when I followed a strict diet and exercise plan, where my then trainer made Sundays cheat…
  • New Zealander, so pounds aren't really the thing here, but I'm looking to lose 30-40kgs as my ultimate goal to get to a healthy size/BMI for my height (5'2) - I think that equates to about 65-90lbs? I don't have exact numbers for current or goal because I don't use a scale. Last time I tried to do this, I was on a very…