sallymarcus413 Member


  • I'm so overwhelmed with the support and advice! A friend is coming to get me today and we're going to the food bank, and I also met a dairy farmer who gave me a buch of raw milk and I've just started a batch of yogurt. Things are looking up! Though my situation hasn't changed yet, I'm feeling so much more hopeful and…
  • And thank you guys for even just providing me a safe platform to speak of such things. I'm too embarrassed to talk to my friends about this kind of stuff.
  • You guys are all incredibly kind. I will start my job in December and hopefully many of these worries will be resolved once I have a steady income. And I live near Bozeman, Montana for reference.
  • Yes, I plan on gardening this coming year! I can hunt and fish on my property, but I don't have any tags or anything. I might anyway... I can also probably ask some friends who recently filled elk tags if I can have a bit of meat.
  • Thank you all for your support. There is a food bank in my area, but I live about a half hour away from any town and have recently lost my car. I plan on hitchiking into town as soon as possible, but I recently moved back into the country and have no proper warm clothes and it's like 12 degrees outside. Blah, sorry, off…
  • I have struggled with depression in conjunction with eating issues, and though overeating was not an issue, I think the thought process is rather similar. During my depression, I could not bring myself to eat and did not even consider my body even a really part of myself, of that makes sense. I felt so detached from myself…
  • It's not a perfect list, but you might find some ideas here to help boost your calories:[/quote] This is such a helpful reminder of more calorie dense food! This week I added more eggs, cheese, meat, yogurt, and almond butter into…
  • Thank you all for your advice! It's true, that 500 calories is only equivalent to a few pieces of toast and some juice, but I had gotten so into the habit of eating at 1200 that eating more just doesn't come as naturally. I decided to go up more slowly and am at 1450 daily goal now, but still tend to eat under my calorie…
  • I'm obsessed with oatmeal and have a few go-to oatmeal toppings. Try: dried unsweetened cherries, walnuts, and goji berries. Or fresh chopped ginger, brown sugar, and walnuts. Or, ginger, dates, and pecans. I could eat oatmeal 3 times a day and be perfectly happy haha