gmc685 Member


  • Hey! I’m certainly no expert but I understand how you feel because I’ve been there. First off, awesome job deciding to add weights to your routine-they’re going to change your life! When I started, I started with squats. Sounds typical, but I wasn’t doing it to build the booty, I was doing it to find what strength truly…
  • That’s so sad to hear about Polar! The Bluetooth aspect of the monitor really interested me because it would be nice to have access to all that iinformation, but if it’s not working I’d rather not spend my money on it! I like that the wahoo is considerably cheaper. Thank you for your response!
  • Yes, I’ve heard it’s comfortable as well! I was reading somewhere that there’s an app that you can link up with the monitor and it will tell you how many calories you’ve burned. Maybe that’s just false hope? 😬 thanks for replying!
  • Oh darn, i would hate to not have accuracy with the monitor. I used an online TDEE calculator that had my maintenance calories at 2,778-seems mighty high to me! Even though I am a huge fan of food. Do you have a specific TDEE that you like? Thanks for the response!
  • Ahh, these are all really helpful suggestions, and I’m grateful to learn that I need to count my oil usage. I love making kodiak cakes in the morning, but I’ll just have to add my oil spray into it! Losing weight is so mathematical. 🙄 i never liked math. Thanks for the help everyone!! Xx
    in Spray oil Comment by gmc685 July 2018
  • Gosh darn it, I was hoping I found the magic trick to cooking with oil! 🙄 thanks for the feedback!!
    in Spray oil Comment by gmc685 July 2018
  • Solid-base shoes make sense but I hadn’t thought about it! Very happy to have this information. I will be adjusting accordingly :) thanks so much!
    in Shoes Comment by gmc685 December 2017
  • This was great information!! Thank you!! I plan on getting a good pair of converse and a good running shoe (i will check out the Newtons!!)! Maybe I will grow my collection and be able to add more as I go along. Who knew getting fit would also take some financially stability?! ;) thanks for the help!!
    in Shoes Comment by gmc685 December 2017
  • I haven’t heard of the Merrel or the Do-win, so you can bet I will check both out! Thank you for replying and for the information! Very helpful :)
    in Shoes Comment by gmc685 December 2017
  • Cool! :) I’ll check out the adidas too. I feel like such a noob for just now getting on the multiple pairs train! Thanks for the reply!!
    in Shoes Comment by gmc685 December 2017
  • Sweet! I love that these are a more affordable option! And i can wear them out and feel cool :) thanks!!
    in Shoes Comment by gmc685 December 2017
  • Haha! I like your enthusiasm for shoes! I can barely afford one pair, but I am going to figure out how to get two now just because of your post! Thank you. :)
    in Shoes Comment by gmc685 December 2017
  • Sorry, I for some reason couldn’t send you a message. Thank you for your reply. I decided that I didn’t want to wallow in self pity. At the end of the day, the only person who change her habits is me! After that revelation, I tried to delete this post, but it wouldn’t let me, so I instead changed everything to “bleh.”…
    in Bleh Comment by gmc685 December 2017
  • Hey! First of all, don’t beat yourself up for going off the path. Life is not a straight line and neither is fitness! Start up tomorrow by cooking something healthy and moving your body just a bit. For the first day or so be less conscious of the calories and more conscious of the nutrition. It’s not a race, it’s a…
  • Hey girl, I’m right there with you. I gained a ton of weight in college (graduated last may). First and foremost, congratulations on being vulnerable. You already won half the battle because you’re showing up and wanting to change. Secondly, being in school is HARD. Maintaining grades, working toward your future career,…
  • Thank you so much! This was really helpful. I invested in a scale today to start measuring macros, and I am really glad you told me about the percentages, now it makes sense. Actually, I’m kind of excited about it!! Thank you for your help!
    in Macros Comment by gmc685 November 2017
  • Thank you, both!! Good to be informed :) xx
    in Macros Comment by gmc685 November 2017