
Hi all,

I recently rejoined MyFitnessPal after a long hiatus. I’m happy to be back!
I was wondering if someone could explain to me how macros work, and how to determine how to use them? I’m confused because when i log calories it seems to cut them in half? I don’t know much, and have a lot to learn so any help is appreciated. :)

Thanks and hope everyone is doing well and feeling great!


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Macros are what make up your calories. Carbs and protein are 4 calories per gram and fat is 9 calories per gram.

    For weight loss, calories are what matter. But you still want to ensure you get enough protein (for muscle retention) and fat (for overall health). After that, you can let your carbs fall where they may. Get your logging down, then play with the macro percentages to see what works best for you.
  • gmc685
    gmc685 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you, both!! Good to be informed :) xx
  • bayliekatie
    bayliekatie Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi! I count my macros and calories- basically I found a calculator online; just google searched, "macro calculator" and there's a ton out there. On my fitnesspal, you can set your macros to whatever you want. Basically what macro-counting is is keeping track of the grams of carbs, fats, and proteins you get in a day. I also count grams of fiber and sugar. Macros are the percentage of calories that certain types of food make-up in your day. For example,
    right now I'm personally doing a 40/30/30, which means 40% of my calories come from carbs, 30% come from protein and 30% come from fat. I like this diet for a few reasons. First, I realized I thought I was eating "healthy", but I was over-eating fats (even the good kind) and definitely NOT getting enough protein. It has allowed me to start measuring my food, and when I'm counting macros, even more than just counting calories alone, I am legitimately NEVER hungry, I eat waaaay less than I do when I'm just counting calories (I'll be nibbling every minute, feeling tired, sluggish lol with macros, I honestly feel awake and full for hours), and I lose my weight and just tighten up. I also like it because you can adjust it and see if you feel better with more carbs/less carbs, etc. 40/30/30 is very standard to start with but play around and see if you do better with 30/40/30, etc. I feel like my diet is more balanced as a result.

    Honestly, if you are watching what you're eating anyways and putting in the calories, I don't think it is more difficult/work to watch the macros. MyFitnessPal will let you set them and see them. If you realize while you're putting in your calories that you're over on fat, eat more protein for your next snack and meal and balance it out. I think it's incredibly flexible, and has worked for me so far, although I'm still fairly new to macros.
  • gmc685
    gmc685 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you so much! This was really helpful. I invested in a scale today to start measuring macros, and I am really glad you told me about the percentages, now it makes sense. Actually, I’m kind of excited about it!! Thank you for your help!