GinnyRamsdale Member


  • beat an egg and put it in muffin tins. Add veggies like peppers, onions, or whatever you like. Top with some cheese, and bake them in the oven for 12 minutes. They are great, and you can freeze them and pull them out and stick them in the microwave, for a quick breakfast! Yummy.
  • I had the same problem, and I found out that my body was highly acidic. You need to get ph strips and test your bodys alkaline amount. If you are highly acidic, try green smoothies or a green powder to get your body to an alkaline state. If made all the difference for me. I had horrible cravings after walking 5 miles in…
  • I buy the green powder at vitamin shoppe, and add the banana and apple smoothie mix in a blender, it tastes good and gives you all your veggies and fruits for the day. And only 1 glass a day.
  • just make sure the foods you are eating are giving you the nutrients your body needs. I have found that veggie powders in a drink really help.
  • I do green powder, ( veggies in pdr form) with frozen fruit. Extremely nutritious and the frozen fruit makes it taste good. Great for trying to get alkaline!
  • I take Vit D3 also. I take magnesium 500 mg, and potassium 99 mg every day. I also started doing green shakes, because I don't get enough veggies in my diet. It really aides in the weight loss. I have low thyroid issues, and have had a lot of trouble getting the weight off. The shakes really help. I get the medicine shoppe…
  • magnesium also works for me. I have also been doing green shakes, and it seems to have helped the insomnia a lot.
  • If I get desperate for something sweet, I eat a sugar free jello, which is only 5 calories, and it satisfies the sweet craving.
  • I beat egg whites, put them in the bottom of the muffin tin. Then add veggies like tomato bits, mushrooms, onion and cheese and bake them at 350 for 12 min. The egg white still have the great taste but are great if you are concerned about the cholesterol.