Ms_GiveAHoot Member


  • Hey there!! I have found southern keto recipe book has delicious options. Every recipe i have tried has been awesome! Once you get really going on Keto, you might notice that you will have less of an appetite. Don’t force yourself to eat if you are not hungry. I did this at first because i thought i was use to eating every…
  • Hey! Great job so far!! I just wanted to recommend the Southern Keto book. All the recipes are delicious thar your kids would love to eat too! For example, there is a recipe for drop biscuits with sausage gravy. I felt like i was eating normal biscuits and gravy!
  • Hi Keto peeps! I am down about 8lbs in a month after starting keto (losely). I have been fasting in the morning since I just don’t have the appetite to eat breakfast anymore. It’s amazing how I can skip breakfast now when just before lowering carbs i would ALWAYS stop for fast food breakfast before work. I am looking for…
  • I am definitely interested. I have about 60 lbs that I need to lose. I am interested in hearing what is everyone's plan on how to lose the weight.
  • Hey everyone!! My goal for Jan 1st is to be at or below 165. I currently weigh 181 as of today. I am going to try to eat low carb with carb cycling. I think I would do better if I knew someone was checking on what I eat daily and giving me pointers here and there. If anyone is up to the task, feel free to add me!
  • I remember those days! 32/Female/Houston, TX US
  • I don't have a problem feeling full when I count calories. I think the problem is if we went by what you read is that people will eat a bunch of crap (loaded with calories) until the felt full. If one was eating something healthy, why not eat until you are satisfied? If you are eating unhealthy, processed foods, or high…
  • So you are saying he cut his calories because the decrease of "fake sugars"? If so, haven't ever looked at the calories on a diet coke? It's 0 calories because of the "fake sugars" used. Fake sugars are not a contributing factor of a high calorie diet. I definitely noticed when diet coke was a part of my diet (contains…
  • You can get shots of protein in your Starbucks?
  • Awesome job!!! ::cheering for you::