I had the same decision to make the other week, and I went with the rower. Engages more muscles, and is low impact so it should be easier on those knees. Plus they take up less space than a treadmill (which was also a big deal for me). I got a decent deal at Dicks Sporting Goods for mine. They had a deal on a Sunny Fitness…
Walking has been my go to for months now. I used to love running, but my knees just can't take it anymore. Walking has been a great alternative. I try for 60 minutes a day around my neighborhood. I live in a quiet area that has some good streets to walk on. Total loop I do is about 3.5 miles, but I can vary it depending on…
I've been rotating between 3 things for cardio Walking: 60 minutes, outside around my neighborhood. It works out to about 3.5 miles with various hills. Rowing: Newest obsession. Can only do about 20 minutes right now, but working my way up. Shadow Boxing: Using BeachBody's 10 Rounds workout to guide me. 35 mintues and a…
I recently switched to a 5 day, full body routine. Today was: Military Press Reverse Lunges Chest Press Reverse Fly Side Raise Bicep Curl 3 sets each. Along with that, I got in a 15 minute warmup on the rowing machine, and tonight will be an hour walk around the neighborhood.
Oh My GOD YES! He is so stereotypical its just bad! From the played out WWE catch phrases to the way he belittles the other cast... its just pathetic. If you want weights, use LIIFT4. Also under Insanity (which is probably the toughest program on there, hands down) there is the Upper Body Weight Training routine. Its just…
I have it and have been using it for a few years. If you are fan of the BeachBody workouts (P90x, Insanity, etc) then its totally worth it. You have access to the entire catalog of videos to stream whenever you want, plus there are programs not available on DVD. LIIFT4 and Core De Force are my 2 personal favorites. I also…
Starting out can be daunting, as there are alot of macros that you have to watch closely if you want to be successful. I would do alot of research first on what you can and cannot eat. As one user said, there seems to be carbs in everything, and when you are first starting a little mis-step will kick you out. There are a…
Glasses and a smile that lights up a room.
3 weeks is really not alot of time. I am 44. I start really noticing changes after 6-8 weeks. The changes I notice in the beginning are small things, an most of the time non-visual. Things like being less winded after a workout, feeling less bloated, having more energy during the day. These are the main things I notice…
Comparing you to your husband is a bad idea. In fact, comparing yourself to anyone is a bad idea. There are so many factors that go into weight loss that it is impossible for 2 people to be the same. From differences in lean muscle, starting weight, metabolism, hormones, and just plain old genetics.. everything plays a…
What they said ^^^ delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, suck. It is expected, especially when starting a new routine or upping your weights. They can also last for a while. Stretching works, but really, as odd as it may seem, working out again with a slightly lighter set of weights helps the most I have found. The one…
I have done it in the past! Probably THE hardest of all the Beachbody programs. Sadly I can't really complete it anymore as it is brutal on the knees (there are no modifiers shown). Good luck with you round and remember to dig deep!
As others said, TRT is the only sure fire way to boost your testosterone. If you are diagnosed formally with this, the doctor will prescribe this for you. I thought my T-levels were low so had it checked. I had no energy, and... ummm... other issues... Turns out, it was just normal decline with age. I started taking…
Hi Samantha. I've been doing a Keto diet for about 8 weeks now. From what I have read, you usually try and stay around 20-30g Net of carbs per day (Net is basically Carbs minus Fiber). That's usually about 5% of your carbs per day. The thing is, you want to up your healthy fat intake too... not sure the exact grams per day…
Strip clubs are normally no big deal. Great, a bunch of naked ladies that you can't touch dancing infront of you... woo hoo! I see more boob if my band plays at a college. Get over it, move on. If you can't then break up.
Totally normal. Drink alot of water (I mean ALOT) to help with the water retention. After another week, you will see the weight start coming off.
Use other metrics besides weight. Measure yourself, take body fat calculations, progress pics. Weight alone is not a good metric. I only lost .4lbs last week, but dropped 2% in body fat. If I wasn't looking at the complete picture, then I would be discouraged.
Depends on how you define cardio. Like others have said. On a tredmill/eliptical/stairclimber staring at a wall... yeah, I would be bored to tears. I pop in an Insanity DVD and I can guarantee I will not be bored. I'm too busy trying to keep up.
I'm coming up on the end of week 4. That first week was the WORST! I was miserable and hungry all the time. It does get better though. Halfway through week 2 is where I came out of my funk. Now I don't get all the cravings that I did before. What helped me is I have basical a single menu for a day and I stick with it every…
I'm trying the Keto thing to cut. Carb intake is around 20g net carbs per day (plus or minus 2-3g). Honestly that is all I have been paying attention to lately. My calories are reduced as well, but I haven't paid too much attention to them. I've been on it for about 3.5 weeks now and I have noticed a change (more so that…
I have the BeachBody On Demand. The $99 for the year is a great deal as it gives you access to all their content. I use Body Beast for lifting and mainly Core De Force for cardio (awesome kickboxing routines). I love being able to mix and match the videos. P90x One on One is fun too as its bare bones Tony Horton!
I've cut mine off very rarely... I do keep it trimmed though.
If it works for him, then great! You can't deny he gets results. The guy is in great shape for an athlete his age. When your body is your job, you do whatever is necessary to maintain that.
I use Its free, and you can filter the workouts by time, calorie burn, target body area, type of workout, and equipment needed (nothing worse than getting part of the way through a workout and realizing hat you needed certain equipment).
most guys don't really want to log a 2 minute workout, so why bother. :p
Modern Country music... can't stand it musically or as a culture.
No kidding!! I have one of the TC Electronics B250 115's. Thank god that thing is light. I used to lug around an Acoustic Combo that was close to 100lbs. I don't miss that. Though my PA is still heavy. a couple 1x18 powered subs, some QSC K12's, and a PreSonus 16.4.2 in a flite case (that must weight over 100lbs). That…
And I just did a google search and came across this thread: Of course the top comment is a link to a MFP Calculator. I plugged in just my set times and came up with 650 calories burned. That is a hell of a workout to…
Hmmm.. I might have to look that up. Maybe I'll have to actually wear the damn HRM for a gig. Just to see what I come up with. We put on a decent show. Not the most energetic I have ever seen (I'll have to give that to Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters... He was a maniac on stage), but definitely not a "stand in one spot…