MarcieAvaJ Member


  • You are doing GREAT! I echo the loving and patient with yourself and your baby will feel the love too! I like your idea of measuring. For an added three measurements on your belly. 2" above the navel, at the navel, and 2" below. Low carb eating really tightens up your body and this is where the…
  • One day at a time....maybe one hour at a time. If a mirror sends you into self-judgment, just don't go there :) Replacement activity is so important....get a tool box full of "go-to's." Instead of eating, take a nap, take a walk, call or text a friend, come here and make friends!
  • These are all great strategies. I'm gluten free for 4 years (except for a rare event) and truly, after awhile you will not miss it at all. At first, your willpower and commitment will be tested, though. And then the craving dies once you no longer feed it. One thing I allow myself now if I feel I am crashing is a Panini…
  • There's a great book called "Crack the Fat Loss Code" by Wendy Chant, a body builder. Body builders know that to build muscle and keep your weight in check, you've got to eat protein (aka low carb, low sugar), and you've got to carb cycle, to keep the body slightly confused so it won't adapt and slow down metabolizing. She…
  • You got this! o:)
  • Hello! Would love to join in the conversation