cmeezy83 Member


  • Thanks maybe I'll weigh every day and see a trend. I only weigh myself thursdays @SueInAz thank you! I actually kept your earlier comment in mind (about the MMs
  • Thanks for all the help! Great advice
  • Well I tried it! I liked it just fine, pretty cardio heavy but fun and I definitely pushed myself. The kool-aid is pretty expensive for what it is and I'm not a huge fan of running on a treadmill so I dunno. Might not be my cup of tea
  • Lots of good info, thank you! I might re adjust my calories, I just feel like when I was eating more calories my weight loss stopped after 5-6 lbs. I'm still having my normal amount of caffeine (cup of coffee in the morning or early afternoon). I am eating a lot of the same foods so I'll look into that. I drink about 120…
  • Thanks for the replies! To try and answer a few questions I do have some hunger pangs, but if they dont go away after a bit I do have a snack. I feel like my sodium is probably fine, I eat salted nuts and add a little smoke salt to salads. But I do eat far less processed food so maybe I'm balancing out. I'm sleeping fine,…