Headaches galore!

First week back using MyFitnessPal and my calories are set at 1200 per day. I've been able to work within that range but I have headaches most of the day from afternoon till bedtime. I drink loads of water and it doesn't help and my macros are all balanced and my sugar is in a good range. Maybe I'm just detoxing? Anyone struggle with headaches? Nothing seems to help


  • Spook_Skywalker
    Spook_Skywalker Posts: 180 Member
    Are you getting hunger pains as well, or just headaches? If it's been consistent for longer than a week maybe try adding a little bit of calories.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Your electrolytes might be out of balance. If you are drinking more water and eating less processed foods or fast foods you are likely getting less sodium. Our bodies do need sodium.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited September 2016
    What foods and beverages did you cut out?

    You only have 32lbs until goal. 1200 may be far too aggressive for you. What is your height, age and activity level?
  • nope you arent detoxing anything.could be not enough food like some said or not enough sodium like another or even a combination of the 2. are you getting enough sleep?
  • cmeezy83
    cmeezy83 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the replies! To try and answer a few questions I do have some hunger pangs, but if they dont go away after a bit I do have a snack. I feel like my sodium is probably fine, I eat salted nuts and add a little smoke salt to salads. But I do eat far less processed food so maybe I'm balancing out. I'm sleeping fine, better than normal even. I still have my cup of coffee in the morning and I've tried excedrine/Motrin/Tylenol and nothing really addresses it.

    I'm 33, 5'9 and I'm on my feet for work. I try and do weights/cardio a few times a week and eat maybe half of the calories I burn working out (based on MyFitnessPal) and I don't really eat the calories from my steps. Last time I used all my calories from steps my weight loss stalled so I'm trying something different
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    How much water are you drinking?
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    As someone already said, 1200 calories may not be enough for you. I know when I need food. I get wicked migraines, and I will start to get one when I haven't eaten in a while. I don't know how long you have been working out, but could it be exertion headaches? That's very common in people when they workout.
    If everything is fine in those areas, go to your doctor. The onset of headaches can be a sign of something else.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You sound like you're pretty active in general being on your feet...1200 calories is generally a target for a rather sedentary individual...you don't sound sedentary...my guess is that you aren't feeding your body properly...your body needs energy (calories) to function properly.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Detoxing isn't a real thing so that's definitely not it. If you're getting enough sleep, haven't cut caffeine and are getting enough salt it's probably that your calories are too low. It does sound like you're a little more active than 1200 calories would cover. I'd highly suggest following MFP's calorie recommendation based on your activity level and be sure you aren't trying to lose weight too aggressively (2 pounds per week isn't feasible at anything less than 75 pounds to lose, for example). You can always adjust later, if needed.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Are you repeating the same meals over and over? It is possible that you may have a migraine trigger that doesn't bother you until you have too many servings/week. I have this issue with peanut butter--I can have it once or twice a week, but any more than that and I get terrible headaches.

    Other common migraine triggers include oranges, chocolate, red wine, aged cheeses, lunchmeats/preserved meats and soy sauce. Not everyone who has migraines reacts to every trigger.

    You might also want to google "migraine diet" or "low tyramine diet" for more suggestions.

    You didn't answer the question about caffeine--cutting that can be a big problem.
  • cmeezy83
    cmeezy83 Posts: 13 Member
    Lots of good info, thank you! I might re adjust my calories, I just feel like when I was eating more calories my weight loss stopped after 5-6 lbs. I'm still having my normal amount of caffeine (cup of coffee in the morning or early afternoon). I am eating a lot of the same foods so I'll look into that. I drink about 120 oz of water a day (more if I'm working or working out) and tea or coffee or a (naughty) Diet Coke here and there.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited September 2016
    cmeezy83 wrote: »
    Lots of good info, thank you! I might re adjust my calories, I just feel like when I was eating more calories my weight loss stopped after 5-6 lbs. I'm still having my normal amount of caffeine (cup of coffee in the morning or early afternoon). I am eating a lot of the same foods so I'll look into that. I drink about 120 oz of water a day (more if I'm working or working out) and tea or coffee or a (naughty) Diet Coke here and there.

    @cmeezy83 - cut down on the water. Unless you're sweating buckets each day you don't need so much. Drinking an excessive amount of water doesn't help with weight loss and can actually cause problems and in extreme cases, death. @queenliz99 has a good point that your headaches may come from flushing out too many electrolytes due to over-hydration. (And Diet Coke is only naughty if YOU think it is).
  • I had that same problem when I stopped coffee and caffeine
  • alvarezmilly2
    alvarezmilly2 Posts: 6 Member
    Ur calorie intake is prob too low. Good luck
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Are you doing low carb? That gives me a wicked headache!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    JenHuedy wrote: »
    Did you cut your caffeine? That will cause wicked headaches. You might want to wean yourself off gradually if that is the case. In the meantime - Excedrine is amazing.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited September 2016
    cmeezy83 wrote: »
    Lots of good info, thank you! I might re adjust my calories, I just feel like when I was eating more calories my weight loss stopped after 5-6 lbs. I'm still having my normal amount of caffeine (cup of coffee in the morning or early afternoon). I am eating a lot of the same foods so I'll look into that. I drink about 120 oz of water a day (more if I'm working or working out) and tea or coffee or a (naughty) Diet Coke here and there.

    As an aside, Diet Coke isn't naughty. It didn't steal the stereo out of your vehicle or rob an old lady in an alley. It's a calorie-free drink that many use to cut calories, helping them reach their goals. Don't sweat the diet soda.
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    cmeezy83 wrote: »
    I still have my cup of coffee in the morning and I've tried excedrine/Motrin/Tylenol and nothing really addresses it.

    Just throwing this out here. Some people who take over the counter pain meds like Excedrin, Motrin, etc. more than usual (more than 1-2 doses) will get a headache when it wears off -- so they take more meds to control the headache and get into a cycle. Google "rebound headache" to learn more. The only cure is to not take any meds when you have a headache. Wait it out and if it goes away and doesn't come back then you probably had a rebound headache.

    If the headaches don't away I would see a doctor. It could be something not related to your lifestyle changes.