silverspring47 Member


  • Hey! Balance it with other meals. Pay attn to ENTIRE day. Bring veg if u can. Sometimes I eat too much fat, so I balance it out by eating carbs and my proper protein. I am NOT dieting. I am NOT doing low carb. It had been soooooo strange to eat so many carbs and be okay with it! I follow the food guide. 50% carb, 20%…
  • 2 perfect nutrition days in a row!! So proud of myself!! It feels weird to eat so many carbs lol I've been anti carb for so long!! Yet the weight keeps coming off!!
  • True.. Often times I want instant gratification lol or I get frustrated n need to have my little freak out.... & I get bored n like chatting
  • This happened to me...first few days were HELL!! My body was NOT used to the calorie cut!!! Have some fruit or veg. Drinking water or tea will make u feel bloated and you will only wake up having to pee, and realizing you are starving!! If my hunger gets really bad, I may even have a piece of toast with laughing cow…
  • 50% fat is just too high...I wanna try to hit the nutritional standards set. I feel it is sort of a trial and error right now...I wasn't raised with healthy eating habits. My family raised me on restaurant food. So now, at 32, I am retraining myself. When I first started counting calories (about 8-9 yrs ago), I ha dno idea…
  • LOVE MINE!!!! Heart rate and steps are VERY accurate!! It needs to move or be taken off to prevent rashing. Battery needs to be charged about 2 times a week. It motivates me a lot!!! I highly recommend it!! I got mine used
  • Good point lovee ...which is why my fruits lowered my % yesterday. I'll do it again today... I may just need that..increase fruit and veg again. No harm in that!!
  • Yes, good point. I am much MUCH better than I was. Even allowed myself extreme weight gain to focus on what the REAL problems were :) I needed to not focus on my body (and accept gain), so I could focus on mental... now it's time to be completely healthy!!
  • Previously, my protein was insanely high. And wow was she right!!! I'd have my daily intake before breakfast was over LOL so I have reduced that. This will be the first time (in Jan) I can show her a great log (previously just did my own in paper. And used pictures) and can ask why my fat is high. I will eliminate the…
  • I have been trying to eat according to the Ontario Health Food Guide... So the rainbow guide. 2 meat/alternative, 2milk/alternative etc... But when I do that I go over in calories or in fat % ... May be best to wait a month and discuss with my nutritionist..see what kind of advice she has.
  • Yes, my nutritionist is aware of everything. We are working very well together to lose weight the healthy way this time :)
  • See...I only have 1/4 tbsp. And I keep it in its own small bowl and don't smear it on. I always have leftovers.
  • Pesto, I don't use much. 1 serving is 2tbsp, I use half a tbsp. And I have leftovers. But I count what I don't eat. I didn't build the bruschetta recipe either. I didn't use one. I just made bruschetta. That log may be off. It may account for more oil than I used. I don't want nor like oily bruschetta. Any time I can, I…
  • Having not watched this documentary... How do u feel about Negative Calories? I.e., an apple is 60, but takes your body 70 calories to properly digest it. So eating an apple = 10 calorie burn ... Just interested on your take
  • I LOVE wine!! Half my weight is from wine lol so, it had been hard to cut it out. But I have... Now, if I REALLY want's a treat...I will measure 6 oz, and include it in my calorie count. You can make a glass go further by adding soda or sparkling water.
  • Thx lol