High fat!?!



  • silverspring47
    silverspring47 Posts: 21 Member
    50% fat is just too high...I wanna try to hit the nutritional standards set.
    I feel it is sort of a trial and error right now...I wasn't raised with healthy eating habits. My family raised me on restaurant food. So now, at 32, I am retraining myself.
    When I first started counting calories (about 8-9 yrs ago), I ha dno idea what a calorie was. I didn't know how many = fat. And I thought my eating was healthy. I'd eat potato skins, ribs, fries, beer, and later a ton of wings. The wings I ate were my calorie consumption for a day!
    So...I went backwards. I started to diet, it went well...but I thought, "what would 500 calories or less do?" ...I lost drastically. Then my body rebelled and I binged & gained. Then I did it again. Lost 80lbs. Then I rebelled again. Then I maintained...unhappily. Then I got heartbroken by a guy and thought, "food doesn't hurt me. Food doesn't leave me. I am happy with food. Food makes me fat, and fat makes guys not hit on me!" ...so I gained. And I gained. And I gained. 70lbs. Once I hit 250 (lowest was 147)...I realized I had a problem. And I was always covering it with food.

    So!! Here I am!! I learned a lot as I gained. I know why I settled on losers. I want more out of life. I don't have to be fat to be happy. Lol (and honestly, I'm not any happier than I was 70lbs ago) It's time to retrain.

    When my nutritionist diet said 1/4 plate protein, 1/4 carb, 1/2 veggie...I figured that meant if I had half a plate of meat, I should have 1.5 of veg! Haha!! Hey..the ratio still worked!!!
  • tbilly20
    tbilly20 Posts: 154 Member
    Why on Earth are you listening to the people on this forum. Consult your nutritionist. You should not be taking advice here. You are going to get a bunch of mixed messages.
  • silverspring47
    silverspring47 Posts: 21 Member
    True.. Often times I want instant gratification lol or I get frustrated n need to have my little freak out.... & I get bored n like chatting
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I feel my day is GREAT...but here my protein is low, my carbs are low, my fat is 54%!?! Grr don't get it ...

    It has to add up to 100% so if you have two lows the third thing is going to be high.

    Low carb, moderate protein, high fat
    High carb, moderate protein, low fat

    if you prefer words to numbers
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    How on Earth is my fat % so high? Ugh!! Yesterday, I ate 4 pieces of fruit to lower my daily %...and today it appears I will have to do the same thing! And protein...no idea what I'll have yet...I swear this is so much work lol

    I went out for lunch with a friend..proudly ordered a salad, dressing on side, I drank water. I made the same salad for dinner, with my kale n quinoa patties. Breaky was toast, bruschetta, and eggs. I feel my day is GREAT...but here my protein is low, my carbs are low, my fat is 54%!?! Grr don't get it ...

    That's odd that you ate fruit to lower your fat % because you st
    yarwell wrote: »
    I feel my day is GREAT...but here my protein is low, my carbs are low, my fat is 54%!?! Grr don't get it ...

    It has to add up to 100% so if you have two lows the third thing is going to be high.

    Low carb, moderate protein, high fat
    High carb, moderate protein, low fat

    if you prefer words to numbers

  • silverspring47
    silverspring47 Posts: 21 Member
    2 perfect nutrition days in a row!! So proud of myself!! It feels weird to eat so many carbs lol I've been anti carb for so long!! Yet the weight keeps coming off!!