lesleykc Member


  • So I'm 3 weeks postpartum and have been wearing my Belly Bandit frequently, probably every day working from 1 hour to 6 hours. I very much recommend it!! It helps keep my posture in check, gave my wobbly tummy some much needed holding together and seemed to help the swelling go down faster than my last c-section. The…
  • My mini goal for the next month or so is to avoid my afternoon sugar hunt and replace that snack with something healthy. I find being just 2 weeks post partum right now that I'm more concerned about getting food into me (if I have an appetite at all, but that's another issue) rather than the healthiest choice I can make.
  • I bought a Belly Bandit online @NaiNai2045, they have a pretty good size calculator. I'm just wanting some support as I didn't even realize it was a thing for my last c section! No one even mentioned it to me. And holding a pillow over your tummy as a support when you sneeze or cough or even breathe was pretty terrible…
  • I'm going to be having a baby in about a week and will be looking for some friends to help keep me going too!!
  • Just found this board, about to have my second baby next week! Looking to add some friends to help me get back in shape
  • My MIL is watching our 2 year old daughter at our house (as well as taking care of our dogs!) but we had offers from my parents and my sister as well. I should add I'm having a scheduled c section so planning was easy. In the event I go early, my parents are on call because they live about 10 minutes away.
  • I'm almost at the end of my second (and last!) pregnancy and I'm going to be aiming to get to about 170 from my current pregnant state! I'd love some support too! Add me
  • Just like @ashliefisch mentioned above, the best thing you can do is convince yourself to get a little bit of movement in, even if you'd rather do absolutely anything else. All good advice above from @enterdanger too! Eat as soon as you get up in the AM and stay hydrated. I found my energy stayed up the more I moved, but I…
  • My daughter loves scrambled eggs and I can't stomach cooked eggs in any shape or form and she also loves apples, which I hate. I didn't get any weird cravings with my first daughter or with this pregnancy, so I'm grateful I didn't all of a sudden start wanting hard boiled eggs or something while pregnant!! I don't think…
  • I changed nothing for both my first and this pregnancy. With skin care, I have a routine I've been using for years (Clinique and Fresh products) and didn't want to make any drastic changes. I avoided retinol, but I wasn't really using it anyway. Same old deodorant and body wash and lotion. Added some specialty Mustela…
  • I know what you mean! The last few weeks my belly has really grown and everyone feels the need to mention it to me. (I'm nearly 33 weeks now). I know I shouldn't take it to heart, I'm pregnant after all and my belly will grow. I dislike that people talk about your body like you haven't witnessed it every minute since you…
  • We named our first daughter Ingrid and the girl we have on the way will either be Heidi, Lila, Rhiannon, Louisa or Damaris. We definitely have favorites in that list! We couldn't come up with a boy's name so I guess it's good we won't need it. I don't like the popular boy's names right now like Jayden, Kayden, Mason and…
  • I'm at 31 weeks now and my c section is officially August 24. I'm having trouble sleeping because it's been so hot in Calgary lately. Whoever thinks Canada is cold has it wrong, especially for us third trimester pregnant ladies!! The awful heartburn I had last time is making a comeback but I'm dealing. Lots of kicking and…
  • I lost 11 pounds since the start of January (when I was about 6 weeks along) and have gained it all back up to this point. So I guess I'm all even now, and I have 9 weeks left till my scheduled c section. My baby is growing totally normal and I'm measuring within range. I think it's fine to lose weight as long as you and…
  • I haven't been too tired up until now, and at 26 weeks, I'm really feeling like I'm slowing down. I'm in bed by 10 at the latest and have been trying to nap, but that doesn't always happen. Feel like I'm more tired if I am dehydrated.
    in Fatigue Comment by lesleykc May 2016
  • I'm 25 week and my c section is tentatively scheduled for August 24... So I can actually do a countdown now! Less than 100 days left of being pregnant! Lots of kicking from this little girl. I'm feeling pretty good overall! My husband and 1.5 YO daughter let me have a 3 hour (!!!) nap today and I was in heaven
  • I'll be there come September! I'll need some mama friends to give me a little support and motivation!
  • You're doing great, no matter what you've gained! ❤️ it's just too bad that people feel the need to comment and scrutinize pregnant bodies, just when you're at your most vulnerable and don't often feel the most attractive. Well I didn't at least! I am on pregnancy #2 and with my first I was often in tears over my "new"…
  • I'm 24 weeks here and I have my calories set to maintenance too. My first pregnancy I gained 25lbs and this one I'm down 5lbs from the start of pregnancy. I've been going to spin class about 3 times a week and I eat less than 2000 calories net a day. I definitely eat more on my workout days, I'm eating those calories back.…
  • I feel like I'm ready! I've been running after a 1.5 year old and it's not quite the relaxing pregnancy it was last time!
  • Me too!! I'm also expecting girl #2 and we can't think of a name that really hits us like our first daughter's name.
  • For my first pregnancy, I bought 2 pairs of maternity jeans and started wearing them at about 6-7 months. Never touched a maternity shirt as I didn't feel the need to. I bought lots of shirts that were a bit longer (Gap sells tall size shirts online and they're perfect!) I'm 20 weeks in my second pregnancy and I think I…
  • I can't believe how much hungrier I am this pregnancy over my last!! The past week or so I've had to try so hard not to eat EVERYTHING! Anyone else feeling the same way? Must be a growth spurt for the little one
  • Hi everyone! I'm due the last day of August with my second child. Have lost 11 lbs since start of January, mostly because I've been doing a lot of spin classes, but I am slowly starting to add on weight. Have been relying on MFP and Fitbit to keep track of everything. Was trying to get in shape before I knew I was pregnant…