bighamnegg2015 Member


  • Whoever started this one is a dodgy character and worth the watching .
  • Yes once I hit my target weight that's when I plan to really start exercising hard . I just want rid of this small layer of fat so that I can expose my abs and start to work them properly . I want that fight club physique and I mean to get it lol
  • That's terrific . I hope to keep it going myself . I'm looking to lose another 8lbs and then just maintain my weight . Can I ask you if that is easily done also ?
  • Thank you . No doubt the Christmas festivities will knock me back a few steps but I'm making plenty room beforehand so I have less to lose afterwards . I wish you success in all your endeavours also
  • Good for you for getting started again . The first step is the most important . Stay focused and I'm sure you will do well.
  • Personally I don't use any of these kick back calories that you get from linking up your step counter to the mfp app. I stick with the original calorie allowance and just ignore the extras. If I was to use those extras I would never lose any weight . Stay true to the plan and the weight falls off.
  • Good for you . Forward is the only way to move . I hope it all works out well for you
  • You can do it . Eat less and exercise more is the greatest weight loss advice . Little things like walking instead of driving all help towards the end result . Good luck
  • No matter how bad it is Or how bad it gets I'm going to make it Say that to your self every day Good luck and best wishes
  • Day 1 again ? Or a new journey on the road to success ? You can do it .
  • Eat less and exercise more is the best advice I've had . I cut out all sugar from my diet and ditched fast food etc . Dropped my calorie intake drastically and the weight started to fall off. You can do it . The best motivation for me is No matter how bad it is Or how bad it gets I'm going to make it . Say that to yourself…
  • You need to try to find something to occupy your free time and your mind so that you are not focus sing on food all the time . And if you are hoping to lose weight you are going to have to seriously reduce that calorie intake . Swapping processed food and fast food for fresh fruit and veg is a great start . I wish you well…
  • Good luck with your goals . Just find something that motivates you and you will do it . I used motivational speeches and a jacket that used to look good on me .