bevkidd1 Member


  • Weigh-in was today and I lost 3 pounds. I lost the 2 I gained the week before and 1 from this week. I am a total of 30 pounds down. This is my trigger weight so now I have to push through and keep going. I am ready to finish what i started. I have my goal in place and I intent to reach it. I need to really concentrate this…
  • How does this challenge work? I've never seen this before.
  • Going great so far. I am only 1 pound away from 30 down. That's where I usually lose the battle wit my journey. I have never made it past 30 pounds lost at any given time. I know I can/will do it this time. I have my goal to reach for. I have had some ups and downs on this journey already but I will not give in or give up.…
  • At least you are not on the yo-yo hype. I gain one week, the next week I lose all I gained the week before plus a little more, then I gain again. I don't understand it..
  • Food prep helps me a great deal. That way I am not buying out or racing in the morning to get something together for my day.
  • My shirts are starting to fit pretty lose. I can't wait to start buying smaller sizes. It helps me to have a partner to keep me on the straight path. My niece and I help keep each other accountable. I have been pretty motivated on my just helps to have someone looking out for you.
  • Well...the damage was done from Easter. I gained 4 pounds but I may have already lost that this week. I have to work extra hard because I have to lose the weight I gained last week plus try to lose weight for this week. I'm hoping I will do it. If not, then at least the 4 I gained last week. My goal of losing 50 pounds…
  • Holidays are so hard to get through without going off plan. I have no willpower when it comes to candy. UUGGHH!
  • I stayed the same weight again this week. Lost 5 lbs last week and stayed the same the week before. I am going to rejoin the gym at work with a friend so hopefully I can get into going all the time before my friend quits...and then i will have to mae myself go alone....thats the hard part.
  • Name: Bev Height: 5'8" Highest weight: 311 Goal weight: 155 -160 Starting weight: 297.4 Mar 4: 297 Mar 11: 296 Mar 18: 293 Mar 25: 293 Well, I stayed the same this week. I was very lucky to not have gained. I did horrible. Back on track over the weekend though so hopefully next week I do better. More water and movement is…
  • Name: Bev Height: 5'8" Highest weight: 311 Goal weight: 155 -160 Starting weight: 297.4 Mar 4: 297 Mar 11: 296 Mar 18: 293 Still going strong. I can do this! Have a great week everybody!
  • Name: Bev Height: 5'8" Highest weight: 311 (Jan 21st weigh-in) Goal weight: 155 -160 Starting weight: 297.4 Mar 4: 297 Mar 11: 296 It's a loss so I will take it! But I must do better if I want to be 50 pounds down by August. I am determined to accomplish my goal.
  • My new goal to reach is 50 pounds lost by august when i go on vacation to visit my cousins who i have not seen in many years. I am so excited i can't even begin to tell you. So I've been really focusing on my food intake and trying to exercise whenever i can. I am 15 pounds down right now from when I started Jan 28th and I…
  • I am continuing to lose weight each week. I hope I can keep it up. Had a really bad week where I gained 6 lbs back but got right back on track and lost all 6 the following week. Then last week only lost .6. I was very disappoinyed in myself for not doing better last week foodwise. My choices were not good ones. This week…
  • I cannot find the group
  • Name: Bev Height: 5'8" Highest weight: 311 (Jan 21st weigh-in) Goal weight: 155 -160 Starting weight: 297.4 Feb 4: 298 Feb11: 304 Feb 18: 298 Feb 25: 297.4 Loss for week - .6 Loss for month 13.6 Well I didn't hit my goal of 20 poinds lost this month but I fell a few times from doing the "healty" living. I got back up,…
  • Name: Bev Height: 5'8 Highest weight: 311 (Jan 21st weigh in) Feb beg. weight: 301 (Jan 28th weigh in) Goal weight: 155-160 Feb 4: 298 Feb 11: 304 Feb 18: 298 Total for month: 13 (from jan 21 - today feb 18) 13 pound loss I know my month actually started in January but that's when I started with Valley Medical Weight Loss…
  • Starting the next week off right. Prepared meals for the next week and have most of them separated into one serving bowls. Made steamed tilapia with veggies and quinoa for dinner. Mowed my lawn today and also went shopping before coming home to do my laundry and meal prep for the week. It is 7:30 right now and I am just…
  • Name: Bev Height: 5'8 Highest weight: 311 Goal weight: 155-160 Feb 4: 288 Feb 11: 294 I definitely messed up this entire week. I did not eat right and did not get much exercise and didn't drink my water. I will have to do a lot better in order to lose what I want to lose. I tend to be very hard on myself an I'm trying to…
  • Name: Bev Height: 5' 9 Heaviest: 311 Goal: 155 - 160 Starting: Feb: 301 Feb goal: 291 Feb 4: 288 Another 3 pounds down this week. I sure hope this continues. I am really happy with my progress. My niece and I are on this journey together, she also lost 3 lbs this week. I am even more motivated! Have a good week everyone!
  • Hello! I am also starting over after the last couole months. I gained all but 1 pound back after losing 33 pounds. I am back on track again and lost 10 pounds my first week. I know that will not continue to be the case every week but I am confident I will continue to lose. You can add me as a friend if you like and we can…
  • Name: Bev Height: 5'9" Highest: 311 Goal: 155 -160 Starting Feb: 301 Feb goal: 291 Feb 4: I have been absent from the boards completely over the last month and a half or so. I have started really watching what I eat and I go to Valley Medical Weightloss every Saturday to be weighed. It is diet pills prescribed by a doctor.…
  • You can add me as a friend if you like, the more friends you have, the more support you have!
  • Ok..started going to Valley Medical Weightloss last week and I know it being my first week I was going to lose a bit of weight, but I did not expect what I lost. I lost 10 pounds! I am so excited about that. Now I know that result will not happen every week but for now I am elated. I have been eating right and getting as…
  • Maybe the three of us could do this. I am also coming back from a long hiatus which brought all of my weight back. Let me know if you are still interested.
  • I know how you feel. I start feeling overwhelmed and that's when I stop trying, and before I get back at it, I gain every pound back. That's where I am right now, back at the beginning. The key is to not stop working at it. This group is the best when it comes to support and inspiration. I have leaned on them many times in…
  • Hello all: Decided I needed to start keeping myself accountable again so I'm back. I was using my food issues as an excuse to not do anything. I have been following Dr. Oz's Day Off Diet for a week and it's pretty easy to follw, I really like it. I have pretty much gained all my weight back, but it will come off again. I'm…
  • I, too have taken a little time off. However, I have gained most of my weight back so I will be starting over. :( However I have recommitted to myself and I'm off and running! Have a great day everyone!
  • I have been MIA myself. Still working with my doc on my stomach issues. It is really hard to plan meals and eat healthy when you don't know how a fiod item is going to affect you. One time I could be ok and the next time that same food could give you pain. I never know how a food is going to affect me and that's horrible.…