MBentley79 Member


  • I have never looked into a paleo diet. I will now. Thanks.
  • Thanks! I did great for 3 days then made chili with what j thought was all gluten free. I must've had a spice that wasn't GF because I spent time in the bathroom, was so bloated I was gonna pop, and heartburn. Never again. I can't believe I used to live like that every day! Wow! I can see a difference now.
  • I have a suggestion for you, something you can try. I drink 2 tsps of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar a day. I drink the Braggs brand and pour it in my glass of orange juice. Drink with a straw. My blood pressure was never too high but been close to borderline high and it's been lower and a very healthy range since…
  • Same here. Sick of trying year after year only to gain and not lose. I need to lose about 120 also. I'm in line for gastric bypass but I'm fighting to lose beforehand so I won't need surgery. Welcome!
  • Thanks everyone! I've had a rough couple days. The holidays got me!! Getting back on track. I've tried green tea and don't like citrus but if I slowly add it to my diet I can and will adjust to the taste. I've already done it with apple cider vinegar. I can hardly taste it now.
  • Thank you! I'm truly clueless in all aspects. I have quite a few friends who had the surgery and all said they would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm nervous and excited at the same time because I haven't been thin since the 3rd grade! What will it be like??? Wow! And thank you for reminding me that surgery is a tool…
  • I'm actually going through the process for surgery now. Bariatric. And I don't want to. I thought I was just seeing a great nutritionist but turns out it's for surgery. I'm going through the process for now though because it's actually motivating me to try harder myself rather than go through surgery and the change…
    in Hey Comment by MBentley79 December 2015
  • We are in this journey together. The way I look at it is if I fail I start over regardless of how many times, even in the same day. DON'T GIVE UP! I've been trying to lose weight for years but nothing ever stuck. I did it all for the wrong reasons. Now I'm doing it for me. And I've only just begun. I started this app on…
    in Hey Comment by MBentley79 December 2015